Captains Çeviri İspanyolca
1,011 parallel translation
The captains I've served with didn't starve their men.
Los capitanes a quienes serví no hicieron pasar hambre a los suyos.
Blast these sea captains!
¡ Malditos capitanes del mar!
Now, you captains ain't gonna start until the cannons go off.
No pueden empezar hasta... que los cañones disparen.
Gunboat captains will tell it by radio.
Capitanes de cañoneros la contarán por la radio.
My captains, my commanders, I greet you.
Mis capitanes, mis comandantes, Les saludo.
But I can give freedom Spain to punish Drake and his captains if you can.
Pero puedo darle a España la libertad para castigar a Drake y sus capitanes si puede hacerlo.
Ah, captains of industry!
Ah, ¡ capitanes de la industria!
I was playing poker with two Yankee captains.
Juego con los yanquis.
As captains, each of you are in charge of 1 00 people.
Como capitanes, cada uno está a cargo de 100 personas.
Hurray for the Captain, for one finds captains both in Brest and all over the world. And good captains they are.
Tienen razón, porque capitanes, los encontramos en todas partes, buenos capitanes, incluso excelentes.
Excellent captains even. But a captain like yours, gentlemen, has no equals.
pero, un capitán como el suyo, señores ya no se encuentra.
And you, Tom Blue, tell all me old captains...
Tom Blue, di a mis capitanes que les espero...
You were all my captains once... and I have called you together to know if you will still follow me.
Todos fuisteis mis capitanes. He reunido a vosotros para saber si aún quieren seguirme.
Who else makes the charge that I and... my captains are traitors to the Crown?
¿ Quién me acusa a mí y mis... capitanes de traición a la corona?
Milords and gentlemen, we have ships, brave captains and fine crews.
Mi lord y caballeros tenemos barcos, capitanes... valientes y optimas tripulaciones.
Signal the captains to drop anchor and join me aboard.
Que los capitanes suelten anclas y se... reúnan conmigo.
My captains will bring Leech and his buccaneers back... to Port Royal.
Mis capitanes traerán a Leech y sus piratas a Porto Royal.
You can't run a baseball team with two captains or a household with two bosses.
No se puede llevar un equipo de béisbol con dos capitanes o una casa con dos jefes.
So among Florida's heroic salvage masters... appear lawless captains... who plot to destroy, for their own profit... the great ships they are pledged to save.
Entonces entre los maestros heroicos del salvamento... aparecen capitanes inmorales... que planean destruir para su propio beneficio... Ios grandes barcos que se supone que deben salvar.
Am I to remove the reefs, or the captains who can't miss them?
¿ Debo quitar los arrecifes o los capitanes que no pueden evitarlos?
You know, there are captains who might hold this against you, Louie.
Hay capitanes que usarían esto en tu contra, Louie.
You know, there are some captains who would hold this against you.
Hay capitanes que tomarían esto contra usted.
It shall be very good, good faith, good captains both.
Eso será muy bueno, buena fue, mis buenos capitanes.
In my country my captains don't annoy visiting royalty chasing petty thieves.
En mi país, mis capitanes no molestan a los visitantes de la realeza buscando raterillos.
I think it's wrong that the only reports about Siam... are taken back by sea captains and adventurers.
Creo que no está bien que las únicas noticias de Siam sean llevadas por capitanes y aventureros.
Sure. Busboys, waiters, captains, cooks.
Ayudantes de camareros, camareros, capitanes, cocineros.
I should hate to see you hang, de Vargas... but I have no doubt that will be the decision of my captains, unless these gems are recovered.
No me gustaría colgarle, De Vargas, pero sin duda eso harán mis hombres si no recupera las piedras.
I want to see all my captains in my quarters immediately!
Venga. Quiero ver a todos mis capitanes.
Mr. Scroggins says I'll always be here, and all the captains of all the ships will look at me through spyglasses.
El Sr. Scroggins dice que siempre estaré aquí y los capitanes de los barcos... me verán con sus catalejos.
Captains is more in my line.
Los capitanes son más mi tipo.
By anyone. But the table captains..?
Pero los croupiers...
Captains Gallagher and Kover,
Los capitanes Gallagher y Colroy.
Let four captains bear Hamlet like a soldier to the stage.
Conducidle como un soldado.
Alenson, take her to the captains.
Adelante, llévala con los capitanes.
If my captains leave, I shall leave also.
Si mis capitanes se van, yo también me iré.
Not your captains, my captains.
Tus capitanes no, mis capitanes.
And david desired this woman, and he lusted for her... but she was the wife of one of his captains, and he sent the captain off to the wars, and he placed him in the full of the battle,
Desde aquel momento la deseó. Le consumía la pasión. Pero era la esposa de uno de sus capitanes.
I've sailed this ship for him a long time, and he has great confidence in his captains, but...
Yo navego en este barco desde hace mucho tiempo, y tiene gran confianza en sus capitanes. - Pero...
Captains ralls'brother seems to be living a full life.
El hermano del capitán Ralls parece que llevaba una vida fastuosa.
They made three successful trips. Before the captains got wise to them and invited them to travel by rowboat.
Hicieron 3 viajes muy buenos, hasta que el capitán los descubrió y los echó del barco.
You know, how old captains talk.
Así pues, como hablan los capitanes viejos, como...
Lieutenant, the colonels, the majors, the captains, what will they think?
Los coroneles, los mayores, los capitanes... – ¿ Qué van a pensar?
Tonight the Seamen's Fund is in a position to outfit three more ships, for captains whose vessels were destroyed by the pirate Baptiste.
Esta noche, el Fondo de los marineros está en condiciones equipar otras tres naves. Para aquellos cuyos barcos hayan sido destruídos por el pirata Baptiste.
Ship captains can do that, can't they?
Los capitanes pueden hacerlo, ¿ no?
Noble ladies and captains of the sea, the wrestlers.
Nobles damas y capitanes del mar, los luchadores.
There are other captains in Port Royal, you know.
Hay otros capitanes en Port Royal, como sabéis.
In the old days when the Spanish treasure fleets passed by here from the Isthmus this was where the buccaneer captains marooned their men.
En otro tiempo cuando los barcos capturados llegaban aquí desde el Istmo, era donde los bucaneros abandonaban a sus hombres.
All captains come aboard.
Reunión de capitanes.
Of the captains of a thousand :
De los capitanes de un millar :
Of the captains of a hundred :
De los capitanes de un centenar :
I suppose she means captains.
En mi familia, no.
captain 13054
captain hook 30
captain america 43
captain on the bridge 21
captain hunter 23
captain's log 402
captain lance 29
captain jack harkness 23
captain carter 28
captain kirk 177
captain hook 30
captain america 43
captain on the bridge 21
captain hunter 23
captain's log 402
captain lance 29
captain jack harkness 23
captain carter 28
captain kirk 177