And drink перевод на французский
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You can stay here at Illyrio's palace and drink yourself to death, or you can ride with me to Meereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen, and decide if the world is worth fighting for.
Vous pouvez rester au palais d'Illyrio, et boire jusqu'à la mort, ou m'accompagner à Meereen, rencontrer Daenerys Targaryen, et décider si ce monde vaut la peine qu'on se batte pour lui.
and drink to victory over my abusers.
et buvons à la victoire sur mes agresseurs.
And there, there we shall meet again, and fight and drink and...
Et là, nous nous rencontrerons à nouveau, nous nous battrons et boirons et...
"Swim And Drink Wine" race, and we're not judging here.
"Nager et boire du vin", donc on ne dira rien ici non plus.
... boil them in water and drink it... you'll be fine... l-low do you know..'?
Faites-les bouillir et buvez à la soif. Vous irez mieux. Comment le savez-vous?
Provocation is food and drink to me.
La provocation m'est boisson et nourriture.
Come and drink it before it gets a skin.
Viens le boire avant que la peau ne se forme.
I'm sure they'll be better when they realize they can just stand around and drink all night. - Oh.
Ça ira mieux quand ils réaliseront qu'ils vont pouvoir boire toute la nuit.
Oh, man, they got class and style and buns to die for, and they do cool stuff like go to art galleries and spin class and drink mojitos.
Elles ont de la classe, du style, et des fesses à se damner, et elles font de super trucs, comme aller voir des expos, du sport et voire des mojitos.
"Pick the bottle and drink the liquor."
Prends la bouteille et bois le whiskey.
Okay, and then we're gonna get there but we're going to be a little early for the show so, we're gonna decide to go across the street and grab a drink at the new hotel.
Ok, et aprés on iras mais la on est en avance pour le film donc on fait un crochet au nouvel hôtel pour prendre un verre.
I told them all I drink it myself and really like it.
Je leur ai tous dit que j'en bois moi même et que j'adore ça.
It's been well sugared and I want you to drink it all.
Il est bien sucré et je veux que le buviez en entier.
But he tells me the Bishop is teetotal and rather passionate about it, so don't let him know how much you like a drink!
Mais il dit que l'évèque est abstinent et plutôt passionné de cela, donc ne le laisse pas savoir combien tu aimes prendre un verre!
There's nothing to eat or drink here, and Lex's crew could return to finish them off.
Il n'y a rien à boire ni à manger. L'équipe de Lex pourrait revenir les achever.
Let's go and have a drink somewhere with fewer rowdy Finns.
Partons d'ici.
Can we blow off Craigslist Maggie and go get a drink already?
On peut envoyer bouler Maggie Craiglist et enfin aller boire un verre?
I don't want to go to jail over here. We've got about 10 seconds to drink everything and then eat the bottles.
On a 10 secondes pour tout boire et avaler les bouteilles.
- Go in and get a drink, and then sign up, though.
- Vas-y, va voir un verre et va t'inscrire.
Put the drink down and look at me in the eyes.
Pose ce verre et regarde-moi dans les yeux.
Homicide is an energy drink, and "power" means energy.
Homicide est une boisson énergisante, et énergisante veut dire énergie.
And that I doubted whether anyone in that hall could drink as much as me.
Et que je doutais que quiconque dans ce couloir puisse boire autant que moi.
Many here trade with the Franks, and we still drink their wine.
Beaucoup de gens d'ici font affaire avec les Francs. Nous buvons toujours leur vin.
"Drink the wine, praise the Lord of all, " and let the world be the world. " That's what I say!
"Buvez le vin, faites des louanges à votre Dieu, et laissez le monde etre ce qu'il est." C'est ce que je dis!
I went down to have a drink and I felt dizzy.
- Je suis descendue pour boire et j'ai eu un malaise.
That bitter Nilgiris stuff he likes to drink and complain about.
Cette variété amère des Nilgris qu'il aime boire et critiquer.
Someone appears out of the blue, and drops something in his drink?
Quelqu'un débarque par hasard et verse un truc dans son verre?
And then we'll have a drink later.
On en parle autour d'un verre.
One drink and then you go home.
Un verre et tu rentres.
Have a quick bath and come back for a drink.
Prends ta douche et viens boire un coup.
He'll just talk your ear off and not even pay for your drink.
Il va seulement te parler à l'oreille et il ne paiera même ta boisson.
I will sit here and enjoy my drink until I see the right guy.
Je vais m'asseoir ici et je profite de mon verre jusqu'à ce que je vois un brave gars.
We couldn't stay long, because they had an exam, but we had a drink, we had lunch and celebrated...
Ils avaient un examen, pas trop de temps ensemble! Mais on a bu, déjeuné, et fêté un peu!
I was hoping we could grab lunch or a drink and catch up.
On pourrait se voir autour d'un repas ou d'un verre.
You say the phrase "never have I ever" and then something crazy... and anybody that's done it has to drink.
Vous dites que l'expression "je n'ai jamais jamais", puis quelque chose de fou... et tout le monde qui est fait, il doit boire.
cou | d've died... it was my marriage anniversary why did he have to drink and dance?
Tu aurais pu mourir. C'était mon anniversaire de mariage... Il s'est mis à boire et à danser.
So hey, um, my parents do this thing every fall where they invite a bunch of friends over to drink cider and carve pumpkins in the backyard.
Mes parents font ce truc chaque automne où ils invitent une bande d'amis à boire un verre de cidre et à sculpter des citrouilles dans le jardin.
And that's why we drink Campfire Gold instant coffee.
C'est pourquoi nous buvons "Campfire Gold instant coffee."
So, like, normally, this is the moment where I would pound my drink and then smash it against the wall, but I'm kind of at a loss here.
D'habitude, c'est le moment où je bois un verre avant de le balancer contre le mur, mais c'est peine perdue ici.
Then we went into the bathroom to drink, - and crazy girls in these crazy dresses... - [Chuckles]... about to pound a giant bag of wine, and I saw myself in the mirror...
Et puis on est allées boire aux toilettes, deux folles dans leurs robes de folies... sur le point de siffler un sac géant de vin, et je me suis vue dans le miroir...
I didn't force her to drink blood and betray everything she holds dear.
Je ne l'ai pas forcé à boire du sang et à trahir tout ce à quoi elle tenait.
Drink and hopefully blow off a little steam.
Boire et espérons le nous permettre de se défouler un peu.
Okay, so I went over it and over it in my mind, and there's just no way you could have known about that guy from Lollapalooza unless I got drunk and told you, and you can't drink when you're on Tetracycline.
Ok, donc j'ai réfléchis encore et encore et c'est juste pas possible que tu ais pu savoir à propos du gars de Lollapalooza a moins d'être ivre et te l'avoir dit, mais on peut pas boire quand on prend du Tetracycline.
One drink, and if you are hating the experience, we can leave.
Et si ça ne te plaît pas, on s'en va après.
Do you wanna go there and... have another drink?
Tu viens boire un dernier verre?
But the truth is you're avoiding each other because it only took that one drink for you realize you don't have anything in common. And all you got was a reminder of the time you spent in this fucking hellhole.
Alors qu'en vérité, vous vous éviterez, car il n'aura fallu qu'un verre pour réaliser que vous n'avez rien en commun, et que de vous voir, ça vous a rappelé le temps passé dans ce trou merdique.
Norma, put the drink in first and then the sandwich.
Mets la boisson avant le sandwich.
Maybe I'll drink that... that... that Mexican diarrhea tea that the fat chicolos make, and I'll be too sick to work.
Peut-être que je peux boire le thé qui file la diarrhée de la grosse chicolos et me faire porter pâle.
Cops drink diarrhea milkshakes and then poop double diarrhea.
La police boit des laits frappés à la diarrhée et chie en doublé.
If Prakash would drink daily and hit my aunt. My aunt would be crying and want to go to her mother's house, that's development.
Si Prakash buvait et frappait ma tante, et qu'elle pleurait pour retourner chez ses parents, là, ça serait du progrès.
... and wash my hands why should I drink tea in your name?
Pourquoi je boirais ton thé moisi?
and drinking 16
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking wine 19
drinking beer 18
drink some water 60
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking wine 19
drinking beer 18
drink some water 60
drink your drink 16
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it 243
drink the water 19
drinks on me 39
drink with me 19
drink up 432
drinks are on me 60
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it up 21
and daddy 20
and dangerous 40
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and drunk 16
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and down here 16
and daddy 20
and dangerous 40
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and drunk 16
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and down here 16
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and david 20
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and david 20
and don't 39
and dinner 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did she 20