And who are they Çeviri İspanyolca
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And who are they?
¿ Y quiénes son?
Do you know, one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas?
¿ Sabe? Uno de los problemas más graves de esta época es que nos gobiernan personas a las que les preocupan más los sentimientos que los pensamientos y las ideas.
Who these people are who are after you, and how do they keep finding you?
¿ Quiénes son esta gente que está detrás tuya, y cómo hacen para encontrarte siempre?
That is more complicated, they we have learned that we are the GIGN and I'm afraid they will try to avenge the death of Machoro, who was shot by one of my men.
Está complicado. Se enteraron que somos del GIGN y temo que quieran vengar la muerte de Machoro en la cual participó uno de mis hombres, hace cuatro años.
Because the films are a part of our cultural history, and like all accurate representations of who and what we were, I think they deserve preservation in their authentic form.
Porque que las películas son una parte de nuestra historia cultural, y como todo exacta representación sobre qué y quiénes fuimos, creo que merecen preservación en su estado original.
And being able to be there and understand what's going on with them and who they are and what they're about.
Y ser capaz de estar ahí y entender lo que está pasando con ellos y sobre quiénes son y sus compromisos.
So that by now these winning winners who attack from ambush rule earth, and there isn't a single tiny nook where one can hide something from them, because everything they can lay their hands on is theirs. Even things we think they can't reach - but they do reach - are also theirs. Because the sky is already theirs and all our dreams.
y no hay ningún pequeño recoveco donde uno pueda esconderse de ellos, porque todo lo que pueda recaer en sus manos incluso cosas que no podemos alcanzar - pero ellos si pueden - también son de ellos, porque el cielo ya es de ellos y todos nuestros sueños.
This pill is passed on from our master's ancestor lt is especially effective for men like you who are impotence and help them to be robust again they can then regain the pleasure of coitus
Esta pastilla ha sido pasada desde los antepasados de nuestro Maestro. Es especialmente efectiva para hombres como usted que son impotentes, y les ayuda a ser robustos otra vez. Después pueden recuperar el placer del coito.
Erm, the companies and those within governments who have supported that approach, are now saying they will provide new technologies to continue that consumption of stuff, that level of production.
Las empresas y el gobierno que apoyaron este enfoque Ahora dicen que lo harán proporcionar nueva tecnología para continuar el consumo, ese nivel de producción. Simplemente no es realista.
Who knows how many mines there are and where they were planted.
Quién sabe cuántas minas hay y dónde fueron plantadas.
What we've gotta do is find out who they are, what happened to them and what these Leviticus verses have to do with anything.
qué les pasó y qué tienen que ver estos versículos de Levítico.
With all this, some sometimes realize... who are stressed, are long hours and... the nature of work is not they thought it would be.
Con todo esto, algunas veces se dan cuenta... que están estresados, son largas horas y... la naturaleza del trabajo no es lo que pensaron que sería.
"These are the people who buy the toy, " and then they buy another one, so they don't have to open it.
Estos son los que compran el juguete, y luego compran otro para no tener que abrirlo.
They just wanna meet the people who are involved with the comic books and video games and movies and TV shows that entertain them.
Quieren conocer a la gente involucrada en las historietas y juegos de video y películas y series de TV que los entretiene.
They're not your friends who are going off and dying in some stupid war.
No son tus amigos los que se fueron y están muriendo en una estúpida guerra.
A bunch of glorified crack addicts are willing to take that information, and they pretend to understand it, and they bet it against some other jock halfway around the world who, you know, if he wasn't doing this, he'd be in an OTB somewhere, putting it all on number seven, you know?
Un puñado de adictos al crackcogen esa información como si la entendieran y la apuestan contra otro tío que, si no hiciera esto, estaría en cualquier antro apostándolo todo al número 7.
All the women who are out there who are in the same position as you are right now but they're alone and they're lost and they're scared and they don't know what to do, and you can show them.
Todas las mujeres allí afuera.. ... que están en la misma posición en la que estás ahora pero que están solas, perdidas y asustadas y no saben qué hacer, y tú puedes mostrarles.
What do you think of people who are so angry at art they try and censor it or they try and destroy it?
¿ Qué piensas de la gente que está tan furioso con el arte que intentan censurarlo o que intentan destruirlo?
They are only famous for two things... their stupid presidents and the people who kill them.
Sólo son famosos por dos cosas sus estúpidos presidentes y las personas que los matan.
I want to help them love themselves for who they are, warts and all- -
Quiero ayudarlos a que se quieran a sí mismos por cómo son, con verrugas y todo.
Okay, well, family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what, and they accept you for who you are.
Vale, bien, la familia es un lugar. en el que todos te quieren sin importar qué, y te aceptan por quién eres.
Since we come in every Tuesday night at 6 : 00 and order the same exact thing, and it's now 6 : 08, I believe your question not only answers itself but also stands alongside such other nonsensical queries as "Who let the dogs out?" and, uh, "How are they hanging?"
Desde que venimos todos los martes a las 6 : 00 y ordenamos la misma cosa, y ahora son las 06 : 08, creo que tu pregunta no sólo se responde sola pero también está al lado de otras preguntas sin sentido como
I've found that people who judge before they know are usually pretty frightened inside, and I refuse to live that kind of a small life.
He visto que esa gente que juzga antes de saber suelen tener bastante miedo dentro, y me niego a vivir esa especie de vida pequeña.
The bulk of your movement are nothing more than religious tumbleweeds, fanatics who would be out blowing up abortion clinics if they hadn't become polygamists, and women who can't get a man any other way.
La mayor parte de tu movimiento. no són más que plantas enredadas religiosas, fanaticos que volarían las clínicas de abortos si no se hubiesen convertido en poligamos, y mujeres quienes no podian conseguir un hombre de ninguna otra manera.
And who are "they?"
¿ Quiénes son "ellos"?
I guess you'll just have to back away because most of these women who say they're bi are really gay and they just can't say it.
Supongo que tendrás que echarte a un lado porque la mayoría de esas mujeres que dicen que son bi en realidad son gays pero no lo pueden decir.
Sylvia Marriage is about loving someone for who they are... And accepting them for their mistakes.
Sylvia... el matrimonio es sobre amar a alguien por quien es y aceptarlo por sus errores.
Well, there are a lot of folks who don't like people they don't know around them and their families, and farms and such.
Bueno hay muchos amigos que no les gusta la gente que no conocen. - Con sus familias y con sus ranchos y eso.
I think the only people who are happy, deeply happy, and deeply secure are people who know they can rely on someone else in life, people who knowthey are not alone in this world.
Creo que la única gente que es feliz, profundamente feliz y segura es la gente que sabe que puede contar con alguien en la vida : La gente que sabe que no está sola en este mundo.
When we localize, we give our children role models and a standard they can live by that affirms them, and affirms who they are in society without having to look outside their culture to find imagery or symbols, to emulate.
Cuando localizamos, le estamos dando a nuestros hijos un modelo y creo que también un estándar, que los reafirme en la sociedad, sin tener que buscar fuera de su cultura para encontrar imágenes o símbolos para emular.
On the other hand, when children identify with real, flesh-and-blood people who all have their strengths and weaknesses, they get a much more realistic sense of who they are, of who they can be.
Pero cuando los niños se identifican con gente de carne y hueso, con sus virtudes y defectos, adquieren un sentido más realista de quiénes son, de quiénes pueden llegar a ser.
They are people who suffer enormously and who express this immense sadness in their violent acts. To kill satisfies their deep need to exist. " In another, a serial killer says :
"Cuando mato, me deshago de mi humanidad indiferencia, ahí donde solo hay sufrimiento, sin soledad que pueda amenazarme más tiempo."
I put grids of stickers on neglected buildings around the city, and a little sharpie pen, for people who are walking by to write what they wish was there.
Puse cuadriculas de calcomanías en edificios alrededor de la ciudad, y un marcador Sharpie pequeño, para que las personas alrrededor puedan escribir lo que deseen.
No, no, no, I'm sure there are plenty of Omega chis who needed to screw us over so they could make up for an election scandal and get back in the good graces of their dumb-ass brothers.
Estoy seguro de que hay un monton de Omega chis que necesitaban fastidiarnos así que podrían inventar un escándalo electoral y regresar a la gracia de sus estúpidos hermanos.
He, and everyone who helped him, will be executed once they are caught.
Cuando sea ejecutado, nadie lo ayudará.
My France is that of all French people who don't know if they're on the left or the right or in the center because they are above all men and women of goodwill.
Mi Francia es la de todos los franceses que ya no saben en el fondo si son de izquierda, de derecha o de centro porque son ante todo hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad.
On judgment day, those who are satisfied and the cowards... they'll be the first to retreat.
En el día del juicio final, aquellos que fueron conformistas y cobardes... van a ser los primeros en retractarse.
There are those somewhat less enlightened among our people who believe he is a demon who rips souls from human bodies and takes them to hell where they suffer for all eternity.
En nuestra gente, hay aquellos un tanto menos ilustrados que creen que es un demonio que le arranca el alma a los cuerpos humanos y las lleva al infierno donde sufran por toda la eternidad.
But who are they and what is that box?
Pero, quién... ¿ pero quiénes son? ¿ Qué es esa caseta?
And I'm telling you right now, They are gonna be so sympathetic To an innocent man who spent 22 years behind bars.
Así que ahora te digo, ellos van a ser muy compasivos por un hombre inocente que ha pasado 22 años entre rejas.
The thing is, I-I want two people who are gonna love this baby, who can care for this baby, and who will understand when they make a mistake.
La cosa es, quiero a dos personas que amen a este bebé, que cuiden de este bebé, y que entiendan cuando cometen un error.
And everyone, it seemed, everyone was talking about it. And where the fuck are they? Who cares?
Y al parecer todos estaban hablando de ellas. ¿ Y dónde carajos están?
The record is going to show up one day and they are going to play it. But a live show, who knows what's going to happen.
Un disco va a salir un día y y vamos a reproducirlo.
A list of each cardinal and how much they are to receive, including Piccolomini, who was paid to reveal Pope Pius'letter, with French money.
En una lista de cada Cardenal y cuánto es lo que van a recibir, incluyendo Piccolomini, a quién pagaron para revelar la carta con dinero francés.
And the friends of mine who make big giant Hollywood movies say that the reason their films are so successful is because of the brand partners that they have.
Beth Jones - Directora de marca US Skincare Marketing Los que hacen grandes películas de Hollywood dicen que sus películas son tan exitosas por las marcas asociadas que tienen.
- And if they are, in fact, who they say they are.
Y si ellos son, de hecho, quien dicen ser.
Yeah. And who the hell are they?
Sí, y ¿ quién demonios son ellas?
Find out where they are and who is helping them.
Averigua dónde están y quién les está ayudando.
Patients who cry when they're dying are removed from home ; and next thing you know, they're dead.
"a los enfermos que lloran cuando se están muriendo se les saca de casa, y el paso siguiente es que se mueren."
not to trust caregivers doctors and other people who are trying to help them and generally see the world as an unsafe place... and that is strictly a function of implicit memory which sometimes has to do with incidents they don't even recall.
no confiar en cuidadores, médicos y otras personas que están tratando de ayudarlos ; y, generalmente, ver el mundo como un lugar inseguro... y ésa es estrictamente una función de la memoria implícita la cual a veces tiene que ver con incidentes que ni siquiera recuerdan.
These people who have no souls and since they don't even want to pay these people anymore - they are now breeding robots – real robots – real algorithmic traders.
Esta gente que no tiene alma y, como ni siquiera quieren pagar a esta gente - ahora están criando robots – verdaderos robots – verdaderos operadores algorítmicos.
and who is she 20
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who are they 845
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who are they 845