Going once Çeviri İspanyolca
2,612 parallel translation
Going once, going twice.
A la una, a las dos.
- Going once, going...
A la una, a las...
61 going once, 61 going twice.
61 a la una, 61 a las dos...
Going once...
A la una... No, no, Jessica!
Going once.
A la de una.
You're the guy... $ 1,100 going once.
Eres el tío... 1.100 dólares a la una.
Okay, when you were going out with Angela, I once planned your murder in great detail.
Ok, cuando tu salías con Ángela, una vez planeé tu asesinato con gran detalle.
And once you start doing this stuff, you're not going to want to stop.
Y una vez que empieces a hacer estas cosas, no vas a querer parar.
Once the season's over with, they're going to have to let a bunch of coaches go because of budget cuts.
Cuando la temporada acabe, van a tener que dejar ir a un puñado de entrenadores por los recortes de presupuesto.
Michael, once she starts going through your files, you're only gonna have a couple of weeks, tops, before she'll be after you.
Michael, una vez que ella empiece a ver tus archivos, solo tendrás un par de semanas, máximo, antes de que ella vaya tras de ti.
Once you start a cover-up, there's no going back.
Una vez que empieces el encubrimiento no hay vuelta atrás.
I was going to tan once
Iba a bronce... una vez
Once I start giving lessons, which I'm going to have to earn a bit of cash and subsidise my writing, well...
Cuando empiece a dar clases, me voy. Ganar un poco de dinero en metálico y la ayuda de mi escritura, bueno...
They're going to kill us all once they have Maria.
Van a matarnos una vez que tengan a María.
It's not going to be you he tries to kill once he finds out.
No serás tú a quien intente matar cuando se entere.
Once the CID sees this as willful tax fraud, there are going to build the strongest possible case against you, and once they start down that path, they have an 80 % conviction rate.
Una vez que la División de Investigación Criminal vea que hay fraude deliberado, construirán el caso más sólido posible contra ti, y una vez que hayan empezado, tienen el 80 por ciento de posibilidades de ganar.
And this gap is only going to get bigger once this ad goes into heavy rotation.
Y la diferencia no va a hacer más que aumentar una vez que el anuncio se emita a todas horas. Necesitamos contraatacar.
Tomorrow night we're going to finish Marnie once and for all.
Mañana por la noche vamos a terminar con Marnie de una vez y para siempre.
Going for a song now, worth a fortune once the Council build there, as it seems they will.
No vale casi nada ahora, pero valdrá una fortuna cuando el Consejo decida construir allí, como parece que harán.
Once I have the resources, we'll figure out this explosion and exactly what is going on.
Una vez tenga los medios, descubriremos qué está pasando exactamente con esta explosión.
And once you've made one mistake out of - I had a feeling there was more going on than meets the eye.
y una vez que cometes ese tipo de error tengo la sensacion de que hay mas por venir que se encontraran en el centro.
And you know, once you see that the runners are going...
Y una vez que ves salen corriendo...
I'm just going to say this once,
Sólo voy a decir esto una vez,
Once I get going...
Una vez que me dejo llevar?
I'm going to go and resolve the AC problem once and for all.
Voy a ir a resolver el problema de los AC de una vez por todas.
Once we're back in FTL, if we force an early drop, we're going to blow the engines completely.
Una vez que volvamos a FTL, si forzamos una salida anticipada, vamos a volar los motores por completo.
So, let's say this works once, maybe even twice, but we're going to start taking damage, and it's going to take its toll.
Entonces, digamos que esto funciona una vez, quizá incluso dos, pero vamos a empezar a recibir daños, y va a pasar factura.
Once we untie it, there's going to be massive hemorrhaging.
Una vez que se desate, va a haber una hemorragia masiva.
She was going to get food once and never came back.
Una vez salió a por comida y nunca volvió.
No, our agreement was that we would be going after Ben once we scouted the armory.
No, nuestro trato era que nosotros saldríamos a buscar a Ben una vez hubiésemos explorado la armería.
No, our agreement was that we would be going after Ben once we scouted the armory.
Y asegúrense. No, nuestro acuerdo era que nos iríamos por buscar a Ben una vez que exploráramos la armería.
All us working mothers feel like we're spinning 50 plates in they air at once, but Kate, you can give her ten more plates, all the size of manhole covers, and she just keeps going.
Todas las madres trabajadoras sentimos que hacemos girar 50 platos en el aire a la vez, pero a Kate, puedes darle diez platos más tan grandes como bocas de alcantarilla, y no se le caen.
Once they get the message, they're going to have to decode it, get it into Ranna's hands, then find a way to transmit it back, providing they get our message at all, or choose to reply.
Una vez que reciban el mensaje, tendrán que descodificarlo, llevárselo a Ranna, y entonces encontrar la manera de contestarnos, y eso suponiendo que les llegue el mensaje y que quieran contestar.
So once it's perfected, the electric grids, nuclear power stations, they're all going to be obsolete.
Y una vez esté perfeccionado, la red eléctrica, plantas nucleares, todos van a quedar obsoletos.
Once I'm here, I'm never going back.
Una vez aquí, no volveré nunca.
I am going to ask you once more, and if you answer me with, "I do not know," I shall execute your brother.
Te lo preguntaré una vez más, y si me respondes con un "no lo sé", ejecutaré a tu hermano.
Because I'm only going to ask this once.
Porque sólo voy a preguntar una vez.
I was going to get their permission once I had enough to go to the school board.
Iba a pedirles su permiso una vez que tuviera suficiente para ir a la junta del colegio.
Usually when I walk by, there's one or two women going at it, but eight seems like a lot all at once.
Generalmente cuando paseo por acá, hay dos o tres mujeres haciéndolo pero ocho parecen ser muchas al mismo tiempo.
I've been going to the gun range once a week.
No me pongan a prueba. He estado practicando.
$ 870 gonna go once. $ 870 going twice.
870 $ se va a las una. 870 $ va a las dos.
I'm going to try and kick this blanket once and for all.
Voy a tratar de patear esta manta de una vez por todas.
I was going to charm her into signing once she was there.
Iba a hacerla firmar con mi encanto una vez estuviera allí.
Once I met Chris I was really, really reassured that things were going to be much better for Nim.
Una vez que conoci a Chris Estaba realmente, seguro que las cosas iban a estar mucho mejor para Nim.
Freddie, I'm going to give you all your birthdays, Christmases and holidays at once.
Freddie, voy a darte todos tus regalos de cumpleaños navidades y vacaciones a la vez.
Once we establish the faulty labeling causes overdoses, the drug company is going to write Sonya a big, fat check.
Una vez establecemos que el etiquetado incorrecto causa sobredosis, la compañía farmacéutica va a escribir a Sonya un grande y gordo cheque.
Especially once you figured out what was really going on at that truck.
Especialmente cuando te diste cuenta de lo que realmente iba en ese camión.
Stop. Stop. For once, please just tell me what's going on, so I can do my job.
Por una vez, dime qué está pasando, para poder hacer mi trabajo.
That's right. Once I gas Gotham for good, I'm going mobile.
Después que haya gaseado toda Ciudad Gótica ¡ me volveré itinerante!
We've become so accustomed to seeing people pairing off like that, it's almost impossible to see a man and woman together on screen at once without speculating over whether they're going to have sex or not.
Nos hemos acostumbrado a ver a personas emparejarse así, y es casi imposible ver a un hombre y a una mujer juntos en pantalla a la vez sin especular si van a tener sexo o no.
So, what's going to happen to the girls once their father's been arrested?
Entonces, ¿ Qué va a pasar a las chicas una vez que su padre sea arrestado?
once 1546
once upon a time 600
once again 1042
once or twice 100
once and for all 239
once is enough 17
once in a lifetime 20
once more 250
once a week 102
once in a while 156
once upon a time 600
once again 1042
once or twice 100
once and for all 239
once is enough 17
once in a lifetime 20
once more 250
once a week 102
once in a while 156
once a day 16
once there 37
once was enough 18
once a month 91
once you're inside 16
once before 22
once every 16
once you're in 33
once that happens 28
once that's done 19
once there 37
once was enough 18
once a month 91
once you're inside 16
once before 22
once every 16
once you're in 33
once that happens 28
once that's done 19
once in 16
once a year 76
once you do 17
once inside 39
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
once a year 76
once you do 17
once inside 39
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43