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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ H ] / He was just here

He was just here перевод на португальский

430 параллельный перевод
He was just here, furious.
Ele veio. Estava furioso.
He was just here.
Esteve aqui.
He was just here.
Estava agora mesmo aqui.
He was just here, before you came.
Ele esteve aqui, antes de tu chegares.
- He was just here.
Ele esteve aqui agora mesmo.
- He was just here.
- Ainda agora estava aqui.
He was just here.
Ele estava mesmo aqui.
He was just here, Michael Knight character.
Aquele Michael Knight acaba de sair daqui.
He was just here.
Ele esteve aqui.
Christ! One day he was just here, that's all.
Sei lá, de um dia para o outro!
- Spike. He was just here...
Spike, ele estava bem aqui...
I don't know, he was just here.
Não sei. Estava aqui há algum tempo atrás.
- He was just here.
- Mesmo agora estava aqui.
He was just here!
Ele estava mesmo aqui.
- He was just here, but he's gone now.
Agora foi-se embora.
But he was just here.
Mas ele estava aqui.
He was just here.
Ele estava agora aqui.
- He was just here.
- Ele estava mesmo aqui.
He was just here- - the man from my dream.
Ele estava mesmo aqui... o homem dos meu sonhos.
The telephone company tells us that about 7 : 30 last night, just before he was shot... someone here called up information and asked for Nick Charles'number.
A companhia telefónica diz que por volta das 19 : 30, mesmo antes de ser morto, alguém ligou para as informações e pediu o número de Nick Charles.
This gentleman here was just saying you're the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.
Este cavalheiro estava a dizer que é a mulher mais bonita que já viu.
We'll just assume that they knew he was coming up here.
Suponhamos que sabem que veio aqui.
Just plain snow is all he's got on his mind... and here I was hoping it was the cat.
Ele só tem a neve na cabeça... e eu esperava que fosse o gato.
It seems this Polish officer was in Leipzig hospital, ill, just before he came here.
E então? Parece que esse Oficial Polaco esteve num hospital em Leipzig, doente, mesmo antes de vir para aqui.
He was just pouring his champagne when somebody shot him from right here.
Ele estava a deitar o champanhe quando alguém o alvejou ali de fora.
Tell the Judge here about the fight you picked with Roy just before he was shot.
Conte ao Juiz a briga entre o Roy e você antes dele morrer.
He was here just a minute ago.
Estava aqui há um minuto atrás.
I've just returned from London, but, I was so eager to meet Ravi... I came straight here. Where is he?
Cheguei agora de Londres e eu estava tão ansioso para ver Ravi que vim direto para cá.
I just left my husband outside here while I went in to do some shopping, and I came back and he was gone.
Deixei o meu marido cá fora enquanto fui às compras e, quando saí, ele tinha desaparecido.
I was just standing here looking into space and wondering whether or not he would return.
Estava só a olhar para o espaço e a pensar se ele voltará.
He probably eats here all the time. He was just...
Provavelmente come aqui todo o tempo.
He just marched in here as bold as you please announced he was gonna rob the bank.
Ele simplesmente entrou aqui e tão delicado quanto possivel... anunciou que ia roubar o banco.
He just was here.
Ele apareceu.
He just ignored my direct order that he was to stay here in Naples.
Apesar das minhas ordens, de manter-se disponível.
Yes, as I was saying, it came to my attention that just before Dr. Ashley's untimely death he was planning to make some very big changes here at the Institute.
Sim, como eu estava a dizer, chamou-me a atenção, o facto de que pouco antes da prematura morte do Dr. Ashley, ele estava a tentar fazer algumas alterações importantes no Instituto.
He was sniffing around here just now.
Andava por aqui a farejar.
He was here just now!
I was just in here cooking, he came in and...
Eu estava cozinhando quando ele veio e...
He was here all afternoon and carried on like a madman and then just disappeared.
Ele esteve aqui a tarde toda como um louco e então desapareceu.
It's not just because he was reporters here, Mr. Kane.
Não é só porque ela era repórter aqui, S.r Kane.
He was just sitting here, waiting for the owner to come back.
Ele estava apenas aqui sentado, à espera que o dono voltasse.
They sent Superman here from there when he was just a baby.
Enviaram o Super-Homem para cá ainda em bebé.
Jimmy Walker did want to be here... and sing "Leonard the Lizard," but he was just too busy.
E Jimmy Walker queria vir... e cantar "Leonard, o Lagarto", mas estava ocupado.
He was here just a moment ago.
Não sei, ainda agora estava aqui.
I was brushing the snow off of the hubcaps, and I saw Satan here chewing through a tire, and I thought you know, he looks just like that picture of Buster.
Estava a tirar a neve dos pneus e vi o Satanás a mastigar um pneu e lembrei-me que ele parece-se com a fotografia do Buster.
He was just in here drinking.
Ele estava aqui a tomar uma bebida.
And they always start with the end of the last week, and there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff he jumped free, and all the kids cheered!
Começam com o final da semana anterior, e lá estava o Homem Foguetão a tentar sair e lá vem o penhasco, e mesmo antes do carro se despenhar, ele salta e os miúdos todos às palmas!
For your information, Spencer Barnes was here and he just left.
- Isso mesmo. E para a sua informação, Spencer Barnes esteve aqui, e acabou de sair!
Quería fazer amor comigo, mas eu não quis.
He was here just now.
- Chamo-o?
- Well, unless... something showed up on my blood test that was too horrible to tell me over the phone, and he wanted you here for support in case I flipped out. - You know, and he just, like- -
A não ser que tenha sido detectado algo na análise de sangue que seja mau... e quer que estejas ao pé se eu me enervar.

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