And blah Çeviri İspanyolca
455 parallel translation
Since times immemorial, every 200 years,... to the same day and hour, when the planet Mercury becomes liberated from the sun,... comes a bug to the castle of L'Esperance and blah blah blah.
Desde tiempos inmemoriales, cada 200 años, el mismo día y a la misma hora, cuando el planeta Mercurio se aleja del Sol, un animal llega al palacio de I'Esperance y... bla, bla, bla, bla.
You know, she's on your mind, and blah, blah, blah...
Siempre igual y bla, bla, bla.
"Hey, wouldn't it be great if Frank Sinatra and Mrs. Nixon and blah-blah-blah... were in such and such a situation?" You know, always with famous people, and always sort of grotesque.
"Te imaginas que Sinatra y la Sra. Nixon bla, bla, bla... en tal situación..." siempre famosos y cosas grotescas.
Do you think just because you Dracs got a lineage 200 miles long, you can blah, blah this name and blah, blah that name?
¿ Piensas porque ustedes los Dracs tienen un linaje de 300 kilómetros, pueden balbucear, balbucear este nombre y balbucear, balbucear ese nombre?
Harriett and blah blah Nyborg.
- ¿ Esta mañana? Harriett y fulanito N yborg.
Mr. White whips out his gun, he's stickin'it in my face... callin'me a motherfucker, sayin'he's gonna blow me away... and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
El Sr. Blanco saca su revólver, me apunta a la cara... mientras me dice cabrón, me dice que me va a volar los sesos... y bla-bla-bla.
Well, she got to talking about this and about that... and blah-di-blah-di-blah until I wanted to wring her scrawny little neck.
Bueno, ella habla de esto y que... y bla-di-di-bla-bla quiero Esperamos que ese cuello ridículo.
And yeah yeah yeah, I know I lost a bundle at the game and blah blah blah.
Ya sé que perdí un pastón a las cartas y bla, bla, bla.
And you can tell him how tough things are for you, and that you have to look after yourself and don't know what's gonna happen, and blah, blah, blah.
Y puedes decirle lo difícil que es todo para ti... y que tienes que cuidarte sola y no sabes qué va a suceder... y bla... bla... blá.
- And blah, blah, sex that.
- Y bla, bla, sexo aquellos.
- Really drunk and blah-blah-blah.
- Bien borracho, etc., etc.
The French, stinky and blah-hh.
Franceses, no paran de.....
My driver hit a pedestrian on 57th Street. and we had to stop and blah-blah. ugh.
Mi chofer atropelló a un peatón en la 5 y tuvimos que parar...
"On page 3 of today's evening gazette, " The first true story of Nancy's blah blah blah will begin, " And readers of the evening gazette
En la página 3 de la Gazette, tendrán la verdadera historia de Nancy bla, bla, bla, y los lectores de The Evening Gazette conocerán bla, bla, bla. "
And then, Clancy, you say, "Blah, blah, blah, blah..."
- Y luego, Clancy, Ud. dice : "Bla, bla, bla".
Mr. And Mrs. Sam Bissell blah-blah-blah, Nurdlinger's things and so forth.
El Sr. y la Sra. de Sam Bissell bla-bla las cosas de Nurdlinger etc.
She pulls out a gun, blah, blah, blah, blah, and...
Ella saca una pistola, bla, bla, bla, y...
The death of a loyal and talented staff member, blah, blah, blah.
La muerte de un miembro leal e inteligente, bla, bla, bla.
Worried sick and driven to suicide by the Gestapo methods of a brutal intelligence officer, blah, blah.
Acosado y empujado al suicidio... por los métodos, propios de la Gestapo, de un brutal oficial de inteligencia, bla, bla.
" and we are pleased to blah blah.
" y nos complace para pá pará.
" We assure you that blah blah and we offer our whatyoumacallit.
" Le aseguramos que bla bla bla, y le ofrecemos nuestro loquesea.
I think the most important is that you study so you can be better than me,... and avoid this blah life that I'm stuck in.
Creo que lo más importante es que estudies para que seas mejor que yo, y salgas de este medio del que no he podido salir.
I didn't feel shame or fear, but just kind of blah like when you're sitting there and the water's run out of the bathtub.
No sentía vergüenza ni miedo, sino que estaba un poco depre... - ¿ Estás cansada?
Well, here in london it's 12 : 30 and time for the robinsons an everyday story of blah-di - blah-di-blah-di-blah.
En Londres son las 12 : 30. Es la hora de "Los Robinson". Una historia cotidiana, bla, bla, bla...
- and my dearest friend - Blah-blah. - for 17 years.
-... y un gran amigo mío desde hace 17 años...
Blah-blah-blah... "Without your guidance and inspiration..."
... Sin su consejo y aliento.
If you refuse that right, anything you say can and will be held against you... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Si decide rehusar a ese derecho, lo que diga puede ser usado en su contra... bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.
And it's your wish that I leave for my own safety, blah, blah.
Que tú quieres que me marche por mi propia seguridad y bla-bla-bla.
He tells Johnny that Laura's in a better place now, blah, blah, and he knows that, because Laura was his patient.
Le dijo que Laura estaba en un sitio mejor, bla, bla, y que lo sabía, porque Laura era su paciente.
I fed her some story about my mother not loving me and her being a tyrant, me looking after her in old age, blah, blah, blah...
Le conté una patraña sobre mi madre, que no me quería... que la tuve que cuidar de mayor, y tal y tal.
Why is it other countries'stamps are so beautiful and ours are so blah?
¿ Por qué nuestras estampillas no son tan vistosas como éstas?
and this sawtooth formation seems to... Blah!
Y esta formación en serrucho es algo que nunca- -
"Dear Sleepless and Son, I've never written..." Blah, blah.
" Desvelado e Hijo : Nunca había escrito bla, bla, bla...
So let's forget the blah-blah-blah and go have a drink.
Así que vamos a olvidar el bla-bla-bla y de ir a tomar una copa.
While I'm doing that, "Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness blah, blah, blah."
Mientras hago esto "Damas y caballeros, están a punto de presenciar blah, blah, blah"
There's nothing wrong with a church organ and a combo after if you want to go the blah route.
No está mal un órgano en la iglesia y un combo si toman la ruta aburrida.
Your mission is to unite man and woman, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay?
Su misión es unir al hombre con la mujer. ¿ Entienden?
Remember, the turf they're burning contains the blood and sweat of your forefathers.
Recuerda que en el interior de esa casa... esta la sangre y el sudor de los MacGloy's. y blah blah blah!
And skill to hunt the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil blah, blah, blah.
"... y habilidad para cazar vampiros. Para detener el mal. "
I know Helen of Troy didn't have that great a face, and it only launched a hundred ships not a thousand, I- - Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Que Ellen de Troya no era tan bella como dicen, y que solo zarparon un centenar de barcos, no un millar, yo- -
I mean, I talked to him and blah, blah, blah.
Le hablé y "bla, bla, bla".
He asked about you guys and : More questions. Blah, blah, blah.
Preguntó por ustedes y más preguntas y "bla, bla, bla".
He's gonna be in L.A. lf anybody's getting back together Joey and Pacey. Blah, blah, blah.
Bueno, esto te hace el rey de la posposición.
Yes, aqua and yellow... blah, blah, blah, yak, yak, yak.
Sí, azul y amarillo... bla, bla, bla, yak, yak, yak.
And watch over my loving family blah, blah, blah.
Oh, y cuida mucho a mi amada familia bla bla bla...
People go through their day kind of blah. But if they really stopped and looked... they'd realize that the Brussels sprout is more than another green vegetable.
La gente se pasa el día... sin pensar que si se detuviesen... iban a ver que cosa es coles de Bruselas.
Serve and protect and all that other blah-blah-blah... on the side of the car.
Servir y proteger y toda esa otra blah-blah-blah... en el costado del coche.
This is the... regret that you make and the something you take... and the blah, blah, blah... something, something.
De eso... te lamentás y de lo que tomás... blah... algo.
She's a flake and won't admit it... and I'm too bossy, blah, blah, blah.
Quizás me pueda escapar antes de buscar a Eli. OK, avisame.
Tell them that Abby was a wonderful person and she'll be deeply missed, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Di que Abby era excelente que la extrañarán mucho y bla, bla...
Let's see here. "We the people," "cruel and unusual," blah, blah, blah.
Veamos aquí. "Nosotros el pueblo"... "cruel y poco común", blablablá.
blah 2523
blah blah 22
blah blah blah 79
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
blah blah 22
blah blah blah 79
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
and before you know it 100
and ben 22
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and bang 29
and before you know it 100
and ben 22
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26