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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I never did anything

I never did anything Çeviri İspanyolca

400 parallel translation
I never did anything to Snorri.
Nunca le hice nada a Snorri.
I never did anything to anybody.
¡ Dame una oportunidad! ¡ Nunca le hice nada a nadie!
I never did anything. I didn't even know her.
No Horace, tú enviaste las flores.
I never did anything to you.
No te he hecho nada.
You see, I never did anything of the kind.
Yo nunca hice algo así.
I never did anything to make my mother proud.
Nunca hice nada para enorgullecer a mi madre.
It's awfully bad manners and I never did anything like that before but I... I Just had to, don't you see?
Sé que está mal y nunca había hecho nada parecido, pero tenía que hacerlo, ¿ lo entiendes?
I never did anything to you, Christy.
- Nunca te hice nada a ti, Christy.
You know I never did anything unless I did it perfectly.
Sabes que yo lo tengo todo siempre bajo control.
I never did anything wrong before today.
Nunca hice nada malo antes.
I never did anything like that before.
Nunca he hecho nada igual.
I never did anything against her but what right did she have to act like that?
Nunca hice nada contra ella, ¿ pero qué derecho tenía de actuar así?
I never did anything wrong.
Pero... no he hecho nada malo.
I never did anything wrong, just pulled the horse.
No hacía más que llevar el caballo...
I never did anything unfair to this family, I never gave our money away...
Nunca he sido desleal a esta familia, nunca he dado nuestro dinero...
I never did anything for him.
Nunca hice nada por él.
I never did anything of the kind.
Nunca he hecho nada por el estilo.
I never did anything to any of them.
Nuncale he hecho nada aninguno.
I never did anything to you.
Yo nunca les he hecho nada a ustedes.
I never did anything without your advice.
Nunca hice nada sin tu consejo.
They're saying he ran away from me. I never did anything!
Dicen que huyó de mí. ¡ Nunca hice nada!
I never did anything like this before.
Nunca hice nada parecido antes.
For 28 years, my whole life, I never did anything.
En 28 años, en toda mi vida, nunca he hecho nada.
I thought about it. But I never did anything about it.
Pensaba en ello, pero nunca llegué a hacer nada al respecto.
I never did anything to prevent it, did I?
- Confieso que sí... lo quiero. No he hecho jamás nada por evitarlo, ¿ no?
You see, my father went bankrupt, and i was in a shop till... oh, i never gave a man away or did anything i was ashamed of, at least, i mean... i had to make my living in all sorts of ways.
Verán. Mi padre se arruinó y yo trabajaba en una tienda. No me entregué a ningún hombre ni hice nada de Io que avergonzarme.
I never did do anything, only give'em a lot of castor oil.
Nunca hice nada excepto darles aceite de ricino.
Esta bien, Mac.
I know people that never did anything till they met Walter Burns.
Otros no lo hacían hasta conocerle a él.
I never started out with anything in life. So, what did I have to lose?
No soy nada, así que no tengo nada que perder.
If I did that I'd never be sure of anything again in my life.
Si reconociera eso ya no podría estar seguro de nada.
I never said anything about Vichy, did I?
No dije nada de Vichy. ¿ Verdad?
Although I never did come across anything exciting I learned a lot about philosophy.
Y aunque jamas halle nada excitante llegue a aprender filosofia.
I never did think decency meant anything...
Nunca pensé que la decencia significase tampoco...
I shall never do anything that might remove you and forgive me.. for the evil that I did.
Quiero que estés siempre conmigo, a mi lado, y que me perdones por el daño que te he hecho.
I don't know what that Yusa did, but he's never done anything bad to me.
No sé lo que hizo pero fue amable conmigo.
Yo no te he hecho nada.
I suppose your brother never did anything wrong in his life.
Supongo que tu hermano nunca hizo nada malo en toda su vida.
I never did know anything.
Nunca he sabido nada.
I never did know anything.
Nunca supe nada.
I never thought anything we did together would be wrong or make us unhappy.
Nunca pensé que algo que hiciéramos estuviera mal o nos hiciera infelices.
But I never said anything, because you would have gotten mad if I did.
Pero nunca dije nada, porque te habrías enfadado.
I was born in this country and I've seen men fight and kill. But I've never seen anything as terrible as what they did to that poor man.
He nacido en esta tierra y he visto a los hombres luchar y morir pero nunca he visto algo tan terrible como lo que le hicieron
I don't really expect you to understand, but when we drove off the other night, all we did was kiss, because he never tried anything more.
Realmente no espero que lo comprendas, pero cuando nos fuimos la otra noche, todo lo que hicimos fue besarnos, porque él en ningún momento intentó otra cosa.
Hope you never have to go through anything like I did.
Ojalá nunca tengas que pasar por algo así.
But never once did I hear anything about right or wrong.
Pero no he oído nada acerca del bien y del mal.
I never did anything to you.
. ¡ Nunca te hice nada!
I know you never did anything wrong in your life.
Sé que nunca harías nada incorrecto.
I said to myself : "Luis, since you know never did anything for anyone, except for yourself."
Me dije : "Luis, desde que te conozco, no has hecho nada por nadie, excepto por ti mismo".
I don't have anything... Never did have anything, never will have anything.
No tengo nada... nunca lo he tenido y nunca voy a tener nada.
There are no strings, but I never said anything about not coming back for seconds, did I?
No hay compromisos, nunca dije nada... sobre repeticiones, ¿ verdad?

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