Because if you are Çeviri İspanyolca
1,256 parallel translation
Because if you are going after the unseen then planning the unseen should involve visual effects design.
Los efectos visuales bien hechos deben ser una parte del proceso conceptual porque si quieres lo nunca visto planearlo involucra diseñar un efecto visual.
- Because if you are, that's entrapment.
- Si no, esto es una trampa.
Because if you are feeling quiggly, why not just have a J. Arthur?
Si te excitaste, date placer.
Because if you are, you're fucked.
Porque si naces cigarra, estás jodido.
There are also lessons about that, you better go there because if you don't push properly, for example if you push too hard, you can end like my sister, whose capillary vessels exploded and her face was all purple for a week.
Hay cursos. Será mejor que te apuntes a uno. Si empujas demasiado, como lo hizo mi hermana...
So if his boys are over there and you looking fine, he'll tell them to leave because he'll wanna get busy.
Bien, si sus amigos están ahí, y estás muy atractiva él mismo les dirá que se vayan porque estará muy ocupado.
Because my parents are coming to discuss the wedding tomorrow They're orthodox. What will they think if they see you fighting like this?
porque mis padres están viniendo para discutir la boda mañana ellos son ortodoxos. ¿ Qué ellos pensarán si ellos le ven luchar así?
Now then, if there's anyone here not actually based at this depot, because one or two of you lads are on loan from Woodburn depot, aren't you?
- Si hay alguien no establecido en este depósito porque uno o dos muchachos a préstamo del depósito de Woodburn, ¿ no?
And because you cannot take it out on me, you unleash yourself on Rajesh? If you think I'm frustrated with life, you are completely mistaken, Papa
¿ Y como no puedes sacarlo conmigo la desatas contra Rajesh?
If you are trying to extort us because we are immigrants, we know the law.
No trate de extorsionarnos por ser inmigrantes, conocemos la ley.
the stuff we play like is... is uhh well it's more fucked up basically you know because like... because like you are more fucked up if you live in London than if you live in uhh... you're not more fucked up than if you
Lo que tocamos es... jodido... porque... estás más jodido... si vives en Londres que... si vives en... No más jodido... si vives en Belfast... o algo así...
Because you and I are gonna have some fun. Even if I have to carry you around the next three days.
Tú y yo nos vamos a divertir de lo lindo aunque tenga que cargarte.
Because if you don't at least acknowledge the hugeness of this moment you are gonna wake up in some cold sweat in some USC dorm room and you're just gonna add one more thing to your list of lifelong regrets.
Porque si no entiendes la magnitud de este momento una noche vas a despertarte sudando frío y tendrás algo más que sumar a tu lista de arrepentimientos.
Because we only do that if you are.
Eso solo se analiza si lo eres.
If you are concerned because of my heat protection, first thing Peacekeepers do with Scarran prisoners.
Si estás preocupado por mi protección de calor... Lo primero que los Pacificadores hacen con un Escarrano prisionero
I don't think you are, because if you were... you would see that this obviously has'Lorelai'written all over it.
Creo que no, porque si lo hicieras... verias que es obvio que me queda perfecto.
Things will be OK between you and Lee, you know, because you and Lee are going to be together, and he knows that, and if he doesn't appreciate that, he's mad.
Las cosas se arreglarán entre tú y Lee, ya verás. Porque tú y Lee teneis que estar juntos, y si él no aprecia eso, es que está loco.
Because you gotta tell me if you are.
- No. - Porque tienes que decirme si lo eres.
Well, if you are lying I'll know, because I'll be watching you.
Bueno, si estas mintiendo lo sabre, por que te estare observando.
Because you are under oath, your testimony here today has the same force and effect as if you were testifying before the committee in a courtroom.
- Sí. Como está bajo juramento, su testimonio de hoy tiene igual fuerza y efecto que si declarara en un tribunal.
Because they felt it was abnormal, it wasn't a normal way to develop. They wanted to have him develop along lines that society recognized to be normal because if they didn't then he would be under control of forces that you don't understand, that you are not even aware of.
porque sintio que era anormal, que no era una forma normal de desarrollarse porque lo querian desarrollado en la linea de lo que la sociedad reconocia como normal porque si no lo hacia estaria bajo el control de fuerzas que no entenderias, de las que no estas en conocimiento
You better be here to apologize... because you treated me like the scum of the earth... and if you think those flowers are going... to make me feel better, you're sadly mistaken.
Tú mejor estate aquí para disculparte... porque me trataste como espuma de tierra... y si piensas que esas flores van... a hacerme sentir mejor, cometes un error.
Look, I'm embarrassed to get out there... I really am, because I don't know what I'm doing... but I'm game if you are... if you want to show- - will you show me something?
Me da vergüenza salir ahí y bailar, en serio, pero lo haré si usted quiere, si quiere mostrarme...
If you're in bed, get up and get dressed because they're not gonna be able to touch her if there are witnesses.
Si estáis en la cama, levantaos y vestíos porque ellos no la van a poder coger si hay testigos
If you are here, it is because you have a fervent, unequivocal belief in teamwork.
Si están aquí, es porque creen con fervor y sin ninguna duda en el trabajo en equipo.
And that's why we are here together the two of us and if I go to work all day is to give you the best, not because I don't want to be with you.
Y por eso estamos aquí juntos los dos y si me voy todo el día a trabajar es para darte lo mejor, no es porque no quiera estar contigo.
If you are traveling,'cause this is L. A... traffic is backed up, but especially off Fig and Hoover... because there's a turned - over armored truck.
Si están viajando, porque esto es Los Ángeles... POR AMOR AL DI NERO hay congestión de tránsito, especialmente en Fig y Hoover... porque volcó un camión blindado.
But when you took me out of the room, I was all covered in blood, no teeth... and you told me you are sorry for me, because you had children, too, a girl, if I recall it well, and that you could help me then,
Cuando me sacó del camino, yo estaba cubierto de sangre, sin dientes. Dijo que lo sentía por mí, que también tenía una hija. Pero no podía ayudarme.
"Komal, I brought you here because if there are around.."
Komal, te he traído aquí porque si estoy cerca de
"If he's quiet, it's only because you are my father"
Si él está tranquilo porque eres mi padre
What are you going to do if you get possessed by the cursed urban Kadun because you followed that stranger around?
¿ Qué vas a hacer si te posee la maldición de un Kadum urbano por seguir a un extraño?
The point about focus group politics is that... there isn't one because people are contradictory and irrational, and so you have a problem in terms of deciding what you are going to do... if all you do is listen to a mass of individual opinions,
La gente no manda, la gente no participa en la toma de las decisiones. Por lo tanto, la democracia se reduce de la ciudadanía activa a la idea de consumidor pasivo
You better be, because... if your boy doesn't come through, you two are gonna end up at opposite end zones.
Mejor que sea así, porque si tu muchacho no gana... los dos terminaran en esquinas opuestas
Look, Dawson, if you're here because you think that you and Joey are....
Si Viniste porque crees que tú y Joey...
And I guess that if it's true, then it probably really sucks to be you, because no matter how together you think you are if your fondest desire is to start hanging out with Audrey then chances are, it's not gonna stay that way.
Si todo eso es verdad, no quisiera estar en tu lugar. No importa lo centrado que creas que eres si lo que más deseas es estar con Audrey lo más probable es que eso no suceda.
You know what, if you think about it it actually promotes a healthy body image because even big butts or "juicy doubles" are....
¿ Sabes algo? Si lo piensas esa cancion promueve una saludable imagen corporal porque las nalgas buenas o las enormes...
Okay, if you can make it before 5 : 00, everything's good... but any later than that won't work... because the cable modem people are dropping by about 5 : 05.
Bueno, si pueden antes de las 5 : 00, está bien... pero más tarde ya no me sirve... porque los del cable módem vienen a las 5 : 05.
If that palm ain't holding something, let it go, and shit, if you've got bumps on your head big enough to read, forget about your future, yo, because your problems are in the here and now.
si la palma no sostiene algo. sueltala. y diablos. si tienes chichones en la cabeza con tamaño como para ser leidos.
If this is all because I enjoy spending time with Ian, then you are way overreacting.
Si esto es porque disfruto la compañía de Ian, entonces estás exagerando.
Because... if you take out filthy and Yonkers what are you left with?
Porque si le quitas lo sucio y lo Yonkers, ¿ Qué te queda?
It's wrong to eat veal because the animals are so horribly mistreated, but if you don't eat meat at all you break out in vaginas.
Está mal comer carne porque los animales son horriblemente tratados, pero si no lo haces, te conviertes en una vagina.
Because if normal people are like what you are... I'm glad my son is abnormal.
Porque si personas normales Ser como lo que tú eres.... Me alegro de que mi hijo es anormal.
You're worried for them because if they eat it, not only are they gonna go through a heavy experience, but now I got to go in front of the next wave and try and get them out of it.
Me preocupo por ellos porque si caen mal... no sólo vivirán una experiencia difícil... sino que yo tendré que meterme en la siguiente ola para sacarlos.
You better run faster... because if I catch you, you are dead meat!
Mas vale que corras porque si te atrapo estás muerto.
If you decide not to get married, I think you should let them do some work on you anyway, because you are gonna want to look your best when you get back out there.
Si decides no casarte, creo que deberías dejar que te hagan algo también, porque querrás lucir espléndida cuando vuelvas a comenzar.
Look, if you don't want to go with me tell me, because... business meetings are in offices.
Mira, si no querés ir conmigo decímelo pero las reuniones de trabajo se hacen en oficinas, Ana.
But it is the other way round, you want her to understand that... you don't care about it and what you are really doing is showing... you do care a lot, because if you didn't you wouldn't say anything.
Bueno, pero funciona al revés eso, vos le querés dar a entender que ella no te importa y en realidad lo que estás haciendo es demostrar que te importa mucho porque sino no le dirías nada.
Because I don't like thinking about you so much... and worrying about how you are... and if I ruined your life.
Porque no me gusta pensar tanto acerca de ti y preocuparme por cómo estás y si arruiné tu vida.
Liz, if you have given to you is because you are deserved
Liz, "A -" es una buena excelente calificación.
If you wander round the park on a Saturday afternoon and you happen to see a transvestite, you can tell from a very long distance because they are wearing bonnets and lace gloves and they're dressed in a bizarre, over-the-top ladylike way,
- Buenos Días. - Buenos Días. Hola, mi nombre es Carol.
When and only when you are married by the church because if not, then forget the whole thing.
Siempre y cuando uno esté casado por la iglesia, porque si no, ni para eso sirve.
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if so 25
if you are 149
you are 6060
you are amazing 104
you are so sweet 63
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
if you are 149
you are 6060
you are amazing 104
you are so sweet 63
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are not alone 88
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are clever 20
you are lying 79