Hours earlier Çeviri İspanyolca
198 parallel translation
Because two hours earlier I'd stolen eight sous :
Sólo, porque dos horas antes había robado ocho céntimos...
Whom I didn't even know two hours earlier!
¡ A quien ni siquiera conocía dos horas antes!
You know, if I'd have an appointment with you, I'd come two hours earlier!
Si salieras conmigo, vendría dos horas antes. ¿ Lo sabes?
It happened three hours earlier here.
Es tres horas más temprano aquí.
The old man heard the fight a few hours earlier.
El viejo oyó la pelea horas antes.
Both had been at the same place a few hours earlier.
Los dos habían estado reunidos en un mismo sitio...
Departure is rescheduled three hours earlier
Se adelanta la salida tres horas
You mean you'll come 3 hours earlier?
¿ Entonces llegarás tres horas antes?
- It's 16 hours earlier there.
- Allí son 16 horas menos.
He said it could just as easily have happened a couple of hours earlier.
Y me dijo que pudo haber pasado un par de horas antes.
You get it 3 hours earlier.
Uds. Io ven 3 horas antes.
7 hours earlier!
¡ Siete horas antes!
Of course you will! Everything's the same out there, only it's three hours earlier.
Todo es lo mismo que aquí... solo que tres horas antes.
The coroner estimates about 48 hours earlier, which would be the night you were there.
El juez estima que 48 horas antes, que sería la noche que estuvo usted allí.
It was fired six hours earlier.
Fue disparada seis horas antes.
The games start late because of the timezones. It's six hours earlier there.
Los juegos empiezan tarde, porque el tiempo allá es 6 horas más temprano.
Yes, but Raymond was killed hours earlier. He was carried to the top of the cliff.
Sí, pero le mataron horas antes de llevarlo a la montaña.
Some hours earlier he took all his money out?
¿ y que horas antes sacó del banco todo su dinero?
And six hours earlier, Sato put a hit on this guy...
- Sí, de Sato. Seis horas antes, empieza a seguir a este tipo...
If we had started a couple of hours earlier, if we hadn't mutilated the instructions.
Si hubiéramos salido unas horas antes si no hubiéramos mutilado las instrucciones.
Anna leaves 12 hours earlier, and hooks up with the local resistance.
Anna deja 12 horas antes, y se conecta con la resistencia local.
Markinson says there was one that left seven hours earlier. - That was impressive. Did you hear that?
Markinson dice que había otro siete horas antes. ¿ Lo sabes?
There wasn't one seven hours earlier and landed at Andrews at 2 a. m?
¿ No salía otro a Andrews siete horas antes?
( De Witt ) You can thank your luckies your plane didn't land four hours earlier.
Considérate afortunada de que tu avión no aterrizara cuatro horas antes.
The same day, only three hours earlier than the Simmons murder.
El mismo día, sólo que tres horas antes del asesinato de Simmons.
Tell'em we're comin'12 hours earlier.
Diles que llegaremos 12 horas antes. ¡ No, no!
The Earth had been directly in line with that giant rock only six hours earlier.
La tierra había estado en su ruta solo seis horas antes.
If only I'd learnt the truth a few hours earlier, Piccard would still be alive.
Si hubiera sabido la verdad unas horas antes, Piccard todavía estaría vivo.
Tell the sports department I need their copy two hours earlier for paste-up.
Dile a Deportes que necesito su material dos horas antes.
So he was probably executed one to two hours earlier somewhere else.
Pues encontré problemas... muy aburridos. ¿ Vamos a hacer negocios, verdad?
If I get the Concorde, I could be dead 3 hours earlier.
Yendo en el Concorde, puedo morir 3 horas antes.
You know, if you'd come 2 hours earlier, we could have had dinner together.
Tu sabes, si llegabas 2 horas antes, pudimos tener una cena juntos.
And as I sat watching the intimate and highly personal video, stolen only hours earlier from one of my best friends, I realized that something important was missing from my life.
Y mientras estaba sentado, viendo el video íntimo y altamente personal robado a uno de mis mejores amigos, tan solo hace unas horas me di cuenta que algo importante faltaba en mi vida.
Two hours earlier, the officer who took his report would have seen his picture.
Dos horas antes, y el oficial que le tomó la declaración habría visto su foto.
We'd had a problem with her in the elevator a few hours earlier.
La habíamos conocido en el ascensor.
Luckily, I had taken the soap and grapefruit and other luggage out to the car a few hours earlier.
Por suerte, ya había sacado los jabones, limones... y otras cosas.
We are back at Copps Coliseum three hours earlier.
Estamos en las cercanías del Coliseo Copps, hace tres dias.
On this morning, the president had gone to sleep three hours earlier.
Aquella mañana, el presidente se había acostado sólo 3 horas antes.
How can this be... when they were in Earth's orbit only nine hours earlier, and the moon is some 3 days journey away?
¿ Cómo es posible esto... si estaban en la orbita terrestre sólo 9 horas antes, y la Luna está a 3 días de distancia?
Three hours earlier than that Tony Braun was murdered.
3 horas antes de eso, Tony Braun fue asesinado.
And 12 hours earlier an F-117 was shot down in the no-fly and the vice president's authority was murky at best.
Y 1 2 horas antes un F-1 1 7 fue derribado en zona prohibida y la autoridad del Vicepresidente fue sombría.
Were with the victim, question her... applying the third degree hours earlier.
Estuviste con la victima, interrogándola... aplicándole el tercer grado horas antes.
All we have to do is throw the old underwear in the trunk 24 hours earlier, that's all. What is it, Mother? - Do you know what I think?
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es meter la ropa interior vieja en el armario... 24 horas antes, eso es todo.
Earlier today, Pinky told us his next film will run seven and a half hours.
Hace un rato, Pinky nos ha dicho que su próxima película durará siete horas y media.
If, as I said earlier, we are what we know, then this particular kind of institution spends its working hours finding ways to make things that will sooner-or-later change what we are, our view.
Si, como dije antes, somos lo que sabemos, entonces este tipo particular de institución gasta sus horas de trabajo encontrando formas de hacer cosas que tarde o temprano cambiarán lo que somos, nuestra visión.
You've greeted each other earlier, so you only nod faintly to each other, as if to say that it's only a matter of hours.
Como ya os habíais saludado antes, sólo os hacéis un gesto leve con la cabeza, al pasar, como diciendo que es cuestión de unas pocas horas.
I think the old man heard the fight between the boy and his father earlier and then a couple of hours later, lying in bed, he heard the body hit the floor at the boy's apartment and heard the woman scream across the street.
Creo que el anciano oyó la pelea entre el chico y su padre mucho antes, y un par de horas después, tendido en su cama, oyó el cuerpo caer en el departamento del chico y oyó a la mujer gritar al otro lado de la calle.
48 hours, Scully, but I wouldn't mind gettin'there earlier, if you don't mind.
48 horas, pero si no te importa querría llegar un poco antes.
earlier 318
earlier today 174
earlier tonight 20
earlier this evening 22
earlier this morning 22
earlier on 24
hours 6338
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours later 138
earlier today 174
earlier tonight 20
earlier this evening 22
earlier this morning 22
earlier on 24
hours 6338
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours later 138
hours from now 39
hours to go 16
hours straight 73
hours now 24
hours of community service 33
hours away 26
hours a week 59
hours and 143
hours a day 443
hours or so 21
hours to go 16
hours straight 73
hours now 24
hours of community service 33
hours away 26
hours a week 59
hours and 143
hours a day 443
hours or so 21