And mean перевод на французский
31,433 параллельный перевод
I mean, first he retires, and now it's this camping thing.
Il prend sa retraite, et maintenant cette histoire de camping.
I mean it, and I'm gonna keep saying it.
Je le pense, et je vais le répéter.
I mean, if it was her and she was... craving something that she couldn't have,
Si c'était elle et qu'elle espérait quelque chose qu'elle ne pouvait pas avoir,
I mean, I'm gonna leave now, and, you know, if I catch a break or two, we could be ready by tonight.
Je vais partir maintenant, et si je trouve le temps, on peut être prêtes pour ce soir.
I mean, yeah, you know, we were long distance and shit, but you never took me serious.
On vivait pas à côté, mais t'as jamais rien envisagé avec moi.
They're going to bounce this case to Major Crimes unless we can turn up something to connect this to Lydia Spring, and I mean soon.
Ils vont donner le dossier à la Criminelle sauf si on arrive à relier ça à Lydia Spring, et vite.
But you will investigate, even if you don't mean to, and you will be compensated, even if you haven't technically earned it.
Mais vous allez enquêter, même si vous n'en avez pas l'intention, et vous serez rémunéré, même si vous ne l'avez pas mérité.
I mean, that Gordon Rimmer guy, like, rebelled, and then at the same time, Patrick Spring, like, shows up from the past, and, like, annihilates everybody.
Gordon Rimmer s'est rebellé, et au même moment, Patrick Spring arrive du passé et anéantit tout le monde.
I mean, two weeks ago, you were a 33-year-old hotel bellhop with no money and no friends who spent all of his time lying to me.
Il y a deux semaines, tu étais un porteur de 33 ans sans argent ni amis qui passait son temps à me mentir.
I mean, surely, her disappearance and his murder - shortly thereafter- -
Sa disparition et son meurtre, peu après...
I mean, you could just walk away, - take whatever Spring paid you and- -
Tu pourrais partir avec l'argent donné par Spring.
I mean, I don't know the words of songs and stuff, but then I turn on the radio, and you know the words of the songs he's going to sing... you know?
Moi, je ne connais pas les paroles, mais j'allume la radio et toi, tu connais les paroles qu'il va chanter.
Look, I-I mean, these guys are dangerous, and if it's just, like, some kind of...
Je veux dire, ces types sont dangereux et si c'est juste un genre de...
I mean, if you follow it all the way through, you gotta tell me, you gotta help me, and you gotta confirm or deny whether it's accurate,'cause... right now I feel like I'm losing my mind a little.
Tu dois confirmer ou nier son exactitude. J'ai l'impression de perdre un peu la tête.
And I mean... It was...
Et... c'était...
I mean, to be honest, I didn't even know if I was gonna see you again, and then you turn up on my doorstep like...
Pour être honnête, je ne savais pas si je te reverrai un jour, et puis tu es apparu à ma porte comme...
I didn't mean to do it, and it just happened. And I didn't do it on purpose.
C'était pas prévu, c'est arrivé comme ça...
I mean, I had never done anything like this before, and I knew afterwards it wasn't for me.
C'était la première fois que je faisais ça et là, j'ai su que c'était pas mon truc.
I mean, they're all XXXL, but still free, and a company credit card, I think.
Ils ont que du XXXL, mais c'est gratos. Et une carte de crédit pro.
I mean, I'm way more ahead in developing than they are, and they're an actual company.
Je veux dire... Je suis largement en avance sur leur boîte.
And so, what does that mean?
Tu veux dire quoi par là?
Like... But, I mean, maybe'cause, you know, the stuff that you went through with Jared, and even that lawyer nigga, like, maybe it could help.
Peut-être que... parler à quelqu'un de tes histoires avec Jared et l'autre avocat te ferait du bien.
Um, you know, and depending on the dressing, I mean, that's- -
Um, tu sais, et ça dépend du dressage, je veux dire, c'est...
I mean, between five and six o'clock, we're just gonna... we're gonna cruise, and eight o'clock, we're gonna scramble.
Je veux dire, entre cinq et six heures, on va simplement... on va être en croisière, et huit heures, on va s'embrouiller.
I mean, who is she and what is she doing?
Je veux dire, qui est-elle et que fait-elle?
I mean, it was something totally new in an environment where we have hundreds of Indian restaurants and all of them more or less the same.
Je veux dire, c'était quelque chose de totlement nouveau dans un environnement où on a des centaines de restaurants indiens et tous plus ou moins les mêmes.
I mean, they went in with the weight of the universe on their shoulders, and they came out free and clear.
Ils rentrent là-dedans avec le poids de l'univers sur leurs épaules, et en sortent libres et purifiés.
I mean, there was explosions and fire, and suddenly I'm staring at a dozen wounded people.
Tu vois, il y avait des explosions, et du feu, en soudain je me vois avec une douzaine de blessés.
And, I mean, I-I could have saved her.
J'estime que j'aurais pu la sauver.
That must mean their clones were terminated before they had a chance to return to the pods and relay their memories.
Ça veut dire que leurs clones ont été éliminés avant qu'ils aient une chance de revenir dans les pods pour relayer leurs souvenirs.
And everyone out here does mean And everyone out here does pain.
Uascenseur m'empor1e vers les sommets Soixante étages ♪ espére qu'il ne tombera pas en panne
I mean there are of course, happy accidents and stuff like that, but...
Nets... Bien sflr, les accidents heureux existent.
I mean, I didn't spend years training you so you could spend your days fencing and get someone else to do your dirty work.
Je n'ai pas passé des années à t'entraîner pour que tu passes ton temps à argumenter pour que quelqu'un fasse ton sale boulot.
And what does that mean?
Ça veut dire quoi?
And what does "The Gardener" mean?
Et ça veut dire quoi, "le Jardinier"?
And prison would have made him mean.
La prison l'aurait endurci.
A great many people do not live this way, and cannot imagine it, and do not know that when we talk about "democracy", this is what we mean.
Beaucoup de gens ne vivent pas de cette façon, et ne peuvent même pas l'imaginer, et ne savent pas que quand on parle de "démocratie", c'est ce que nous voulons dire.
And if the virus is released, we're all gonna die anyway, so I mean... what's the big deal?
Et si le virus est dispersé, on sera morts de toute façon. Donc... la belle affaire?
I mean, whatever else is going on, that was real, and it wasn't a little thing.
Quoi qu'il se passe, c'était réel, et ce n'était pas une petite chose.
I mean, obviously I can't tell him what I have to choose, but I think... just... sitting down and...
Je peux pas lui expliquer le choix que je dois faire, mais je crois que je vais... m'asseoir avec lui et...
And by that I mean they're in no way ready.
Comme pas du tout prêts en fait.
And I mean everybody.
Vraiment tout le monde.
[giggling] Does this mean you missed me and want me back?
Je vous ai manqué et vous voulez me récupérer?
My uncle is a mean old guy who lacks feelings and foot hygiene.
C'est un vieux mesquin, sans sentiments ni hygiène des pieds.
I mean, his body, mannerisms, voice, posture and ear shape sure ring a bell.
Son corps, ses manières, sa voix, sa posture et la forme de ses oreilles...
And we can't fight because, I mean, look at her.
On ne peut pas se battre, regarde-la.
I mean, if I knew you were good at surprises, I would have expected the surprise, and therefore not have been surprised.
Si je savais que tu étais doué pour les surprises, je me serais attendue à une surprise, et donc je n'aurais pas du tout été surprise.
Hah, I mean it took some doing, but I got the tracker on his DEO-issued medical bracelet back online and I triangulated the location and...
Ouais, enfin ça m'a pris du temps mais j'ai remis en marche le GPS du bracelet médical mis par le DEO et j'ai triangulé sa position et...
It's just... It's just when you're too different, people will be mean to you, and that doesn't just affect you because... we're sisters.
- Oui, mais... quand on est trop différent, les gens sont méchants, et t'es pas la seule à le subir.
Well, I didn ´ t mean to intrude, I just saw you sitting over here, thought I ´ d come over and say hello,
Je vous ai vu assis ici, et j'ai pensé venir vous saluer.
I mean, it doesn ´ t solve the whole school problem, You know, we ´ ve missed all the deadlines for financial aid, and, really, at this point,
On a loupé toutes les dates limites pour demander une aide financière, et, vraiment, à ce stade, elle n'a pas d'autres options que d'aller à Marina South.
and meanwhile 86
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
meaningful 21
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
meaningful 21
means a lot to me 20
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
means no 19
meant to be 24
meaning me 22
mean anything to you 97
meaning you 22
mean it 34
and merry christmas 27
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
means no 19
meant to be 24
meaning me 22
mean anything to you 97
meaning you 22
mean it 34
and merry christmas 27
and me 1014
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and my sister 48
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my husband 46
and my best friend 18
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and my sister 48
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and my mother 97
and my husband 46
and my best friend 18
and my brother 55
and mine 189
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and mrs 1140
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and maybe 206
and mine 189
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and mrs 1140
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and maybe 206
and my dad 65
and my friend 37
and my mom 49
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and mr 568
and mom 52
and my father 65
and my friend 37
and my mom 49
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and mr 568
and mom 52
and my father 65