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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't mind her

Don't mind her Çeviri İspanyolca

513 parallel translation
- I don't mind her if you don't.
- No me molesta si no le molesta a usted.
Don't mind her.
No le haga caso.
You don't mind my going to see her, do you, dear?
No te importa que vaya a verla, ¿ verdad, querida?
I don't mind being poor, but I'd like her to grow up without any sacrifices.
No me importa ser pobre, pero quisiera que ella creciera sin sacrificios.
If you don't mind, sir, I still say forgive her.
Perdone, señor, insisto en que la perdonéis.
Don't mind her, she's my laundress.
Tranquilo, es mi lavandera. Venga por aquí.
Don't let her change her mind.
No dejes que cambie de opinión.
You don't mind if I ask her to marry me on your time, do you?
- Sí. ¿ Le importa si le propongo matrimonio mientras lo atiende? No tardaré.
I met her on the train, if you don't mind.
- La conocí en el tren, si no le molesta.
- If you don't mind, Mr. Ziegfeld Miss Burke, with the permission of her producer came here with me tonight.
- Si no le importa, Sr. Ziegfeld la Srta. Burke, con permiso de su productor vino conmigo.
I'd realize I'm a stupid brat who doesn't know her own mind. Kay, don't -
Me daría cuenta de que soy una niña mimada tonta que no sabe lo que quiere.
I think I'll just surprise her. If you don't mind.
Prefiero darle la sorpresa yo solo.
I'm always busy... but I don't mind seeing him with her.
Siempre estoy ocupada, pero no me importa verlo con ella.
Don't mind her, as long as she can keep her job.
No le hagas caso. Mientras conserve su trabajo.
Don't mind her, jimmy.
No se lo tengas en cuenta Jimmy.
She don't know her own mind, that female.
Es una tonta presumida.
Te lo advierto, asegúrate de traerla.
Don't mind her.
- No le haga caso.
- I don't believe she'll change her mind.
- No creo que cambie de parecer.
I had to tell her we were engaged. You don't mind, do you?
Dije que éramos novios, no importa, ¿ eh?
You don't even let her make up her own mind.
Ni siquiera la dejaste decidir.
- I'm taking her dances, if you don't mind.
- Bailaré contigo, si no te importa.
Don't pay her mind.
No le hagas caso.
Please don't listen to her, Your Majesty! She's out of her mind!
No la escuchéis, no sabe lo que dice, está fuera de sí.
I hope you don't mind if we stay in new york for a few days So i can straighten out some of her things.
Espero que no te moleste que nos quedemos en Nueva York unos días, debo arreglar ciertas cosas.
And, if you don't mind, I'm taking Rosa too, to introduce her to my parents who live up North.
Y, de paso, si no le importa, también llevo a Rosa, para presentarle a mis padres que viven en el Norte.
I'll be bumping into her. And it will give me something to kid her about. - You don't mind?
Así tendré algo con que fastidiarla cuando la vea.
I'll give her some brandy. If you don't mind, I should like to ask you a few questions.
Si no le importa, le haré unas preguntas.
Don't mind her, Lark.
No le prestes atención, Lark.
I understand how you feel and I don't blame you... but believe me, it's blotted out of her mind.
Entiendo lo que siente y no se lo reprocho, pero créame, lo ha borrado de su mente.
You uh... don't mind if I see her on my own time, do you?
No te importa que la vea en mi tiempo libre, ¿ verdad?
- Don't mind her.
No le hagas caso, mano.
But I don't mind telling you I've never thought of her in that light.
Pero no me importa decirle que nunca se me ocurriría describirla de esa forma.
Now, look, since you say Jane has set her heart on going to Coney Island... I don't mind accepting your invitation, because I've never been there.
Como dices que Jane tiene mucho interés en ir a Coney Island... no me importa aceptar tu invitación porque nunca he estado allí.
I don't mind being rolled by her, but from you I don't like it.
No me importa que me engañe ella, pero sí que tú lo hagas.
Until I've made up my own mind, I don't know what I could tell her.
Yo aún no me he decidido, qué voy a decirle.
You don't believe that any girl in her right mind could turn you down...
¿ Le parece imposible que alguna chica lo haga?
Don't mind her, she has no control.
No haga caso. Carece de control.
Don't pay her no mind.
No le haga caso.
I don't know what's on her mind
No sé qué tiene en la cabeza...
If you don't mind, Tony, I've worked with her for many years.
Si no te importa, Tony, he trabajado con ella muchos años.
I don't mind paying attention to her.
No tengo tus dotes naturales, la conquisto profesionalmente.
I don't have time to mind her.
Ahora, no puedo ocuparme de ella.
- Don't mind her. - Are you free?
- No hagas caso. - ¿ Libre?
Mind you, I don't promise anything but I'll drop her a line when I have a moment.
Ojo, no te prometo nada... pero le escribiré una carta cuando tenga tiempo.
When I meet her again, perhaps I'll find I don't mind her so much.
Cuando la vuelva a ver, quizá no me saque tanto de quicio.
Oh, of course. - You don't mind if I tell her?
Ah, claro. ¿ Te molesta si yo le digo?
Or don't you mind her getting mixed up with a small town nobody?
¿ No te importa que vaya con un don nadie?
I suggest you bring her outside, if you don't mind, doctor.
Le sugiero llevarla afuera, si no le importa, doctor.
Without her I don't say I would be lost, but it certainly wouldn't be very clear in my mind which way to turn.
Sin ella no digo que esté perdido, pero ciertamente no estaría muy claro en mi mente qué camino seguir.
I'll take her if you don't mind.
Yo me encargaré.

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