I tell you Çeviri İspanyolca
181,369 parallel translation
Promise not to say to Evgheniya what I tell you now- - okay?
Promete no decir a Evgheniya lo que te he dicho ahora... ¿ Vale?
Have I tell you about my mother?
¿ Te he contado lo de mi madre?
Why would I tell you she said something nice about you?
¿ Por qué te diría que te elogió?
I tell you, it is, um, it is warm in here.
Hace calor aquí.
I tell you, you look into those eyes, Father, and you knew that horse had a soul.
Puedo decirte que mirabas esos ojos, padre, y sabías que el caballo tenía alma.
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light.
Lo que les digo en tinieblas, díganlo en la luz.
I want you to write down what I tell you.
Quiero que escribas lo que te diré.
I'll tell you what's not boring, my old son.
Te diré lo que no es aburrido, viejo amigo.
See, this is what I've been trying to tell you.
¿ Ves? , eso es lo que intentaba decirte.
I don't think you'd ever tell him straight out, but you might end up saying something or acting in a way that would draw suspicion, and we can't risk that, Paige.
No creo que se lo dijeras nunca conscientemente, pero podrías acabar diciendo algo o actuando de un modo que levantara sospechas, y no podemos arriesgarnos, Paige.
I-I ca... I can tell you. It's... it's in...
Puedo decíroslo, está en mi tarjetero.
I can't tell you how thrilled the Centre is.
Ni os imagináis lo contenta que está la Central.
I didn't think it was my place to tell you.
No creí que fuera mi cometido decírtelo.
I can't tell you, Paige, how much I've been looking forward to this day.
No puedo expresarte, Paige, lo mucho que he deseado que llegara este día.
Sometimes I hear things- - exactly the things I was asked to tell you about.
Algunas veces oigo cosas... exactamente la clase de cosas que me pedisteis que os contara.
It's not like I can go and not tell you.
No puedo ir sin decíroslo.
I wish I could tell you it gets easier.
Ojalá pudiera decirte que se hace más fácil.
So, listen, I need to tell you something.
Oye, tengo que decirte algo.
I tell him all about you.
Le he contado todo sobre vosotros.
I don't know what you're thinking. But I wouldn't tell Henry until you're there.
No sé lo que tenéis pensado, pero yo no se lo diría a Henry hasta que estéis allí.
I wish I could tell you what you should do, but I don't know.
Ojalá pudiera deciros lo que deberíais hacer, pero no lo sé.
I wish I could tell you what you should do.
Ojalá pudiera deciros qué hacer.
Look, I'm sorry, I know it's so late, but I need to tell you something, and I'm only telling you because I trust you.
Mira, lo siento, sé que es tarde, pero necesito contarte algo y solo te lo cuento porque confío en ti.
I just wanted to tell you, you were great back there with that cop.
Solo quería decirte que estuviste genial antes con ese policía.
You know, I had to buy him some time and... he had to tell me.
Tenía que conseguirle algo de tiempo y... tuvo que contármelo.
And I just wanted to tell you face to face... that I know.
Y quería decirte a la cara... que lo sé.
I always like to tell audiences... pre-program, just in case you're brought here by a friend.
FELIZ Y CONECTADA EN UN PRESENTE RICO! Siempre hablo con el público, antes del espectáculo, por si acaso los trajo un amigo.
For example, I would tell you, I love you so much.
Por ejemplo, les digo que los quiero mucho.
But, um... anyways, I just, I wanted to let you know that this is totally confidential, "and I would never tell anyone."
Pero, en fin, sólo quería que supieras que esto es totalmente confidencial, y jamás se lo diría a nadie ".
Well, I gotta tell you, once you give Maria a detail, you know? It's kind of out of all of our hands.
"Para serte sincera, una vez que le das un detalle a Maria, se te va de las manos".
You can tell me. I won't be angry.
Puedes contármelo, no me enfadaré.
You know what this is, but I'm about to tell you what this could be.
Sabes lo que es, pero estoy a punto de contarte lo que podría ser.
I got to tell you, Jay,
Tengo que decírtelo, Jay.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Bien, te diré algo.
Oh, and now that I'm out of the company, you'll need to tell Monica what transpired.
Ahora que ya me fui de la empresa, deberás decirle a Monica lo que pasó.
Okay, look, I've... I've signed off. But, Richard, I need you to look me in the eye and tell me that this is gonna work,'cause if it doesn't, I'm completely fucked.
Mira, lo aprobé, pero Richard, necesito que me mires a los ojos y me digas que funcionará porque si no, estoy totalmente fregado.
I'll tell you what :
Les diré algo.
- I used to tell myself that I had so much, but the truth is, I have nothing, and once you leave, I have even less.
- Solía decirme a mí mismo que tenía mucho, pero la verdad es que no tengo nada, y una vez que te vayas tendré incluso menos.
I bet you can tell me where she got'em.
Apuesto a que puedes decirme de dónde las sacó ella.
It was a prefect Dollhouse and I can tell you want to do it.
Era una casa de muñecas perfecta, y puedo decir que quieres hacerlo.
But what if I asked you to trust me, that there was a reasonable explanation, but I can't tell you.
Pero ¿ y si te pidiera que confiaras en mí, que había una explicación razonable, pero que no puedo decírtelo?
So I'm gonna need you to be able to get up on that stand and tell the truth.
Entonces voy a tener que poder levantarme en ese estrado y decir la verdad.
I know it was you. Don't tell me I don't know who you are!
Sé que fuiste tú. ¡ No me digas que no sé quién eres!
I can tell you, no one around here complained when we broke up.
Se lo digo, nadie de por aquí se quejó cuando nos separamos.
Tell Rachel when you found me, I was looking for Helena.
Dígale a Rachel que cuando me encontró, buscaba a Helena.
Even if I knew where she was, I wouldn't tell you.
Aún si supiera donde está, no te lo diría.
Now, I'm not asking you to rat out your uncle'cause I hear he's pretty good with a knife, but, hey... Look, if you just tell me who's taking over for you in Ontario,
No estoy pidiéndote que te chives de tu tío porque he oído que es bastante bueno con el cuchillo, pero, oye... mira, si me dices quién va a tomar el control por ti en Ontario,
I had to tell Voss that I would take Gerry's place so that he wouldn't hurt you and the family.
Tuve que decir a Voss que ocuparía el lugar de Gerry para que así no os hiciera ningún daño ni a ti ni a la familia.
I came to tell you that Noah raised the plane without the Road Demons'help, but they still want a new price.
He venido a contarte que Noah sacó la avioneta del lago sin la ayuda de los demonios de la carretera, pero que todavía quieren un nuevo precio.
Now... There's something i need to tell you.
Ahora... hay algo que debo decirte.
I'll tell him you'll call.
Le avisaré para que espera su llamado.
i tell you something 30
i tell you everything 18
i tell you what 741
i tell you now 16
i tell you that 25
i tell you this 29
i tell him 39
i tell myself 23
i tell ya 118
i tell them 18
i tell you everything 18
i tell you what 741
i tell you now 16
i tell you that 25
i tell you this 29
i tell him 39
i tell myself 23
i tell ya 118
i tell them 18
i tell her 20
tell your friends 43
tell you the truth 113
tell you what 1493
tell you later 17
tell you something 33
tell you one thing 25
tell you 69
tell you what i'll do 18
you know 156049
tell your friends 43
tell you the truth 113
tell you what 1493
tell you later 17
tell you something 33
tell you one thing 25
tell you 69
tell you what i'll do 18
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
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your honor 7894
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younger 104
you got a pen 63
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your full name 16
you are 6060
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youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423