Before what Çeviri İspanyolca
13,318 parallel translation
Before what?
¿ Antes de qué?
"Gee, what happened before that?"
"Caramba, ¿ qué pasó antes de eso?"
But what I didn't tell you was I had some people I know pick up the body before the cops put it on the books.
Pero lo que no te dije era que tenía a alguna gente que conozco para recoger el cuerpo antes que los policías lo registraran.
We have to figure out what their end game is before they kill again.
Tenemos que averiguar cuál es el fin de su juego antes de que maten de nuevo.
Everyone's gone before the cops know what happened.
Todo el mundo se ha ido antes de que los policías saben lo que pasó.
And what about before?
¿ Qué hay de antes?
As I was saying, sir, obviously we're very restricted in what we can release before any potential court case.
Como iba diciendo, señor, obviamente tenemos muchas restricciones sobre lo que podemos revelar antes de un potencial caso
We're bringing the agency back to what it was meant to be, what it was before Rowan lost his way.
Estamos trayendo la agencia de volver a lo que estaba destinado a ser, lo que era antes Rowan perdió su camino.
ISBNs were only ten-digit numbers before 2007, so what if the book we're looking for is older?
Los ISBN tenían solo diez dígitos antes de 2007, ¿ y si el libro que estamos buscando es más antiguo?
Like, so what if he's been engaged twice before?
¿ Y qué si ha estado comprometido dos veces antes?
Right, but what you're not aware of is that the banks don't cash the smaller utility checks before they've processed the larger rent check.
Sí, pero lo que que no eres consciente de es que los bancos no hacen efectivo los cheques más pequeños de servicios públicos antes de que hayan procesados el cheque de la renta más grande.
I think what my partner here is trying to say is that politicians like to get ahead of the problem, before it kind of blows up in their faces.
Creo que lo que mi compañera trata de decir... es que a los políticos les gusta adelantarse al problema, antes de que estalle en sus caras.
I got good reflexes. I thought I got her out before anyone would find out what happened, but nope.
Tengo buenos reflejos, creí que la había sacado antes de que alguien se diera cuenta, pero no.
What can I do for you, what can I give you before you go to college? "
¿ Qué puedo hacer, o darte, antes de que vayas a la universidad? ".
- Is that what you told Victor before you buried a knife in his neck?
- ¿ Es esto lo que le dijiste a Victor antes de clavar el cuchillo en su cuello?
What did you find on Darko before we got Python's message?
¿ Qué encontraste sobre Darko antes del mensaje de Python?
This is what I look like before coffee.
Así es como parezco antes del café.
That it somehow knew what you wanted even before you knew you wanted it?
de alguna manera sabe lo que quieres incluso antes de saber que lo querias
That's just what they want. Nobody cares about the people who lived here before. They want us to move'cause then they want to knock our houses down and build more lofts and villas.
es lo que quieren a nadies le importa las personas que vivieron aqui antes quieren que nos mudemos porque quieren derribar nuestras casas y construir mas lofts y villas.
What? Listen to me carefully, and don't look at the glass. I feel something for you I have never felt before.
escuchame cuidadosamente, y no mires la ventana siento algo por ti que nunca senti antes creo que es confianza esos hombres estan llenos de odio y si se enteran que no tengo informacion, me quemaran, al igual como a los demás
If we're going to defeat our enemies, that's what it's going to take... all of us, together! If only we'd had these before, huh?
si derrotaremos a nuestros enemigos sera... estando unidos! si hubiera tenido una de estas antes, ah?
It's not individual right now. And I've never experienced that And I've never experienced that before, and that's what I base
Nunca había experimentado esto, y puedo decir esto basándome en el equipo que tenemos.
Before, and that's what I base me saying this is my group on. Me saying this is my group on. jeff :
Jeremy, si buscas algo a largo plazo, esto es música pura para tus oídos.
I don't know what that is, but I will not allow my sister to claim it for Ronan before I do.
No sé que es eso, pero no dejaré que mi hermana la consiga y se la entregue a Ronan antes que yo.
Someone had to have left the gun for Gagnier before he arrived the day of the shooting, only that's not what happened.
Alguien tenía que haber dejado la pistola para Gagnier antes de que llegara el día del tiroteo, Sólo que no es lo que pasó.
Now, at first, Johnson's just gonna assume he lost it, so let's see what we can find out before he shuts it down.
Ahora, al principio, Johnson solo asumirá que lo perdió, así que veamos qué podemos averiguar antes de que lo cancele.
What do you think the minimum amount of time is that I have to be here before it counts as, like, "Yeah, Jackson was here"?
¿ Cuál crees que es el mínimo tiempo que tengo que estar aquí para que cuente como : "Sí, Jacson estuvo aquí"?
What? Mary Ann, sweetheart, you know you're my favorite foosa. But maybe, just maybe, before you start teaching the huddled masses about killing kings and stuff, you could, uh, run it by me first.
Mary Ann, cariño, tú sabes que eres mi fossa favorita pero antes de enseñarle a las masas sobre matar reyes y eso, ¿ tal vez podrías preguntarme?
Well, here's what happened the moment before.
Bueno, esto es lo que sucedió el momento antes.
Remember what happened when you tripped and fell right before we got here?
¿ Recuerdas lo que pasó cuando tropezaste y te caíste justo antes de esto?
It could be symptomatic of something serious, but before we go there, let's do a biopsy and see what comes back.
Podría ser sintomático de algo serio, Pero antes de ir allí, vamos a hacer una biopsia Y ver lo que viene de atrás.
- You know what, before I call GI,
¿ Sabes qué, antes de que llame GI,
So we have to find them before they realize what they have.
Entonces tenemos que encontrarlos antes de que descubran lo que tienen.
Okay, Toscanini, before he became a conductor, what instrument did he play?
Vale, Toscanini, antes de convertirse en un conductor, qué instrumento jugó?
This world always knows what you want, sometimes even before you do.
Este mundo siempre sabe lo que quieres, incluso antes de que sepas qué.
I was so sure about what to do before, and now I have no idea.
Estaba tan segura sobre qué hacer antes, y ahora no tengo ni idea.
Maybe what I saw the night before the storm wasn't a carjacking.
Quizás lo que vi la noche antes de la tormenta no se trataba de un robo de coche.
Oliver said they were supposed to meet up at Ford's apartment after the heist. What if Tagget got there before anyone else did?
Oliver dijo que se suponía que ellos se reunieran en el apartamento de Ford después del atraco y si Tagget llegó allí antes de que nadie más lo hiciera?
Look, I told you before I left town, I'm done selling to you. Whoa. What makes you think you have a choice?
Mira, te lo dije antes de irme de la ciudad, Termine de vender para ti. ¿ Qué te hace pensar que tienes una opción?
Do you remember what we used to talk about before Stan?
¿ Recuerdas de lo que hablábamos antes de que naciera Stan?
Now, the peak is what we refer to as the last month in the cycle before...
Ahora, el pico es a lo que nos referimos como el último mes en el ciclo anterior...
You need to find what happened before that lot start phoning exorcists.
Necesitas encontrar que pasó antes que empiecen a llamar exorcistas.
He was mugged the year before he created Safe Filter in what he called "a sketchy neighborhood."
Fue asaltado el año antes de que él creó Filtrar Segura en lo que llamó "un barrio chungo".
You probably know what's gonna come out of my mouth before I even say it.
Tu problablemente sabes lo que va a salir de mi boca antes aun de que yo lo diga.
Before I got locked up, I made a list. What'd you, check it twice, you find out who was naughty or nice?
Antes de que me encerraran, hice una lista. - ¿ Qué hiciste, comprueba dos veces, averiguar quién era malo o bueno?
Well, for the layman, it means that my customers have got a month to hang on to what they've found before you can even touch them.
Bueno, para los profanos, significa que mis clientes tienen un mes, para aferrarse a lo que encontraron antes de que puedas tocarlos.
Wow, guys, you know what, I'm glad that this happened because people should know what they're getting into before they start a relationship.
Wow, chicos, ¿ sabes qué, me alegro de que esto sucedió porque la gente debe saber lo que se está metiendo antes de empezar una relación.
That's exactly what the board said before they hired you.
Es exactamente lo que dijo la junta antes de que te contrataran.
A few algorithms later, and I was able to extrapolate what he was typing just before he died.
Unos algoritmos más tarde, he podido extrapolar lo que estaba tecleando justo antes de morir.
Milo, before you go, tell me, what was it like?
Milo, antes de irte, dime, ¿ cómo era?
That's what they did before.
Eso es lo que hicieron antes.
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what are these 350
what do you think 9124
what's your name 4643
what have you got 603
what are you 4599
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what are these 350
what do you think 9124
what's your name 4643
what have you got 603
what are you 4599
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what's this 5587
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what's this 5587