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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't play stupid

Don't play stupid Çeviri İspanyolca

122 parallel translation
Don't play stupid. I know you.
No te hagas el tonto.
- Come on, don't play stupid.
- Venga, no te hagas la tonta.
- Don't play stupid with me.
- No jugarás tu estúpido juego conmigo.
Don't play stupid :
No te hagas el tonto.
Don't play stupid with me!
¡ No te hagas la tonta conmigo!
Don't play stupid with me, good Jim.
No juegues conmigo, estúpido, bueno Jim.
- Don't play stupid.
- No te hagas el tonto.
Don't play stupid with me!
No seas estúpido.
I don't want to play this stupid game!
¡ No quiero jugar a este juego estúpido!
Don't play stupid, Tomás... he ought to be here.
No te hagas el estúpido, Tomás. Aquí debe de estar.
Don't play games with me, Al. Don't play stupid games.
No digas tonterías.
Don't play stupid with me, partner.
No te hagas el tonto conmigo, socio.
Don't play stupid with me.
No te hagas el zorro.
Don't play stupid games with me.
- No jueges estupidamente conmigo.
Don't play me for stupid.
No me tomes por tonta.
- Don't play me for stupid.
- No me tome por tonto.
Don't play stupid with me, blondie.
No te hagas la tonta, rubita.
Go ahead and ask your stupid question, before I pass out and you don't have anybody to play with.
Adelante, haz tu estúpida pregunta. Antes de que me desmaye, o no tendrás con quien jugar.
You listen to me. Don't you ever play that stupid game with me. You hear me?
Escúchame : nunca juegues ese juego estúpido conmigo. ¿ Oíste?
Don't play stupid you butcher.
No te hagas el estúpido, asesino.
I don't want to play stupid Ironside.
¡ No quiero jugar al estúpido Ironside!
Now, don't play stupid, or I'll take your other eye.
No hagas ninguna estupidez o perderás el otro ojo
- Oh, don't play stupid, stupid.
No te hagas el estúpido, estúpido
I don't want to play the stupid piano. Come on, Will. Your wife went through a lot of trouble.
Seguro que está fenomenal.
I don't want to play the stupid piano.
No, no quiero tocar ese estúpido piano. Vamos, Will.
Don't play fucking stupid with me.
No se haga el estúpido conmigo, ¿ sí?
Don't play stupid.
No te hagas el estúpido, viejo.
You heard me. Don't play fucking stupid. Did you?
No te hagas el gilipollas. ¿ Lo has hecho?
I don't play all that stupid richie-poorie crap like the rest of those snobs.
Yo no me fijo si la gente es rica o pobre, como todos esos esnobs.
- Don't play stupid!
- ¡ No te hagas el estúpido!
- Don't play the stupid reporter.
No te pongas en plan periodista pesado, por favor.
Nothing. I don't wanna play this stupid game.
De nada. No quiero hacerlo. No quiero jugar a este juego estúpido.
I don't have to play your stupid games.
No tengo que jugar sus juegos tontos.
Don't play stupid with me!
No me engañes.
Don't be stupid, Julia! I'm taking the play off on Saturday.
No seas estúpida Julia el sábado que viene retiraré la obra
Don't play stupid!
¡ No te hagas el tonto!
- Don't play stupid.
- No te hagas el boludo.
Don't play stupid.
No te hagas el tonto.
Um, and if he gets cranky, you just put him in his car seat and play the Baby Mozart CD, but don't just pop him in front of the TV ;, it's gonna make him stupid.
Y si se pone molesto, ponlo en el asiento del auto y pásale el CD de Mozart para Bebés, pero no lo pongas frente a la TV, pues lo volverá estúpido.
Don't play stupid.
No juegues estúpida,
Why don't you play Smart in a Stupid Way?
¿ Por qué no tocas Inteligente de manera tonta?
- Don't play stupid.
- No te hagas.
You stupid idiots! You don't even know how to play eeny meeny miney moe.
Ni siquiera saben cómo jugar una, doli, tuá.
- Don't play stupid with me.
No te hagas el estúpido conmigo.
Don't play stupid.
No te hagas la estúpida.
I don't want a play date with some stupid kid just so you can have sex with her.
No voy a jugar con un idiota para que te acuestes con ella.
Don't play the stupid, Olímpia!
- No te hagas la idiota, Olímpia.
I don't know. He took his computer somewhere to play that stupid online game.
Se llevo el ordenador a algún sitio para jugar a ese estupido juego online.
Don't play stupid with me, because i saw copies of the police reports.
Vamos, no trates de engañarme. He visto copias de los reportes policiales.
Don't play stupid with me. I know you have it.
No te hagas la estúpida conmigo, sé que lo tienes.
Don't play stupid.
- No te hagas la tonta.

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