And who is that Çeviri İspanyolca
5,859 parallel translation
You think, for one moment, that some judge is gonna look at that tape of a father defending his daughter and see some violent man who doesn't deserve
Crees, por un momento, que un juez va a ver en este vídeo a un padre defendiendo a su hija o verá a un hombre violento que no se merece
And in every generation, whatever power it is that's behind the plan sends to Earth certain specific souls who are, by birth, more inclined and able to be receptors to the higher knowledge.
Y en cada generación, cualquiera sea ese poder que está detrás del plan, envía a la Tierra ciertas almas específicas que están, por nacimiento, más inclinadas y capaces de ser receptoras del conocimiento superior.
And I'd do it again, because that is who I am.
Y yo lo haría de nuevo, porque eso es lo que soy.
After the recent Historical Memory Law was passed the debate has starred up once again between those who demand that justice be done and those who believe it is time to heal old wounds...
Tras la reciente aprobacià ³ n de la Ley de la Memoria Histà ³ rica, una vez mà ¡ s se reabre el debate entre los que reclaman que se haga usticia y los que defienden que es tiempo de cerrar vieas heridas...
The day after you can come back and see that boo. Who I know you're denying is really your boo.
Al día siguiente puedes venir y ver a tu novio del que sé que niegas que sea tu novio.
And the man that set it up is the same man who burned it down.
Y el hombre que lo puso en marcha es el mismo que lo detiene.
All I know is there are people in this office that expect that toast to be perfect, and I don't care who gives it.
Todo lo que sé es que hay personas en esta oficina que esperan que las tostadas de ser perfecto, y no me importa que lo da.
And that is why I know that the good people of California will go out to the polls on election day and make sure that the man that they see up here tonight, who has served them faithfully for 18 years, gets the chance to serve them for many more.
Y por eso sé que la buena gente de California irá a votar el día de las elecciones y se asegurarán que el hombre que ven esta noche aquí, que les ha servido fielmente durante 18 años, tenga la oportunidad de servirles muchos más.
It is his focus, will, and mind that make him who he is.
Es su enfoque, voluntad, y mente quien lo hacen ser quien es.
And what he protects is also guarded by an enchantment... a spell that can only be broken by someone who has been tempted by their inner darkness and turned away from it, someone just like you.
Y lo que protege está guardado por un encantamiento... un hechizo que sólo puede romper alguien que haya sido tentado por su lado oscuro y lo rechazara... Alguien como tú.
I mean, the people who come out here, they think they're in East Hampton, and that's because of places like the end and Navy Beach and this fiasco that Oscar is proposing.
Quiero decir, la gente que viene aquí, creen que están en East Hampton, por culpa de lugares como el fin y Navy Beach y este fiasco que Oscar está proponiendo.
But there is a pack of ruthless bounty hunters who would have caught up to the wagon by now and noticed that we are not in it.
Pero hay una manada de cazadores de recompensas despiadados... que ya habrán alcanzado el carro para ahora... y se han dado cuenta de que no estamos en el mismo.
He has reason to believe that there is a person at large who is a danger to him, and to his family.
Tiene razones para creer que existe una persona peligrosa para él y para su familia.
And it's clear that whoever inspired the myth of... of Zeus or Odin is somehow somebody who had an extremely important contribution to make to both civilizations.
Y está claro que quien inspirara el mito de Zeus o de Odín es, de alguna manera, alguien que hizo una contribución sumamente importante para ambas civilizaciones.
And when we look back at those stories, we have to ask, "Is it possible that Hephaestus was an extraterrestrial being who brought some advanced extraterrestrial technology to Earth?"
Y cuando miramos esas historias, tenemos que preguntarnos, "¿ Es posible que Hefeso fuera un ser extraterrestre que trajera alguna tecnología alienígena de punta a la Tierra"?
"But there's someone else who deserves an apology, " and that certain someone is Richard Curtis, writer and director of'Love Actually.'"
Pero hay alguien más que se merece una disculpa, y sin duda, ese alguien es Richard Curtis, escritor y director de "Love Actually".
Someone fell out, and when I find out who that someone is...
Alguien se cayó y cuando averigüe quién es...
And from this day forward, he is the new proprietor of this establishment and any man who takes issue with that can take it up with mesa ", can take it up with Johnny, or with one of our good friends here.
Y de hoy en adelante, es el nuevo propietario de este establecimiento y quien tenga algún problema con eso puede discutirlo conmigo, puede discutirlo con Johnny, o con cualquiera de nuestros buenos amigos aquí presentes.
All you need to know is that a felony has been committed by someone on your squad, and I'm gonna find out who did it.
Todo lo que tiene que saber es que alguien de su brigada ha cometido un delito y yo voy a averiguar quién ha sido.
Yes, and I know that you're mad that I'm here, but you're about to get over it, because I know who the mole is.
Sí, y sé que está enfadado por mi presencia aquí, pero se le va a pasar enseguida porque sé quién es el topo.
No, the story is that the guy who played the dad hated being on The Brady Bunch because he was a real actor, and he considered it beneath him.
No, la historia es que el tipo que interpretaba al papá odiaba salir en La Tribu Brady porque era un actor de verdad, y consideraba que el trabajo estaba por debajo de su nivel.
So, Chauvenet is a Dark Net Deep Web site that deals in billions of dollars of illegal goods and services that we can't shut down because we don't know who this Papa Legba guy is who runs it, in part because of the way they can hide using Tor.
Chauvenet es una web de la Red Profunda... que mueve miles de millones de dólares en mercancía ilegal... y en servicios que no podemos cerrar... porque no sabemos quién ese tal Papa Legba que lo dirige... en parte porque se esconden usando Tor.
And she needs someone who is strong enough to see her through that.
Y ella necesita a alguien que tenga la fortaleza de verla tal y como es.
Not jealous. Just reminding you that you are trying to have a relationship with someone who is... and again, it's bizarre
Solo te recuerdo que intentas tener una relación con alguien que es...
BoJack, when people find out that someone like you, who seems larger than life, is actually just as wounded and vulnerable as they are, it makes them feel less lonely.
BoJack, cuando la gente descubra que alguien como tú, que parece ser mejor que los demás, es en realidad tan vulnerable como ellos mismos, los hará sentir menos solos. No.
Maybe that's what flawed, sad fatties want from other celebrities, but for BoJack Horseman, they want a heroic horse-stud who is awesome and who can save them from their flawed, sad, fatty lives.
Pero quieren que BoJack Horseman sea un semental heroico, que sea maravilloso y que pueda salvarlos de sus vidas miserables.
Annie, what I need is to find out who made that toxin and link them to Belenko.
Annie, lo que necesito es averiguar quién fabricó la toxina y enlazarlos con Belenko.
If I had a young suspect who didn't understand that sex between adults and teenagers is wrong, or even abnormal...
Si tuviese a un joven sospechoso que no comprendiese que el sexo entre adultos y adolescentes no esta bien, o que es anormal...
There are two kind of people in the world, people who have a hot tub that is in the ground and other people who are worried that a tornado is gonna take their aboveground hot tub away from the trailer park that they live in.
Hay dos clases de personas, las que tienen un jacuzzi bajo techo y los que están preocupados con que un tornado se lleve volando su jacuzzi del parking donde viven.
[Instrumental music] And now that you know who the real Santa is,
Y ahora que saben quién es el verdadero Santa, les tengo una pregunta,
That is the person who I've been seeing, and I have a right to not feel bad about that.
Esa es la persona con la que he estado saliendo, y tengo derecho a no sentirme mal por eso.
And, of course, he has no idea who that is.
Y por supuesto, no tiene idea de quién es.
Yeah, Bud thought that Shaw found out from a guy who was at Monroe and Rosalee's wedding, which is what we were talking about in the trailer, right?
Sí, Bud pensó que Shaw se había enterado por un tipo que había estado en la boda de Monroe y Rosalee, de lo cual estábamos hablando en el remolque, ¿ no?
And then, in that scene, that felt real, and it's probably just because it's Shakespeare and he is the greatest writer who ever lived and had...
Y luego, en esa escena, se sintió real, y probablemente es solo porque es Shakespeare y es el mejor escritor que ha habido nunca y ha...
I don't know who you are, but you are obviously some sort of desperate hail Mary from my husband or from Cyrus or from someone else who thinks there is a chance in hell of getting me to put on that stupid dress and go to that stupid speech.
No se quien eres, pero obviamente eres un tipo de desesperado ultimo recurso de mi marido o Cyrus u otra persona que piensa que hay una maldita posibilidad de conseguir que me ponga ese estupido vestido y vaya a ese estupido discurso.
I don't have children, so you may think it's horrible for me to say that, and maybe it is, but it's also a fact that of all the millions of Americans who will be watching and listening to
No tengo hijos, asi que puede pensar que es horrible por mi parte decir eso, y quiza lo sea, pero tambien es un hecho que de los millones de americanos que veran y escucharan el discurso del estado de la Union esta noche,
And I think it's no surprise that most Americans feel it is the wife who deserves the blame in this, that she willfully shoved her husband and caused the fall that led to his death.
Y creo que no es de extrañar que la mayoría de estadounidenses sienten es la esposa que merece la culpa en esto, que ella deliberadamente empujó a su marido y causó la caída que llevó a su muerte.
And that is who I want us to be again.
Y es lo que quiero que volvamos a ser.
You may be the only one who can prevent that, and that is by immediately nailing me to the cross rather than trying to protect me as a source.
Quizás seas la única que pueda evitar eso y ello sería posible clavándome a la cruz en lugar de tratar de protegerme como fuente.
And you won't know who it is, because you don't have the context for that.
Y no sabes quién es porque no tienes el contexto para eso.
There may be some technical basis on which they can say that we are not actively collaborating or they don't have what we consider in our own definition to be direct access to our servers but what I do know is that I've talked to more than one person who has sat at a desk at a web portal and typed out commands and reached into those servers from a distance.
Hay quizás cierta base técnica para que puedan decir que no están colaborando activamente o que no tienen lo que consideramos en nuestra definición un acceso directo a nuestros servidores pero lo que sí sé es que he hablado con más de una persona que ha tecleado comandos en un portal online desde su escritorio y se ha metido en esos servidores desde la distancia.
And the fact that it's all behind a wall of secrecy and they threaten people who want to expose it, means that whatever they're doing, even violating the law, is something that we're unlikely to know until we start having real investigations and real transparency into what it is that the government is doing.
Y el hecho de que está todo tras un velo de secreto y amenazan a las personas que quieren exponerlo significa que lo que sea que estén haciendo incluso violar la ley, es algo que no sabríamos hasta empezar a tener investigaciones y transparencia reales sobre lo que hace el gobierno.
What I'm concerned is that if we come out and say, "Here's who this is, here's what he did," the whole thing that we talked about, that we're gonna basically be doing the government's work for them.
Lo que me preocupa es que si salimos y decimos "Aquí está quién lo hizo, aquí está lo que hizo todo el asunto del que hablamos" que vamos a estar haciendo el trabajo del gobierno.
But if what the snow queen told me is true and Anna is the one who put me in that urn, then maybe she doesn't want me to find her.
Pero y si lo que me contó la Reina de las Nieves es cierto y Anna es una de las que quería ponerme en esa urna, quizás ella no quiera que la encuentre.
But then, the people who wronged me would have won, and I never would have had the chance to see the people that I loved, one of whom is, uh, here today.
Pero entonces, la gente que me metió allí habría ganado, y nunca hubiera tenido la oportunidad de ver a la gente que quería, uno de los cuales está aquí hoy.
Who are you is your brand, and saying that a brand is simply a name is like saying Abraham Lincoln is simply a name, or mahatma Gandhi, god.
Su marca es quienes ustedes son... y decir que una marca es sólo un nombre... es como decir que Abraham Lincoln es sólo un nombre... o Mahatma Gandhi, Dios.
[Snickers] Come back tomorrow and tell me who your business is, and I'll help guide you toward that purpose.
Vuelvan mañana... y díganme quién es su negocio... y yo les guiaré hacia esa meta.
It's that lady who comes in, tries a sample, and then whispers about how bad she is. Hey.
Es esa mujer que viene, prueba las muestras y luego susurra acerca de lo mala que es.
Kathy was packing the car and I told her that Hannah has every right to know who her real father is.
Kathy estaba metiendo las cosas en el coche y le dije... que Hannah tenía derecho a saber quién era su verdadero padre.
where I go to Bears games, and I find guys who look gay, and I take their photograph and then I-I put it on my twink blog online. As enticing as it is, the idea of me driving two hours with your hands hovering over me, the energy of a manic breakdown surrounding me, and then arriving at that game, and you approaching men at a
Por emocionante que sea la idea de conducir durante dos horas con tus manos manoseándome y la energía de un maníaco a mi alrededor, llegar al partido y acercarte a hombres diciéndoles que crees que son gays y haciéndoles una foto
Might hear something. Now that we know the murder is part of a kidnapping, maybe we should circle back around Reed's neighborhood, see if we can get who was coming and going, who had access.
Ahora que sabemos que el asesino... es parte del secuestro, deberíamos volver... al barrio de Reed a ver si podemos saber... quién iba y venía, quién tuvo acceso.
and who is she 20
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who's this 56
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is that 1293
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is that 1293
who is that girl 23
who is that man 70
who is that woman 40
who is that guy 116
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
who is that man 70
who is that woman 40
who is that guy 116
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163