I lose Çeviri İspanyolca
22,000 parallel translation
How long before I lose my mind?
¿ Cuánto falta... para que pierda la cordura?
Did I lose everything?
¿ Lo he perdido todo?
It's reversible, so I'd hate to lose it.
Es reversible, por lo que no me gustaría perderlo.
He said the press could catch wind of that, I could lose my shot at a college scholarship.
Dijo que la prensa escucharía rumores de eso, que podría perder mi oportunidad de una beca universitaria.
I can't imagine what it must be like to lose a child.
No puedo imaginar lo que será perder a un hijo.
I can only imagine what it's like to lose a child, Mr Pearce.
Sólo puedo imaginar lo que es perder a un hijo, Sr. Pearce.
I wasn't gonna let you lose everything just because you couldn't see the truth about him.
No podía permitir que lo perdieras todo solo porque no querías ver la verdad sobre él.
I'm not going to lose to you.
No voy a perder a usted.
Except for that one indebted friend with a lot to lose, and if you believe his testimony, I got a bridge over Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
Excepto por ese amigo agradecido con mucho que perder y si creen en su testimonio, tengo un puente sobre Brooklyn que me gustaría venderles.
Don't you understand that I am scared, and that I am trying to be supportive and to keep a brave face, but that I could lose you, Mike?
¿ No entiendes que estoy asustada y estoy tratando de apoyarte, y de mantenerme fuerte, pero te podría perder, Mike?
I do that, I could lose my job.
Si lo hago, podría perder mi trabajo.
I guess I just never thought I'd see the day when you thought Harvey was gonna lose.
Supongo que nunca pensé ver el día en el que pensaras que Harvey iba a perder.
And who says I think Harvey's going to lose?
¿ Y quién dice que creo que Harvey va a perder?
And I don't want to lose you.
Y no quiero perderte.
That I hate you, and that you made me do this? Because I'm gonna lose everything because of you!
¿ Que me hiciste hacer esto porque perderé todo por tu culpa?
I think it's romantic to forgive someone you love even if they had an insane error in judgment, which gives you night sweats and causes you to lose nine pounds in a month.
Creo que es muy romántico perdonar a alguien al que quieres, aunque haya cometido un terrible error de juicio, que te provoca sudoración nocturna y te hace perder cinco kilos en un mes.
I was going to lose a few pounds to fit into my slim-fit suit, which is houndstooth, by the way.
Iba a perder un poco de peso para que me quedara bien mi nuevo traje ajustado, que por cierto, es de cuadritos...
I could either save one or lose both.
Solo podía salvar a una o las perdería a ambas.
I'll admit. I considered voting against you... because I didn't wanna lose you.
Admito que consideré votar en su contra, ya que no quería perderlo.
The last thing that I want is you or Sawyer... to lose someone that you love.
La última cosa que quiero es que tú o Sawyer... perdáis a alguien al que queréis.
But I see that now you seek to lose the boundary between art and politics, and what's worse it has become the interest of one group.
Pero veo que ahora busca eliminar la frontera entre arte y política, y lo que es peor, se ha convertido en el interés de un grupo.
I just figured I had nothing else to lose.
Supuse que no tenía nada que perder.
I find you with this bench upside down on your titties, I'mma lose it!
Si encuentro este banco dado vuelta sobre tus tetas, ¡ me volveré loca!
I didn't lose my job because of downsizing.
No perdí mi trabajo porque estaban haciendo recortes.
I have nothing to lose.
No tengo nada que perder.
I want you to lose everything like I lost everything.
Quiero que pierde todo como si hubiera perdido todo.
Oh, I get it, you're worried if I start dating somebody, you're gonna lose your skating buddy.
Oh, lo entiendo, usted está preocupado si comienzo a salir con alguien, Usted está va a perder su compañero de patinaje.
And I know if I come in from exile, there's every chance I'll lose her.
Y sé que, si vuelvo del exilio hay grandes probabilidades de que la pierda.
I can't lose you.
No puedo perderte.
The last thing that I want is you or Sawyer to lose someone that you love.
Lo último que quiero es que tú o Sawyer perdáis a alguien a quien queréis.
I can't lose you.
Yo no puedo perderte.
I mean, you could try, but you're gonna lose him.
Es decir, podrías intentarlo, pero vas a perderlo.
I guess I was afraid that we'd lose that spark.
Creo que tenía miedo de que perderíamos esa chispa,
I cannot lose favour with the emperor.
No puedo perder el apoyo del emperador.
I thought he was going to lose it again.
Pensé que enloquecería otra vez.
That is why I'm so passionate about what I do and why sometimes I... lose it when others don't feel the same.
Por eso me apasiona lo que hago y por qué a veces... me enfurezco cuando otros no sienten lo mismo.
I love my job more than anything in the world and I don't want to lose it, but I would never ever have killed Zoe in order to keep it.
Amo mi trabajo más que nada en el mundo y no quiero perderlo, pero nunca mataría a Zoe por mantenerlo.
I'm going to lose him.
Voy a perderlo.
Possibly the bruises on your abdomen... did I-i... Lose...?
- ¿ Perdí... al...?
I'm scared that, if we don't do something now, that we won't only lose more people...
Temo que si no hacemos algo ahora, no solo perderemos a más personas... lo perderemos todo.
I can't lose my TA-ship.
No puedo perder mi beca.
My dad said he liked him, so I was starting to lose interest.
Mi padre dijo que le gustaba, así que empecé a perder el interés.
This neighborhood was unbearable for me before you got here, and I don't want to lose you.
Este barrio era insoportable para mí antes de que llegaras, Y no quiero perderte.
I win. You lose.
Yo gano, tú pierdes.
I just didn't think I'd lose you on the horizon.
No pensé que te perdería de vista.
I'm the guy who caused The Flash to lose his powers and start this whole damn "metapocalypse" in the first place.
Soy quien hizo que Flash perdiera sus poderes y empezara toda esta mierda del "metapocalipsis".
I've been dead the longest. I'd say I have the least to lose.
Soy el que tiene menos que perder.
- Really? - I timed it. Some can't-lose scheme about the third largest hotel chain in Brazil.
Los conté, una inversión infalible en la tercera cadena hotelera de Brasil.
And then I think we lose three or four states in Congress just like that.
Luego creo que perderíamos tres o cuatro estados en el Congreso.
I could lose them both.
Yo podría perder ambos.
So win or lose, I'm out of here.
Así que perdamos o ganemos... me largo.
i lose everything 18
i lose my job 16
lose 119
loser 540
losers 201
lose it 38
lose some 16
lose something 24
lose him 19
i lost my mind 16
i lose my job 16
lose 119
loser 540
losers 201
lose it 38
lose some 16
lose something 24
lose him 19
i lost my mind 16
i lost my phone 30
i lost you 30
i lost my way 25
i lost everything 79
i lost track of time 59
i lost it 242
i lost control 52
i lost my wife 31
i lost my head 35
i lost my job 84
i lost you 30
i lost my way 25
i lost everything 79
i lost track of time 59
i lost it 242
i lost control 52
i lost my wife 31
i lost my head 35
i lost my job 84
i lost my temper 59
i lost my family 17
i lost her 78
i lost my 18
i lost mine 17
i lost someone 22
i lost my son 22
i lost 239
i lost count 30
i lost him 169
i lost my family 17
i lost her 78
i lost my 18
i lost mine 17
i lost someone 22
i lost my son 22
i lost 239
i lost count 30
i lost him 169