You pigs перевод на испанский
1,045 параллельный перевод
Stop it, you pigs!
¡ Parad ya, cochinos!
You'll never find me! Die, you pigs!
You pigs!
¡ Cerdos!
Hey, you pigs!
¡ Eh, cerdos! .
( WOMAN ) You pigs!
I'll get you, pigs!
¡ Os agarraré, cerdos!
We will pay you these coins, and our pigs, we have two of them, and a goat...
Os daré estas monedas, y nuestros cerdos... tenemos dos y una cabra...
He wouldn't eat it, but he expressed a desire for pigs'feet. Can you find some?
No se lo ha querido comer, pero desea comerse una pata de cerdo.
Brother pigs, the Lord has placed you on my path to help me.
El Señor os ha puesto en mi camino para socorrerme.
And you two clean the pen, feed the pigs. Right over there.
Ustedes dos limpien el corralito, y alimenten a los cerdos.
This is pigs'food, out of bed and make coffee, I'll give you a kiss...
Esta comida es para cerdos, sal de la cama y haz café, te daré un beso...
You'd eat with pigs if they paid you.
¡ Vamos! ¡ Compórtese, Sorel!
I told you once before that I'm not going to stand by any more and watch humans being turned into guinea pigs.
Ya le dije que no toleraré que se usen seres humanos como cobayas.
And guinea pigs, but if you and Phil are worried about the welfare of a certain Vermont innkeeper, uou needn't be.
Si tu y Phil estais preocupados por el bienestar de un cierto hostelero de Vermont, no hace falta.
About as many as you have pigs, I imagine.
Tantas como cerdos tienes tú, imagino.
At that price I would only give you the girl who takes care of my pigs!
¡ A ese precio solo puedo darte la moza que cuida de mis cerdos!
Look how messy you've gotten. Were you playing pigs?
Mira cómo te has puesto. ¿ Jugabas a los marranos?
Would you like to live on a large ranch... where there are horses and cows, chickens and pigs, and lots of fruit?
¿ Te gustaría vivir en un rancho muy grande donde hay caballos y vacas, gallinas y puercos, y mucha fruta?
You never hear of anyone running'off pigs, I bet you!
¡ Nunca oirás de nadie que robe cerdos!
- Me? You can only drive pigs.
- Tú no sabes nada, solo sabes conducir a los cerdos.
You know what the public's like, a cage full of guinea pigs.
El público es como conejillos de Indias.
Why should / slave for filthy pigs like you?
¿ A quién? ¿ Yo debo trabajar para alimentar cerdos sucios como tú?
While other pilots keep dogs, falcons, pigs as pets, you have a pet lion cub.
Mientras otros pilotos tienen perros, halcones y cerdos como mascota, su mascota es un cachorro de león.
Pigs! You got me drunk!
¡ Cretinos, habéis hecho que me emborrache!
You don't look as if you like the pigs.
Parece que no te gustan los guardias.
Both of you are two pigs!
Era una sorpresa.
What about those pigs you hid?
¿ Y esos cerdos que habéis escondido?
Didn't you know those pigs were here?
¿ No sabías que había cerdos?
Those pigs! You know, they could have killed us?
Esos cerdos. ¿ Sabe que pudieron matarnos?
In the country, before discussing serious matters, you have to talk about rabbits and pigs.
En el campo, para llegar a algo serio, hay que hablar de conejos y cerdos.
Do you not, in your own work, make use of what you call guinea pigs?
¿ Usted no usa en su propio trabajo lo que ustedes llaman conejillos de indias?
I mean, remember last year when you... when we had the pigs?
Es decir, recuerdas el año pasado?
You feed its acorns to the pigs, but what about the wood?
¿ pero que van a hacer con la madera?
A plan worthy of pigs like you.
Un plan digno de cerdos como ustedes.
You remember, Papa, the ice pond on Harker's estate is right next to the farm, and you remember Shaughnessy keeps pigs.
Sabes que el estanque de hielo de Harker está cerca de la granja.
Then you've gotta use language and methods that hogs and pigs understand.
Hay que utilizar lenguaje y métodos que los cerdos entiendan.
We've got ten men gonna tie themselves in knots trying to catch the fastest pigs you've ever seen.
Tenemos a diez hombres que acabarán enredándose intentando atrapar a los cerdos más rápidos que hayan visto.
- You got the pigs ready? - You bet.
- ¿ Los cerdos están preparados?
You see, he's gone to Jackson about some... pigs he's going to buy.
Resulta que ha ido a Jackson para ver unos cerdos que piensa comprar.
I'm not dealing with pigs like you.
No negocio con cerdos como tú.
I'm telling you again that send the pigs to one of my driver is not my style.
Te repito que poner una denuncia, o echarles la poli encima a mis conductores, no me va.
I forgive you, pigs.
Os perdono, cerdos.
Citizen Colbert really knows how to make pigs like you talk.
El ciudadano Colbert sabe bien como hacer hablar a los puercos como tú.
Get away from here, you filthy pigs!
¡ Largo de aquí!
You know, real pigs.
Ya sabes, cerdos de verdad.
You don't know what pigs they are.
No te imaginas lo cerdos que son.
You spend too much time with pigs.
Pasas demasiado tiempo con los cerdos.
You pigs!
Mr. RiddIer, will you tell Mr. Quetch to fetch the five guinea pigs?
Sr. Riddler, ¿ le dice al Sr. Quetch que traiga los cinco conejillos de indias?
When you meet those pigs at the Red Candle at Changsha, the doc's a man's best friend.
Con las rameras que hay en La Vela Roja de Changsha, el doctor es insustituible.
You vile pigs!
Puercos villanos!
pigs 162
you piece of shit 340
you pussy 73
you play chess 16
you piss me off 51
you perv 30
you poor thing 253
you pick it up 19
you pervert 102
you pick 52
you piece of shit 340
you pussy 73
you play chess 16
you piss me off 51
you perv 30
you poor thing 253
you pick it up 19
you pervert 102
you pick 52
you passed 89
you promise me 56
you passed the test 28
you prick 174
you played me 45
you pig 158
you probably don't remember me 30
you pay 85
you promised 545
you promised me 194
you promise me 56
you passed the test 28
you prick 174
you played me 45
you pig 158
you probably don't remember me 30
you pay 85
you promised 545
you promised me 194
you pay me 20
you piece of crap 17
you punk 159
you poor baby 27
you put 39
you passed out 52
you play your cards right 34
you poor dear 20
you play 111
you promise 330
you piece of crap 17
you punk 159
you poor baby 27
you put 39
you passed out 52
you play your cards right 34
you poor dear 20
you play 111
you promise 330