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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Her family

Her family Çeviri İspanyolca

6,656 parallel translation
Okay, then, then you'd say if the Nazis came to your house, hiding Anne Frank and her family, and asked if anyone was in the attic, you'd say,
Entonces diríamos que si los nazis vinieran a tu casa donde se esconden Anna Frank y su familia y preguntaran si hay alguien en el ático, diríamos :
What about her family?
¿ Qué pasa con su familia?
I think we should go talk to her family.
Creo que deberíamos ir hablar con su familia.
Her family needs to be notified.
Tenemos que notificar a su familia.
I promise to return Marta Ochoa to her family.
Prometo regresar a Marta Ochoa a su familia.
Abandoning her family for a man?
- ¿ Abandonó su familia por un hombre?
Well, until we can notify her family, she's a Jane Doe. Who was not robbed.
Bueno, hasta que seamos notificados por su familia, ella es una desconocida, que no fue robada.
Maybe something that her family didn't know about.
Quizás algo que su familia no supiera.
She doesn't have any other family in town, so I'm looking at other families who might take her in.
No tiene nada de familia en la ciudad, así que estoy buscando a otras familias que pudieran quedársela.
Well, I'm just speculating here, but do you think that Leslie Knope's actions indicate that she actually hates her family?
Bueno, solo estoy especulando, ¿ pero crees que las acciones de Leslie Knope indican que en realidad odia a su familia?
"DiLaurentis was offered police protection " but declined citing the need to heal privately with her family. "
"La policía le ofreció protección a DiLaurentis, pero esta la rechazó alegando que necesitaba recuperarse con su familia."
Find out why that woman murdered her family.
Averigua por qué esa mujer asesinó a su familia.
Her work, her family, her currency.
Mi trabajo, mi familia, mi dinero.
Yeah, but at least I know that she's with her family.
Sí, pero al menos sé que está con su familia.
She stay in town or she go visit her family?
¿ Se queda en la ciudad o va a visitar a su familia?
Nah, her family's messed up.
No, su familia es un poco rara.
So her family's messed up?
¿ Así que su familia es un poco rara?
Keep Lizzie free from harm and bring her back safely to her family and friends.
Mantén a Lizzie libre de daño, y tráela de vuelta segura a su familia y amigos.
Right, OK - we need to go back over all her friends, all her family, anyone that we've spoken to before, she's got to be with one of them.
Bien... tenemos que volver sobre todos sus amigos, toda su familia, alguien que ya hablamos antes, ella tiene que estar con uno de ellos.
Hey, I think it's a good idea for you to steer clear of Hayley and her family for a while.
Creo que es mejor que te alejes de Hayley y su familia un tiempo.
We're rescuing my niece, bringing her back to her family.
Sino a rescatar a mi sobrina. Para deνolνerla a su familia.
Anyone in her family to assume custody?
¿ Algún familiar que asuma la custodia?
She's come with her family.
Vino con la familia.
Her family owns Dunbar Armored Cars.
Su familia es la dueña de Autos Blindados Dunbar.
Maybe if I help her get a win on the professional side, she'll relax a bit, enjoy her family more.
Tal vez si la ayudo en la parte profesional... se relajará un poquito, y disfrutará más de su familia.
Does her family know about you and her?
¿ Sabe su familia lo vuestro?
The wife is with her family down in the South Coast,
La mujer está con su familia en South Coast,
She lost her family, her home, her cat.
Perdió a su familia, su hogar, su gato.
Maybe off to her family somewhere.
Quizá se fueron con la familia de ella.
A family liaison officer will take Martha back to her grandmother's.
Un oficial de enlace de familia llevará a Martha de nuevo con su abuela.
She should have a family of her own.
Es hora de que arme su propia familia.
Her friends, her... her own family.
Sus amigos, su... su propia familia.
Don't even know how I was born in that family just waiting to get out of there anyway tell your partner to mend her ways or get used to travelling in a Metro
Por cierto ¿ cómo está tu madre? Ni siquiera sé cómo nací en esa familia a la espera de salir de allí... De todos modos dile a tu pareja que cambie su manera o que se acostumbre a viajar en el metro.
The circumstances of her death were embarrassing to my family, I used my influence to ensure discretion.
Las circunstancias de su muerte suponían una vergüenza para mi familia, utilicé mis influencias para garantizar toda discreción.
I wish only to remind her of the importance of family, dissuade her from foolish mistakes.
Solo deseo recordarle la importancia de la familia, disuadirla de que cometa errores tontos.
Hayley is part of my family now, and you would seek to use her for your petty ambitions.
Hayley es ahora parte de mi familia, y tú quieres usarla para tus insignificantes ambiciones.
I guess now I'm going to end up taking her to fucking George's house, that family-stealing slut donkey.
Supongo que la llevaré a casa de George, ese puto asno roba familias.
Look, regardless of what Tandy Hampton has done in the past, implicating her now... it'll just impact legitimate business in the city, including my ex-wife's, and I am not gonna do that that to her or my family.
Mira, a pesar de lo que Tandy Hampton haya hecho en el pasado, implicarla ahora... impactaría en negocios legales de la ciudad, incluido el de mi exmujer, y no voy a hacerle eso a ella o a mi familia.
We tried to support her but they're a dysfunctional family.
Tratamos de sostenerla pero eran una familia disfuncional.
The family she's with love her very much.
La familia con que está la ama mucho.
She says her husband grew up in a bilingual family.
Ella dice que su marido creció en una familia bilingüe.
I feel like I need to bribe her into loving me more than her foster family.
Siento como si tuviera que sobornarla para que me quiera más que a su familia de acogida.
Make her feel like part of the family, okay?
Que se sienta parte de la familia, ¿ vale?
And she's alone, under siege, no family to guide her or protect her.
Y ella está sola, bajo asedio, ninguna familia para guiar a ella o protegerla.
We rescue my niece, bring her back to the family.
Rescatamos a mi sobrina, la llevamos de regreso con la familia.
That girl used to make the whole family clap every time she put on her shoes.
Solía hacer que la familia aplaudiera cada vez que se ponía los zapatos.
I mean, Alice had dreams, and-and, you know, a sudden family and kids might have caused her to feel a little...
Quiero decir, Alice tenía sueños, y, ya sabes, una familia inesperada y niños pudieron provocar que ella se sintiera un poco...
Her foster family has a house with a yard and a fucking tree.
Su familia de acogida tiene una casa con patio trasero y un puto árbol.
She made it pretty clear that the only member of this family getting any of her money is Ryan.
Dijo claramente que su único heredero es Ryan.
I know her studies and the family aren't everything, I'm not stupid.
Sé lo que es la vida de una chica de 22 años. No es solo estudiar y la familia. No soy tarado.
Our family certainly doesn't want to have to have her locked away for good.
Nuestra familia no quiere tener que encerrarla para bien.

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