How you going Çeviri İspanyolca
8,902 parallel translation
Hi, how you going?
Hola, ¿ cómo estás?
How are you going to find them?
¿ Cómo quieres encontrarlos?
Maybe what you heard was the sound of your father's tears, thinking how soon he is going to have to give his daughter away.
Quizá lo que oíste fueron las lágrimas de tu padre al pensar en lo pronto que verá casarse a su hija.
How's it going between the two of you, dear?
¿ Qué tal os entendéis, querido?
I'd love to hear how things are going for you.
Me encantaría oír cómo van las cosas contigo.
So you tell me how are you going to explain that?
Dime cómo explicarás eso.
How're you going to use it again?
¿ Cómo te va a utilizarla de nuevo?
How else was I going to keep you here?
¿ De qué otra forma iba a mantenerte aquí?
As you look at your second term, how much is the war in Iraq going to cost?
¿ Cómo se ve en su segundo mandato? ¿ cuánto va a costar la guerra en Irak?
So I heard you two wrote a paper together. How's that going?
Oí que ustedes... escribieron un artículo juntos. ¿ Cómo les fue?
So, Bernadette, have you thought about how you're going to redecorate this place?
Bernadette, ¿ has pensado en cómo vas a redecorar esta casa?
I have the camera, how are you going to shoot?
Tengo la cámara, ¿ cómo vas a filmar?
Bajrang Bali how much more are you going to test your devotee?
Bajrang Bali, ¿ cuánto más pondrás a prueba a tu devoto?
And I'm going to show you how to ride properly.
Y voy a enseñarte a montar decentemente.
You don't know how much they're going to drink and suddenly you're with a floozy.
No sabes cuánto beberá... y, de pronto, es una fulana.
How are you going to prove it?
¿ Cómo vas a demostrarlo?
- How long are you going to stay?
- ¿ Cuánto tiempo van a estar aquí?
How long are you going to lie?
Por cuanto tiempo vas a seguir mintiendo?
You must be. How's it going?
Debes estarlo. ¿ Qué tal va?
How's this whole operational command going for you?
¿ Qué tal llevas todo esto del mando operativo?
How is it going for you?
¿ Qué tal te va?
Once the news of his Alzheimer's gets out, which it will, because no matter how much we all try to lie about it, it's gonna leak, can you imagine what that's going to do to his reputation?
Cuando la noticia del Alzheimer se filtre, y así será porque no importa cuánto queramos mentir, se filtrará ¿ te imaginas lo que le va a hacer a su nombre?
I don't know how you made my dad hide your heroin but the police are so close so you are going to get him out of this or I'll tell them everything I know.
No sé cómo hizo papá para ocultar su heroína, pero la policía está tan cerca, por lo que lo sacarás de esto. - O Les diré todo lo que sé.
How are you going to pave for Oscar, win a path for me by doing everyone else does?
¿ Cómo vamos a abrirme camino hasta el Óscar si hacemos lo mismo que los demás?
How are you going to help him if he doesn't want to talk to you?
¿ Cómo lo ayudara si no quiere hablar con usted?
And now you're going to know how it feels, Selfridge, to lose what's yours.
Y ahora vas a saber lo que se siente, Selfridge, al perder lo que es tuyo.
I'm going to let them know what a good example you've been to the staff, how proud I am of the women that work here, because at Selfridge's we always reward hard work.
Voy a hacerles saber lo buen ejemplo que ha sido en el personal, lo orgulloso que estoy de las mujeres que trabajan aquí, porque en Selfridge's siempre recompensamos el trabajo duro.
How are you going to do that?
¿ Cómo lo vais a hacer?
God knows how I'm going to get you out of here.
Dios sabe cómo voy a sacaros de aquí.
Have you any idea how we're going to shift him in one piece, ma'am?
¿ Tienes alguna idea de cómo lo vamos a trasladar de una sola pieza?
How useful are those files going to be if you're dead?
¿ De qué te servirán esos archivos si estás muerto?
How do you know everything's going to be fixed?
¿ Cómo sabes que está bien?
How are you going to help him if he doesn't want to talk to you?
¿ Cómo va a ayudarlo si no quiere hablarle?
Seriously, I don't see how you guys can sit here going over it again and again and again.
En serio, no entiendo cómo podéis estar ahí sentados y seguir dándole vueltas a lo mismo una y otra vez.
Well, I- - look, I feel like shit right now, but how was I to know you were going to throw in for city judge?
Bueno... mira, me siento fatal ahora mismo, ¿ cómo iba a saber que te ibas a presentar a juez municipal?
God, how do you do it? You're going through life everyday, never creating art.
Vas por la vida sin crear arte.
Yeah, but mostly it was just going at it. Marc, you have no idea how good it is.
- Pero casi siempre es acción.
Aw man, how are you going to meet anybody with your back up against the bar?
¿ Cómo vas a conocer a alguien si te encierras en la barra?
- Then how do you know where you're going?
- ¿ Entonces cómo sabes adónde vas?
I'm going over it and over it in my head, just trying to figure out how you're still alive.
Le estoy dando vueltas y vueltas en la cabeza, intentando comprender cómo sigues viva.
How much longer are you going to take advantage of your shareholders, Mr. Selfridge?
¿ Durante cuánto tiempo se aprovechará de sus accionistas, Sr. Selfridge?
If you came to see how packing is going, it's not.
Si vienes a ver como va el empaque, no hay tal cosa.
Just like I know how leaving you here is going to destroy me.
Igual que sé que dejarte aquí va a destruirme.
Yeah, how did you know you were going to completely lose your mind?
Sí, ¿ cómo supiste que ibas a perder la cabeza por completo?
Look, no matter how many times you make me say it, it's not going to be any less true.
Mira, no importa cuántas veces me hagas repetirlo, No cambiará la verdad.
I told you I want to show you how I deal with the things that you're going through.
Te dije que quería mostrarte cómo tratar con las cosas que estás atravesando.
Ok, you know what, how many times are we going to believe him after everything that he's done?
Está bien, sabes qué, ¿ cuántas veces vamos a creerle después de todo lo que ha hecho?
And how's that going for you?
¿ Y cómo lo llevas?
How long do you think she's going to stay with you when she finds out you murdered Norman, huh?
¿ Cuánto tiempo crees que va a quedar contigo cuando se entera de que asesinaste Norman, ¿ eh?
How much are you going to stuff her'?
¿ Cuánto vas a molestarla?
Um, I was just thinking about you, and I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you for, you know, facing your fears, and getting out there and going to your brother's funeral.
Esta es Charlotte. Estaba sólo pensando en ti, y quería hacerte saber lo orgullosa que estoy de ti, ya sabes, por enfrentar tus miedos, y salir e ir al funeral de tu hermano.
how you doing 4787
how you doin 691
how you doing today 66
how you been 322
how you guys doing 70
how you feeling 834
how you like that 16
how you've grown 36
how you holding up 309
how you like me now 47
how you doin 691
how you doing today 66
how you been 322
how you guys doing 70
how you feeling 834
how you like that 16
how you've grown 36
how you holding up 309
how you like me now 47
how you've changed 16
how you're doing 25
how you 33
how you doing there 63
how you doing in there 26
how you feel 59
how young 16
how you know 20
how you feelin 71
how you know that 25
how you're doing 25
how you 33
how you doing there 63
how you doing in there 26
how you feel 59
how young 16
how you know 20
how you feelin 71
how you know that 25
how you say 63
how you gonna do that 56
how you holdin' up 24
you going somewhere 108
you going 51
you going home 25
you going out 26
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
how you gonna do that 56
how you holdin' up 24
you going somewhere 108
you going 51
you going home 25
you going out 26
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going twice 111
going out 103
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going somewhere 221
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