You know me перевод на испанский
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Well, not feeling very magnificent these days. Not lately, you know.
No me siento muy magnífico últimamente, ¿ entiendes?
You know, I had a chance to taste the cupcakes in the back. And I'd like to reveal my winner with one last trick.
Tuve la oportunidad de probar los cupcakes atrás y me gustaría revelar al ganador con un último truco.
Wait, are you trying to tell me that you're... you know?
¿ Intentas decirme que eres... ya sabes?
- No. I don't know why you keep asking me that.
No sé por qué me sigues preguntando eso.
See, that's the thing about Sandra Bland, you know? It's like, she reminded me so much of myself.
Lo de Sandra Bland me recordó mucho a mí misma.
- You know what?
No me gusta mucho toda esta cuestión del lesbianismo.
- You know how I do.
- Me conoces.
Just let me know if you'd like to switch over to a private channel.
Avísenme si prefieren un canal privado.
You know, it's great schedule.
Me gusta el horario.
You know, my... my producer talked to me during the break, and he told me some very interesting breaking news that I would be remiss if I didn't bring up right now, Jeff.
Hablé con mi productor durante el corte. Me contó una primicia muy interesante que debo compartir con todos, Jeff.
It's just... these last couple days, and then meeting Louie, it's got me spinning, you know?
Es solo que... estos últimos par de días y luego conocer a Louie, me tiene dando vueltas, ¿ saben?
I didn't know if you would forgive me.
No sabía si ibas a perdonarme.
I know you didn't mean to hurt me.
Sí, sé que no pretendías herirme.
Do you know how I became an orphan?
¿ Sabes cómo me volví huérfana?
'Cause I've been working out, you know, I want in.
Porque he estado entrenando. Me gustaría entrar.
Just make sure you let me know, and Trish better not find out.
Solo asegúrate de avisarme y más te vale que Trish no se entere.
I would ask how you're doing, but we both know how that goes.
Me gustaría saber cómo estás, pero ambos ya lo sabemos.
I don't like these budget cuts any more than you do, but I want you to know I'm in this with you.
A mí tampoco me entusiasman los recortes en el presupuesto, pero quiero que sepáis que estoy con vosotros.
I don't know if I ever told you this, but when I was kid, I fell into a well.
No sé si te he contado esto, pero cuando era niño me caí en un pozo.
Well, thank you for letting me know, and I, for one, am thrilled.
Bueno, gracias por dejarme saber, y yo, por mi parte, estoy emocionada.
You know how easily I blister.
Ya sabes cómo me salen ampollas fácilmente.
They're nice people... like, you know... me.
Son buenas personas como, ya sabes... yo.
I know you want me to open up, but I really think I'd rather be distracted, and this seems like an excellent distraction from... you know, the thing that I would like to be distracted from.
Sé que quieres que me abra pero realmente creo que prefiero distraerme y esto parece una excelente distracción de la cosa que me gustaría estar distraída.
And if you, uh, really know how to get Agrabah back, then maybe somebody there can help me.
Y si realmente sabes cómo recuperar Agrabah, entonces tal vez alguien pueda ayudarme.
I don't know if you can hear me, but...
No sé si puedes escucharme pero estoy tratando de volver a casa contigo
You know you can still talk to me about Coach Jones, right?
Sabes que puedes hablar conmigo sobre el entrenador Jones, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, and you messed it up, so you want me to keep you on this, tell me everything that I need to know.
Sí y la has jodido así que si quieres seguir en esto, dime todo lo que necesito saber.
- Let me know if you see anything.
- Avísame si ves algo.
You know, sometimes I look at you, and I feel like you've maybe never had a carefree day in your whole life.
A veces te miro y me parece que quizás nunca hayas tenido un día sin preocupaciones en tu vida.
You know, one morning, you'll surprise me and say good morning back and I'll probably have a heart attack.
Cualquier mañana me sorprenderá diciéndome buenos días y puede que tenga un ataque al corazón.
- I hope you're not going to ask me if I know who he is, Maigret.
Espero que no me pregunte si sé quién es, Maigret.
But I won't know him and I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you how my brother knew him either.
Pero no lo conozco y me temo que no podré decirle cómo lo conoció mi hermano.
If you know more, Else, you should tell me before she gets here.
Si usted sabe más, Else, debería decírmelo antes de que llegue.
He turned up for a bit and was a religious pain in the arse, if you know what I mean.
Apareció por una temporada y era un coñazo religioso, si sabes a lo que me refiero.
Do you really want to know, or are you just asking because we're gonna be on a plane for a while and you think you should make small talk?
¿ Realmente lo quieres saber o solo me preguntas porque estaremos en el avión por un buen rato y piensas que debes hacer algo de conversación?
I know I crap on you a lot, but sometimes, when I'm driving, I think about stuff you say and I laugh.
Sé que te jodo mucho, pero algunas veces cuando conduzco, pienso en las cosas que dices y me rio.
- You know that's still me, right?
- Sabes que sigo siendo yo, ¿ verdad?
You should know, you might find yourself... Attracted to me.
Deberías saberlo, puede que te sientas... atraída hacia mí.
Do not tell me that you don't know what's been going on at this hotel.
No me digas que no sabes lo que está pasando en este hotel.
I know you can hear me. You bitch!
¡ Sé que puedes escucharme, perra!
No disrespect, but I know you created me. And I have no interest in being part of your collection.
Con el debido respeto, pero sé que usted me creó y no me interesa ser parte de su colección
But, you know, God bless Don Catlin, because he told me that he knew this guy...
Pero que Dios bendiga a Don Catlin, porque me dijo que conocía a un tipo...
I don't know what you want me to do with that.
No sé qué quieres que haga con eso.
- Do you know that I am now moving with a security man? - I mean... Security guard.
¿ Sabes que ahora me muevo con un guardia de seguridad?
You know who I mean.
Sabes a quién me refiero.
It's just this weird love and excitement and, you know, geeking out about certain details of space exploration.
Siento amor y me emociona... Me gusta hablar sobre los detalles de la exploración espacial.
You know, being impressed and excited by it.
Me impresiona y me emociona.
So I went to Space Camp in the summer of 1995 and it was, you know, definitely a life changing experience.
Así que fui al campamento espacial en el verano de 1995 y definitivamente fue una experiencia que me cambió la vida.
Honestly, you know, like so many things, being here helped open the path for me to do things that I really wanted to do, to be, you know, the engineer that I am today, to work with the amazing team of people that I get to work with.
La verdad es que, como tantas otras cosas, esto me ayudó a abrirme camino para hacer las cosas quería hacer, para ser el ingeniero que soy hoy, para trabajar en un equipo increíble.
Course, this wasn't my original hand, as you know. Kind of bugs me. I won this in a game of...
Por supuesto, esta no era mi mano original, como sabes, gané esto en un juego de...
I know that you got your bro code and all, but you and me... we go way back.
Sé que tienen su código de hermanos y todo eso, pero tú y yo... nos conocemos desde antes.
you know me too well 26
you know me so well 54
you know me better than that 59
you know me well 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me so well 54
you know me better than that 59
you know me well 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know that i love you 32
you know what they say 484
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know it 920
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619
you know what they say 484
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know it 920
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619