And breathe Çeviri İspanyolca
2,904 parallel translation
Look, I live and breathe this bureaucracy.
Vivo y respiro esta burocracia.
And second of all, if you will just take two seconds and breathe, you'll be extremely relieved because we are not leaving.
y segundo, si te tomas dos segundos y respiras, te sentirás muy aliviada porque no nos vamos.
Okay, calm down and breathe.
De acuerdo, sólo cálmate y respira.
But it's okay to be here and breathe?
Pero, ¿ es seguro estar aquí o respirar?
As I live and breathe...
Mientras yo viva y respire...
And you can fly and breathe fire.
Y puedes volar y respirar fuego.
Smile and breathe.
Sonríe y respira.
Ernie Krinklesac, as I live and breathe.
Ernie Krinklesac y aún respiro y vivo.
Okay, anytime a man shows a woman how to do something from behind, it's just an excuse for him to get really close and breathe on her neck.
Vale, cada vez que un hombre le enseña a una mujer a hacer algo desde atrás, es solo una excusa para él para acercarse y respirarle en el cuello.
Harry Crane, as I live and breathe.
Harry Crane, no puedo creerlo.
- That it touches me and breathe on me.
Tocándome. Y, respirando sobre mí.
You should take your head between your legs and breathe deeply.
Si se siente mal debería colocar su cabeza entre las piernas y respirar profundamente.
- Sit up and breathe.
- Charlie, siéntate y respira.
And breathe.
Y respire.
Read them, memorize them, live'em and breathe'em.
Leerlo, memorizarlo, vivirlo y respirarlo.
Pinch your fingers, relax and breathe.
Apriete los dedos, relajarse y respirar.
And breathe.
Y respiren.
Julius Picasso, as I live and breathe!
Julius Picasso, como yo vivo y respiro!
Breathe slowly and think of something delicious.
Respira lentamente y piensa en algo delicioso.
We're six people bound for a new life. And we'll have plenty of air to breathe when we get there. We Will.
Somos seis personas atados para una nueva vida, y tendremos aire de sobra para respirar cuando lleguemos allí.
So, today, take your eyes off the computer screen, log out, unplug, go outside, and exercise your right to breathe.
Así que hoy aparten sus ojos de la pantalla de la computadora, desconéctenla o apáguenla y vayan afuera y ejerzan su derecho a respirar.
And they were crafted so beautifully that they actually breathe.
Y ellos fueron hechos a mano tan maravillosamente que realmente respiran.
- Breathe, line up your target and squeeze.
- Respira, alinear su objetivo y apretar.
Your mom and I used to stay awake at night, watching you breathe.
Tu mamá y yo solíamos estar despiertos en la noche, viéndote respirar.
So I just breathe through this, and then what?
Entonces, respiro a través de esto, ¿ y luego qué?
I am in health, I breathe and see thee ill.
Estoy muy sano, respiro y te veo mal.
You just need to breathe and- - and have a drink of water and get some air.
Solo tenés que respirar, beber un vaso de agua y que te de un poco el aire.
When they had beaten me and I decided to beg them to let me live... To see my beautiful wife, my son, and my daughter... To breathe another breath and lie in the sun and just...
Cuando me habían golpeado... y decidí suplicarles que me dejaran vivir... para ver a mi hermosa esposa, mi hijo, y mi hija... para tomar otro respiro y reposar bajo el sol y solo...
I'm having trouble to breathe... and hurt his hand trying to get out.
Tengo problemas para respirar... y me lastimé la mano tratando de salir.
Air we breathe, and fire we feel.
Aire que respiramos Y fuego que sentimos
♪ Everyday is so wonderful ♪ ♪ and suddenly, it's hard to breathe. ♪
* Cada día es tan maravilloso * * y de repente, es difícil respirar. *
That wasn't ten seconds! Thank you for breathing JMC oxygen, and we hope sometime in the future you'll decide to breathe our oxygen again.
Gracias por respirar oxígeno JMC, esperamos que en un futuro decida respirar nuestro oxígeno de nuevo.
You so much as breathe funny, and Sheriff Cooley will be at that door faster than a fly on horseshit.
Si respiras raro, el sheriff Cooley cruzará por esa puerta más rápido que una mosca sobre el estiércol.
I know that you've signed confidentiality agreements and been briefed on the sensitive nature of this meeting, but I'm going to take a moment to remind you that I will personally make sure you never ever work again within the borders of this fine nation if you breathe a word or the edge of a word outside this room.
Sé que has firmado acuerdos de confidencialidad y sido informado de la naturaleza sensible de este encuentro, pero voy a tomarme un momento para recordarles que personalmente me aseguraré de que jamás vuelvan a trabajar dentro de las fronteras de este gran país si se les escapa una palabra
You look around you. You breathe it in, you drink it up, and you enjoy it!
Mira a tu alrededor, lo respiras y lo bebes... y lo disfrutas.
If you breathe out too much carbon dioxide too quickly, it will just make you feel lightheaded and panicky.
- Vinnie, trata de calmarte. Si no permaneces calmado y dejas de respirar rápido, entrarás en pánico.
He kept it and locked it in the most mysterious corner of his heart, as if it were a rare bottle of perfume from which something would be lost if it were allowed to breathe.
Lo mantuvo bajo llave en la esquina más misteriosa de su corazón, como si fuera un frasco de perfume muy raro del cual algo se perdería si se le permitiera respirar.
It's filthy and thankless, and it's my hallelujah, heroin, and reason to breathe.
Es sucio e ingrato, y es mi aleluya, mi heroína, y la razón para respirar.
I would eat, breathe, and live Fitzgerald grant every minute of every day.
Comería, respiraría, y viviría por Fitzgerald Grant cada minuto de cada día.
No, there's nothing wrong with me, except that I'm jobless and still interested in girls, which is like being dead and still wanting to breathe.
No, no pasa nada malo, excepto que no tengo trabajo y todavía sigo interesado en chicas, que es como estar muerto y seguir queriendo respirar.
No, there's nothing wrong with me, except that I'm jobless and still interested in girls, which is like being dead and still wanting to breathe.
No, no me pasa nada. Excepto que estoy sin trabajo y sigo interesado en chicas, Lo que es como estar muerto y seguir queriendo respirar.
Just breathe in and out.
Solo respira.
And then you breathe.
Y luego respira.
Breathe very calmly... as I hook my fingers... over her legs and bring them into the world.
Respira muy calmadamente... mientras engancho mis dedos... en sus piernas y las traigo al mundo.
- Stop it. And by the way, don't you dare breathe a word about this to Ivy.
Y por cierto, no te atrevas a decirle ni una sola palabra de esto a Ivy.
I had a cold and then I talked too much and don't breathe enough and that's what happens.
Tenía un resfriado y luego me hablaba demasiado y no respirar lo suficiente y eso es lo que pasa.
How do I breathe and..
Por donde respirar y..
.. and it's getting difficult for me to even breathe here now.
Y ahora hasta se me hace dificil respirar aqui.
We know this, so let's just... breathe through it and relax, and everything will be okay, all right?
Sabemos esto, así que sólo... respira y relájate. y todo saldrá bien, ¿ vale?
Breathe and they'll pass.
Respira y se te pasará.
Breathe calmly, and tell me what happened.
Respire con calma, y dime lo que pasó.
breathe 1905
breathe through your nose 20
breathe with me 21
breathe deep 46
breathe it in 29
breathe deeply 64
breathe slowly 22
breathes heavily 20
breathe out 76
breathes deeply 131
breathe through your nose 20
breathe with me 21
breathe deep 46
breathe it in 29
breathe deeply 64
breathe slowly 22
breathes heavily 20
breathe out 76
breathes deeply 131
breathe in 175
breathes shakily 19
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
breathes shakily 19
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
and before you know it 100
and ben 22
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49
and ben 22
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49