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He was right there перевод на португальский

475 параллельный перевод
He was right there with us at the fire.
Ele estava lá connosco no incêndio.
The Indian, he was right there.
O índio, ele estava ali.
He was right there.
Nisso tinha ele razão.
The last time I saw him, he was right there.
Da última vêz que o vi estava bem alí.
Whenever I needed him, he was right there.
Éramos próximos. Sempre que precisei dele, ele estava lá.
He was right there, behind the door.
Não notaste? Ele estava ali, atrás da porta!
He was right there with me.
Ele estava aí mesmo comigo.
He was right there before we started.
Ele estava junto da orquestra quando começámos.
He was right there.
Ele estava lá.
I was right, he's asking if there's a reward if you get catched.
Eu tinha razão. Ele quer saber se há recompensa pela sua captura.
He was sitting right there in the car laughing like mad while he haunted me.
Estava ali no carro a rir-se e a assombrar-me.
Go on. several years ago there was one fellow, he had something wrong with his right leg.
- Exceto há uns anos houve um rapaz, a perna dele tinha um problema qualquer.
There was this squirt says he seen me bending over Larry Young right after he was plugged.
Um bufo disse que me viu inclinado sobre o Larry Young... mesmo antes de o matarem.
So if the Colonel, blind, helpless, wanted to die... there was only one person he could turn to, isn't that right?
Então, se o coronel Paradine, cego e indefeso, quisesse morrer, só havia uma pessoa a quem poderia recorrer. Não é assim?
- He was standing right there!
- Estava aqui.
He just couldn't figure how a guy could disappear from the compound and still be there, but Dunbar was there all right.
Não percebia como é que um homem podia desaparecer do recinto e continuar lá. Mas o Dunbar estava lá. Estava lá.
He was up there all right, but he ain't now.
Ele estava ali, mas não está agora.
He was standing right there on the porch,
Ele estava no alpendre. Recordas-te quando...
He was passing me when he sailed right out there. - Right over there, up there.
Ele ultrapassou-me, depois caiu...
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane, - stepped up on him and sunk spur.
Eu estava mesmo ali quando disse isto, e estava lá fora na entrada quando ele saltou para o cavalo, agarrou-lhe nas crinas, montou e cravou as esporas.
I feel that if there was one, right now he'd be dead.
Tenho a impressão que, se houvesse um ser humano vivo neste momento estaria morto.
Yes, he was there all right and up to his old tricks.
Sim, estava lá sim senhor e com as suas artimanhas.
If Barran was there, he opened the safe, he didn't force it. So he had the combination. Right?
Se Barran não forçou o cofre que abriu, tinha então, a combinação.
He was surely right that when there is danger it is the persons with a stake in the country, land, position, wealth that are best able to able to defend it.
Sem dúvida tinha razão quando dizia que, em momentos de perigo são as pessoas que têm um interesse na nação, terra, posição, riqueza as mais aptas a defendê-la.
I was looking right at him, then he just wasn't there.
- Eu estava a olhar para ele... Estava a olhar para ele. E ele desapareceu.
I was looking at him. I was looking right at him, then he just wasn't there.
Estava a olhar para ele e ele desapareceu.
"I missed it, do it again." Heh. But it was one of the all-time great shots for Ford and he's there at the right time.
Mas foi uma das grandes realizações de Ford e ele estava lá no momento certo.
He was right. There were a lot of people in his office.
Ele tinha razão, ao dizer que estiveram muitas pessoas no escritório dele.
I get up there, and, well, you know, he was all right. Everything seemed to be just fine.
Mas encontrei-o de bom humor, parecia que estava tudo bem.
He was there, all right.
Ele estava lá, tudo bem.
Liddy put his hand over a candle, and he kept it there. He kept it right in the flame until his flesh was burned.
Liddy pôs a mão sobre a chama duma vela e não a tirou de lá... até a pele ficar queimada.
He wasn't worth a damn, but he was always right in there.
Nao lutava puto, mas estava sempre lá.
He was standing right there.
Ele estava mesmo aí.
What was he thinking when he chipped right there?
No que pensava quando esculpiu isto?
Yes, I was right there at the airport when he arrived.
Sim, estava no aeroporto quando ele chegou.
I thought Craig would smash all the glass when he ran through it but he just made a Craig-shaped hole, so there was this big sheet right in front of us.
Agora aqueles corpos podem jazer ali, sabendo que morreram em nome da paz, e podem agora decompor em paz na terra da liberdade... cabeçudo.
Whenever he played Radio City, who do you think was right there in the front row?
Quando ele ia à Radio City, quem pensa que estava logo na 1ª fila?
He was standing right there with the kids.
Ele estava ali de pé direito com os miúdos.
And he was on his own right there, in the study, for well over an hour.
E esteve sozinho no escritório, bem mais do que uma hora.
He was standing right there.
Ele estava ali de pé.
Well, he was standing right over there a second ago.
Bem, ele estava mesmo ali ainda há pouco.
Shootin'the bull with Ferrie, whatever. But he was there, all right.
Outras conversando com o Ferrie.
Lecter altered or destroyed most of his patients'histories, so there's no record of anyone named Mofet, but I thought the "yourself" reference was too hokey for Lecter, so I figured he's from Baltimore and I looked in the phone book and there's a "Your Self" storage facility right outside of downtown Baltimore, sir.
O Lecter destruiu a maioria dos registos dos seus pacientes, logo não há registo de ninguém chamado Mofet, mas pensei que a referência "si própria" era demasiado simples para o Lecter, por isso calculei que ele fosse de Baltimore e fui ver à lista telefónica
He was standing right there.
Ele estava ali de pé direito.
Well no but he was there right enough.
- Não, mas ele estava lá, sem dúvida.
That's Lucky right there. He was in the salon, trying to mack. - Sorry-ass, bald-headed...
é o otario de que eu estava conversando no salao careca de merda...
Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain, but instead, he died right there by that river in Vietnam.
O Bubba ia ser capitão dum camaroeiro, mas em vez disso morreu naquele rio, no Vietname.
Yes that's right He was captured there and died of his wounds
- Exactamente. Foi capturado e morreu devido aos ferimentos.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
All right, well, there's this blind guy at a party I was at and he felt my face for a really long time to see what I looked like.
Houve um cego, numa festa, que me tocou na cara durante imenso tempo. Bom. Para ver como é que eu era.
Payback Right there - See, that's why I kicked his fuckin'ass when he was a little kid, man.
Foi por isso que levou um chuto no cu quando era puto.

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