Did he now перевод на французский
982 параллельный перевод
- Did he now?
- C'est vrai?
I'm very glad now that Marius left. He did the right thing.
- Je suis content que Marius soit parti, il a eu raison.
Now, Emmie, Mr. Kelly did everything he could.
NMonsieur Kelly a fait tout ce qu'il a pu.
And now he's too small, too mean, too cowardly to do for you what you did for him.
Et maintenant, il est trop petit, trop méchant, trop lâche pour faire pour toi ce que tu as fait pour lui.
You know, I thought you killed Rita Ross, but I know now he did it.
Je croyais que vous aviez tué Rita Ross, mais c'est lui.
Now, tell me, what did he do with it?
Dites-moi, qu'en a-t-il fait?
I don't know what kind of a mind Jerry's got, Continental or cockeyed... but he's a wonder. Now, if I stayed out all night... and waltzed in with handsome Mr. Duvalle, and said the car broke down.... lt did.
Je ne sais pas si Jerry a le tempérament continental, mais si je revenais après une nuit dehors avec un beau garçon en disant que l'auto a eu une panne...
I didn't say I didn't, I said I did. But now he won't want anything to do with me any more.
Il ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec moi maintenant.
Now, where did he go?
- Où est-il?
And now he has it. Besides, I didn't know anything about it. Did I, buster?
Je ne suis au courant de rien.
Besides he did help me out for now.
De toutes faXons il nous a bien aidées
Everything he said, everything he did, he had it all worked out to the end. I can see it now all the way.
Je comprends tout, maintenant.
Why did he have to have a criminal record? Now, they'll have to give him the chair.
Pourquoi fallait-il qu'il ait un casier judiciaire?
Has he got a byline now? ' ( reporter # 2 )'How'd you know he did it?
On peut dire qu'il a son article!
Now tell me, Jimmy, my boy, did you with premeditation and intent aim at Mr Haskel's face? Well... He refuses to answer on the grounds that he might incriminate himself.
Avez-vous visé le visage de Haskel au moment de lancer?
Your jewels are safe now, colonel. They wouldn't have been if Pinks hadn't entered your home when he did.
Vos bijoux sont en sécurité, colonel, grâce à Pinks, qui est allé chez vous ce soir-là.
What he did to Shakespeare, we are doing now to Poland.
Il faisait à Shakespeare ce que nous faisons à la Pologne.
Now look, how did he die?
Mes chéries, comment est-il mort?
Now, if I could get that much together again and hand it over to him... I'm sure he'd go into the City again as he did 20 years ago.
Si je pouvais les réunir et lui donner, je suis sûre qu'il retournerait dans la City comme il y a 20 ans.
One thing's certain. She knows nothing now, nothing at all. Except that he didn't want her to admit having seen someone she did see.
Elle ne sait encore rien sauf qu'il ne veut pas qu'elle avoue avoir vu cet homme.
Now where did he disappear to?
Mais où est-il passé?
● Now, you. What, did he take a bite out of you too?
Vous aussi, il a essayé de vous mordre?
Now you know why he did it.
Vous savez le pourquoi.
He did everything but card tricks. - Now, Dick...
Il a tout fait sauf m'écouter.
- Did he tell you something? - Now I remember.
Il n'a rien dit?
He did. Now you're over the moon because you'll be alone with him three days.
Maintenant tu te réjouis de passer trois jours avec lui.
Suppose he did? Suppose that one were found even now, this last evening?
Supposez qu'il en ait laissé un et qu'on le trouve ce soir-même...
What did he do now?
Qu'a-t-il encore fait?
Mr. Howard, I think he knows now. Today did it.
M. Howard, je crois que cette course a êtê un déclic.
Did he say - now, be careful, if you please - did he say that he was going to visit Miss Smith the night he did, in fact, return?
soyez clair dans votre réponse, a-t-il dit qu'il allait voir Mlle Smith le soir de son retour?
Now he helped open the west for new trappers, For the men who loved the country as he did, New outposts and civilization new understanding.
Il contribua à ouvrir la voie vers l'Ouest, pour d'autres amoureux de cette région, les générations futures.
Now where did he go to?
Où est-il encore passé?
Now, why did he have to do a thing like that?
Pourquoi a-t-il fait ça?
And now, my father What did he say I cannot tell you now
Hé bien, mon père? Qu'a-t-il dit? Ne me demande rien
- Now, what did he say?
- Qu'a-t-il dit, déjà?
Did you see what he was doing just now?
- Tu as vu ce qu'il faisait?
Now everything he ever said and did is like a terrible nightmare... only worse because it was real.
Tout ce qu'il a dit et fait me semble maintenant un terrible cauchemar... mais pis encore parce qu'il était réel.
He did his dirty work and now he's hiding. You leave and he stays behind.
- Il peut se cacher, son coup a réussi.
He did for me what I'm doing for you now.
Ce que je fais aujourd'hui pour toi, il l'a fait pour moi...
Now, did you notice what time it was he went to the phone? Yes.
A quelle heure est-il allé téléphoner?
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
S'il avait appelé sa femme longue distance le jour de son départ, après son arrivée à Merritsville, pourquoi lui envoyer une carte pour lui dire qu'elle était bien arrivée?
Sure, but why did he say it now?
Oui, mais pourquoi avoir dit cela maintenant?
Now, be fair, Bob. I know he's trying to annoy you, but he did play something of a Mozart.
N'empêche qu'il a joué un peu de Mozart.
Now what did he say?
- Et là, qu'a-t-il dit? - Que j'étais sa...
Now, if he did that, it means our defense is weak.
S'iI avait réussi, ça prouvait Ia faiblesse de Ia sécurité.
Don't tell me "nothing," now, what did he want?
Ne me dis pas ça.
Did he, now?
- C'est vrai?
Dites-moi ce qu'il a fait?
It shouldn't be long now before we find out how he did in the second.
Nous allons vite voir s'il va réussir à franchir la seconde.
Now, were you present, Chief Inspector, at Cannon Row Police Station on the 24th of June last, when the prisoner made that statement you now hold, and did he make that statement voluntarily of his own free will, and without duress?
Étiez-vous présent, inspecteur, au poste de police de Cannon Row, le 24 juin dernier, lorsque le prisonnier a fait cette déposition? S'est-il exprimé de son plein gré et sans contrainte?
Now, we can understand why he did not use his car last night.
Nous comprenons pourquoi il n'a pas utilisé sa voiture la nuit dernière.
did he 1350
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he hit you 36
did he leave 22
did he say 106
did he do it 47
did he hurt you 98
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he hit you 36
did he leave 22
did he say 106
did he do it 47
did he hurt you 98