What are they like Çeviri İspanyolca
678 parallel translation
Say, tell me, what are they like - the others - the foreigners?
Dime, ¿ cómo son los otros, los extranjeros? .
- Yes, I know. What are they like?
- Sí, lo sé. ¿ Cómo son?
What are they like?
¿ Cómo son?
You know the people that did it What are they like? They don't look like a murderers
¿ Alguna vez has tenido pesadillas que te asustaran?
What are they like when they take their armor off?
¿ Cómo son cuando se quitan la armadura?
- What are they like, then?
- Y entonces, ¿ cómo son?
What are they like?
¿ Como son ellos?
"What are they like, these catacombs?"
Me dije : "¿ Cómo serán esas catacumbas?"
By the way, what are they like?
A propósito, ¿ cómo están los otros?
Yeah? What are they like?
- ¿ Cómo son?
What are they like, these Rills?
¿ Cómo son ellos, estos arroyos?
What are they like, these girls?
¿ Qué tal esas chicas?
doesn't he know that I've ordered them to come at 2 o'clock but your majesty knows how they are sitting there, waiting, drinking... and complaining... let them wait let them complain but after all we would like to know what's going to happen tomorrow
Están sentados, esperando, soplando... y protestando... ¡ Que se esperen! ... y que protesten.
- What are they like?
- ¿ Cómo están?
Some people are born free. They can do what they like without concern for consequences.
Hay quien puede hacer lo que quiera sin pensar en las consecuencias.
Tell me, what are people really like? Are they good or wicked?
Dígame, ¿ Por qué la gente es buena o mala?
when I celebrated the wedding with your late mother she didn't know either what was going on, all women are just like that before a wedding they're all so exited my dear son-in-law
Cuando celebrábamos la boda con tu difunta madre... tampoco sabía ni lo que estaba pasando. ¡ Así sois las mujeres! Antes de la boda, muy nerviosas... Distinguido yerno...
Nothing about that to be ashamed of. My only quarrel today is with fellows like this who are in it for only what they can get out of it.
Mi única disputa es ahora con tipos como ése, que sólo se involucraron por lo que se podían sacar.
'And what they want are little boys like you.'
Y lo que quieren, son niños como tú.
If they're like this now, what are they gonna be like by the evening?
Si me duele así ahora, ¿ cómo iré por la noche?
- Yeah. - What are they doing in a trap like this?
And what are they telling you at this minute that makes you look like such a beautiful thundercloud?
¿ Y qué te dicen ahora que hace que parezcas una hermosa tormenta?
They are bad, and I would like to see, Mr. Craster, what you can do in the way of a little... rewriting.
Son malos. Me gustaría ver, Sr. Craster, si puede usted... reescribirlos.
They're the first businessmen I've met who are like what businessmen are meant to be.
Los primeros hombres de negocios que conozco..... que son como se supone que deben ser.
Ah, she didn't hear me. But you know what women are like when they're dressing... and putting on something extra special to go dancing with handsome young men like you.
No me ha oído, pero ya sabes cómo son las mujeres cuando se arreglan para ir a bailar con un joven atractivo.
We'll tell what happened to us... and they won't leave us like that. They are children of God, too.
También son hijos de Dios.
I should like to know what they are.
Quisiera saber cuáles son.
Do you know what they are like?
¿ Sabes cómo es?
Where are all those people who were so afraid of you? In your factories in Kingsmont.. What would they say if they could see you like this?
¿ Qué pensarían tus atemorizados empleados de tus fábricas de Kingsmond si te vieran arrastrándote como un perro?
Would you like to know what they are?
¿ Te gustaría saber cuáles son?
- And nobody wants her anymore! - What are you saying ; You make it sound like they're getting married!
- Entonces... debe casarse con el primero que pase!
They're doing what I counted on, but what are we like?
Están haciendo lo que esperaba. Y ¿ cómo somos?
Well, I've found that people rarely look like what they are.
Bueno, creo que la gente pocas veces parece lo que es.
If they are Martians, what would they look like?
Sin son marcianos, ¿ qué aspecto tendrán?
Those-What are those stains? They look like blood.
Ésas... ¿ Qué son esas manchas?
It's making me late for the children's supper. You know what they are like.
La cena de los niños se retrasa, y ya sabe cómo son.
Animals are like humans. - So, they see what?
- Las bestias son como las personas.
Yeah, I know. But what are they dressed up like that for?
Sí, lo sé. ¿ Pero porqué van disfrazados así?
Is that what they are like?
¿ Es así cómo son?
Is what they are all like you to Irkutsk cloth merchant?
¿ Son como usted todos los comerciantes de tela de Irkutsk?
What I'd like you to know, ladies and gentlemen... is that I have been associated with these gentlemen for many years... and I can assure you they are worth every cent they're getting.
Quiero que sepan, señoras y señores... que he estado asociado con estos caballeros durante muchos años... y puedo asegurarles que se merecen hasta el último centavo de lo que cobran.
If you allow this gentleman to hold the services, l`m obliged to warn you... there will be riots, the other prisoners will not stand for it, and the generals who are coming will not like what they see.
Si permite a este señor que celebre el servicio, me veo obligado a advertirle... que habrá desórdenes. Los demás prisioneros no lo consentirán, y a sus generales no les gustará el espectáculo.
Just one person felt cheated and jealous,... and now you know what women are like when they get like that.
Una sola persona se sintió engañada y celosa, y ya saben ustedes lo que hacen las mujeres cuando se ponen así.
And you know what Americans are like when they are hotfoot after culture.
Y ya sabe que los americanos están para cuando ellos huyen por piernas de la cultura.
Well, you can call them what you like. But all they are are dastardly, low down devices designed to pull the wool over the eyes of innocent young things.
Llámelo como quiera, pero no son más que ardides malévolos y deshonestos diseñados para cegar a pobres criaturas inocentes.
You know what thieves are like. Maybe the kind that enters a room to steal something, then someone surprises them, and they get scared and poof!
Usted ya sabe cómo son los ladrones, a veces entran en cualquier sitio para robar, se encuentran alguna sorpresa, y al final les entra el pánico y... ¡ puf!
What I would like to find out is how strong they really are.
Pero me gustaría saber en qué grado no te agradamos.
These birds they sell you nowadays - like people don't know what chickens are anymore.
Parece cuero. Estas aves que venden hoy en día -
Why do humans care more about what people look like than what they are?
Los arañazos no tienen importancia. En cuanto le crezca el pelo ni se notará.
Why do humans care more about what people look like than what they are?
¿ Por qué los humanos os preocupáis más del aspecto que de la gente?
when people like primary colors and find it grey to hunt for the nuances between... black and white, but I must confess, it's the fanatics, the dogmatists... who are the boring ones, one always knows in advance what they will say,
Pero, en mi opinión... son los fanáticos, los dogmáticos que son aburridos. Además se sabe siempre, por adelantado, lo que van a decir.
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what are you talking about 12491
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