And respect Çeviri İspanyolca
7,415 parallel translation
Maybe you can refer to it as the White House since some of our clients actually still like and respect that place.
Dile Casa Blanca, nuestros clientes... -... aún la respetan y quieren, ¿ sí?
We live in a civil society that's buttressed by decency and respect, okay?
Vivimos en una sociedad civil reforzada por la decencia y el respeto ¿ vale?
Please, respect her and respect yourself.
Por favor, ten respeto por ella y por ti mismo.
And i think some people adapt and learn and respect it.
Y creo que algunas personas se adaptan Y aprender y respetarlo.
'Governor, I have nothing but respect for you'and the office that you hold but it is my duty to remind'you of the words that you used when you addressed us all -'officers, soldiers and convicts - only days ago.
Gobernador, no tengo más que respeto hacia usted. y a su administración pero es mi deber recordarle. sus propias palabras que usó para clasificarnos a todos.
Okay, and I respect that.
Está bien, y respeto eso.
And a new respect for what it means to be a single mother.
Y un nuevo respeto por eso que significa ser una madre soltera.
Look, I could try and explain to you how I work, but I have a feeling you wouldn't respect it.
- ¿ Quién le pagó para decir eso? - Nadie. Podría intentarlo y explicarles... cómo trabajo, pero tengo la sensación de que no lo respetarían.
With all due respect, Jessica, regarding my father, you have no fucking idea what is and isn't of consequence.
Con todo el debido respeto, Jessica, en lo que concierne a mi padre, no tienes ni puta idea de lo que tiene o no importancia.
As you may or may not have heard, Miss Kiira Koval is unable to be with us tonight, and I ask that you respect her privacy.
Como pueden o no haberse enterado,... la Srta. Kiira Koval no podrá estar con nosotros esta noche,... y pido que respeten su privacidad.
She has her beliefs, and I have mine. It's a thing called mutual respect.
Hay algo llamado respeto mútuo.
I like the money and I like the respect of being a club owner.
Me gusta el dinero y el respeto de ser dueño de un bar.
And you are getting no respect from her.
Y tú... no te haces respetar.
He bite tajsone back and since then tajsone respect him.
Él mordió a Tyson también. Y desde entonces, Tyson le respeta.
I have to exceed to it. With respect sir, we can hardly be approaching the Turk cap in hand and asking for a ceasefire.
Con todo el respeto señor, difícilmente podremos acercarnos... al turco gorra en mano y pidiendo un cese en el fuego.
- If you could maybe just, um, reiterate to him when you do how much I respect him and - - and - - and I would never want to get involved in his personal life, of course.
Cuando lo hagas, reitérale lo mucho que... que lo respeto y que nunca quise... involucrarme en su vida personal, por supuesto.
He was good to me, and I respect him.
Era bueno conmigo, y yo lo respeto.
I will respect your wishes and we can make last night the last time.
Voy a respetar sus deseos y podemos hacer la noche anterior la última vez.
Hey, by the way, though, your kids will still respect... and they'll love you because you're the man.
Y, a propósito, tus hijos te van a respetar... y te van a querer porque eres el hombre.
I respect what you hope to accomplish, so I ask you, when you return me to Charles Town, turn around and sail away.
Respeto lo que espera conseguir, por eso le pido, que cuando me devuelva a Charles Town, se dé la vuelta y zarpe.
And please believe me when I tell you that we have nothing but the utmost respect for your beliefs.
y por favor, créame cuando le digo... que tenemos un máximo respecto a sus creencias.
I know you wanna take this thing slow and I respect that.
Sé que quieres tomarte esto con calma y lo respeto.
You just humiliated me, and insulted someone I respect a great deal.
Acabas de humillarme, y has insultado a alguien a quien respeto mucho.
And the respect of my crew.
Y el respeto de mi tripulación.
And never repeat this to anyone that you respect, okay?
Y nunca le repitas esto a nadie que respetes, ¿ está bien?
Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Meereen that you respect their traditions.
El abrirlas les mostrará a las personas de Yunkai y Meereen que respeta sus tradiciones.
You have your opinions and I respect them, but you don't get to come in here and tell your mother how to live.
Tú tienes tus opiniones y las respeto, pero no puedes venir aquí y decirle a tu madre como vivir.
Do I really want to trade my dignity, wisdom, and self-respect for another chance at my 20s?
¿ Realmente quiero cambiar mi dignidad, sabiduria y autorespeto por otra oportunidad de mis veintes?
Well, it's not a proper walk of shame unless you've lost some clothes and some self-respect.
Bueno, no es un verdadero paseo de la vergüenza si no pierdes algo de ropa y algo de respeto por ti mismo.
The GDR gets Abel back for the Russians... winning their respect and capturing the headlines for their cause.
La RDA recupera a Abel para los rusos, se gana su respeto y consigue titulares para su causa.
Um, and I... respect all people's rights to be a Q.
Y yo respeto el derecho de todos de ser un Q.
Because, I mean, obviously I so respect you, Ben, and I think you're incredibly capable.
Porque te respeto mucho, Ben y creo que eres increíblemente capaz.
They'll Facebook you, they'll call you, they'll text you all night, they won't respect your boundaries, and they'll tell you shit that you don't want to hear,'cause you're not wired that way.
Llamarán, escribirán, irán a tu Facebook... no respetarán tus límites, te contarán cosas... que no querrás oír porque no lo entenderás.
And yet, it is you who has taught me that it is possible to respect two cultures, and to live in amity between them.
Y aun así, eres tú quien me enseñó que es posible respetar dos culturas y vivir en armonía entre sí.
Can I ask you a question, and I mean this with all due respect.
¿ Puedo hacerte una pregunta, y me refiero a este con el debido respeto.
I have to digress for a second and say, when Janis was in Big Brother, Peter didn't do any drugs, you know, so out of respect to him, we kept it toned down a lot, you know.
Tuve que, ya sabes, recordar cuando Janis estaba en Big Brother, Peter no tomaba drogas así que por respeto, nosotros nos mantengamos tranquilos en eso
Well, it was me, and with all due respect, sir, I mean,
Bueno, que era yo, y con el debido respeto, señor, quiero decir,
But, hey, 40 grand of debt and the dole queue, I got to respect that.
Pero, 40 grandes de deuda y el subsidio por desempleo tengo que respetar eso.
But Gaviria is a piece of shit, and, with all due respect, so is your father.
Pero Gaviria es un pedazo de mierda, y con todo respeto, su papá es otro.
Respect is good and I like it.
El respeto es bueno y me gusta.
You want to climb, but you also have respect for the people and everything.
Quieres subir, Pero también tienes respeto Para la gente y todo.
Out of respect, they don't want to climb, and out of fear, they don't want to climb.
Por respeto, No quieren subir, Y por miedo, No quieren subir.
They had a choice, and in the end, they've chosen respect for themselves and the mountain ahead of money.
Ellos tenían una opción, y en el fin, Han elegido respeto Para ellos y la montaña Por delante del dinero.
And I respect that. But you needed her, too.
Y respeto eso, pero la necesitas también.
Show him some respect and thank him.
Demuéstrale tu respeto agradeciéndole.
And if I say no, I just want you to respect that.
Y si digo que no, quiero que me respeten.
You know, maybe he just has to respect your passion and not keep secrets from you and get weird when you're busy. I... I don't know.
Quizá él deba respetar tu pasión y no guardarte secretos ni enojarse cuando estás ocupada.
throwing away your identity.. your knowledge.. respect.. brain.. in the fire while taking the seven vows and then leading your life well that is a Low IQ decision.
tirar su identidad, sus conocimientos, respecto, cerebro..... en el fuego mientras está tomando los siete votos y luego lleva tu vida.
I respect how you got where you are and your decision not to have a romantic partner, but...
Respeto como llegaste a donde estás y tu decisión de no tener una relación amorosa, pero...
Yes, sir, but I think you will have to earn their respect and gain their trust, like everyone else who wants to make it through this war alive.
Sí, pero creo que Ud. debe probablemente deberá ganarse... primero su respeto y confianza. Como todos los demás, que... quieren terminar en esta guerra - - Vitu
With respect to Blake I see no wild flowers here. Only pain and suffering.
Con respeto hacia Blake, no veo flores silvestres aquí, solamente dolor y sufrimiento.
respect 562
respected 41
respectable 36
respectfully 235
respectful 29
respectively 31
and remember 695
and right here 24
and rightly so 33
and right now 473
respected 41
respectable 36
respectfully 235
respectful 29
respectively 31
and remember 695
and right here 24
and rightly so 33
and right now 473
and right 35
and relax 64
and roll sound 20
and re 23
and ryan 19
and rachel 22
and run 26
and rich 28
and rising 36
and rose 16
and relax 64
and roll sound 20
and re 23
and ryan 19
and rachel 22
and run 26
and rich 28
and rising 36
and rose 16