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It's over here Çeviri İspanyolca

2,041 parallel translation
It's comin'over here.
Ya está aquí.
Maybe it's over here by this manhole.
Puede que esté cerca de esta alcantarilla.
It's coming from over here!
¡ Viene de ese lado!
Do yourself a favor. Turn around. It's hell over here.
- Hazte un favor, vírate y...
But it's chaos over here.
Pero está en caos por acá.
It's not fair, me being stuck over here on my own... while you're over there, playing with friends all day.
No es justo que yo esté aquí solo, mientras tú estás ahí jugando todo el día con tus amigos.
It's a grown man's playground over here, Chris.
Este es un campo de recreo de hombres.
- Food's here. - Put it over on that, uh...
Déjela por ahí.
I come over here, it's like I'm going from one dungeon to the next.
Desde que vine aquí, es como si fuera de una mazmorra a la siguiente.
It's over here.
Por aquí.
I don't like it at all. I am going to eat him if he's over here with me.
Me lo voy a comer si se pasa aquí conmigo.
Come on, it's just over here.
Vamos, está justo aquí.
It's quite deep here, over 40 meters.
Es bastante profundo aquí, más de 40 metros.
So she's let us, for now, squat here. Take it over.
Así que nos deja vivir aquí, por un tiempo.
That's it. You come over here right now and sit down!
Ya está. ¡ Ven aquí ahora mismo y siéntate!
- How's it going over here?
- ¿ Qué tal?
Hey, guys. How's it going over here?
Hola. ¿ Cómo les va?
It's this punk kid over here.
El chico punk.
Jack, they're telling us here it's over.
Jack, nos están diciendo que se terminó. Eso es falso.
When Bice gets here, he's gonna take it over the top.
Él nos va a dar el gran empujón.
- Coming. It's funny because your mom and I were gonna call you over here today to talk about pretty much the exact same thing. Money.
Es curioso, tu mamá y yo te íbamos a llamar hoy para hablar acerca de ese mismo tema.
It's over here.
Por allí.
Maybe it's over here.
Tal vez aquí.
They're here to save us. It's over.
Han venido a rescatarnos.
It's over here.
Es aquí.
It's coming from somewhere over here.
Viene de alguna parte por aquí.
Just promise me you'll be here by 12 : 30, and then it's over.
Sólo prométeme que volverás a las 12 : 30, y eso es todo.
It's over here.
Está aquí.
It's right down these steps over here.
Hay que bajar por estas escaleras.
Yeah, it's mutual. - Do your job over here.
Lo mismo digo.
How's it going over here?
¿ Qué está pasando aquí?
Or you could thank me, since I brought him over, but It's neither here nor there.
O podrías agradecérmelo a mi, dado que yo le taje, pero no importa.
But if he was here he'd say that if Mark wants him to leave this fucking mall it will be over Ronnie's dead fucking body.
Pero si él estuviera aquí diría que si Mark quiere echarlo del maldito centro comercial tendrá que pasar sobre el maldito cadáver de Ronnie.
Then get over it. The money's here.
Pues adelante, aquí está el dinero.
He's stealing it over here, friends.
Está justo aquí, amigos.
Maybe he's still here, you know, watching over the company... even killing for it.
Quizas el siga aqui Ya sabes, supervisando la compañia... incluso matando por ella
It's like ARod and Madonna over here.
Es como una vara y Madonna.
It says here that Adams, he's supposed to weigh over 300 pounds.
- Dice aquí que...
If my Viper's splattered all over this planet, then who flew it here?
Si mi viper se esparció por todo este planeta, entonces ¿ quien vólo hasta aquí?
Up here, that's the down spout that goes from our green roof, so all the excess water goes down and then it's carried over into this rain barrel and that's connected to a drip irrigation hose, which nicely waters our tomato plants and our lovely pear tree and the rose bushes and there's cauliflower.
Hasta aquí es el barril provenientes de la azotea verde, donde el exceso de agua cae y se lleva al barril, que está conectado a una manguera riego por goteo que gentilmente el riego del tomate pera, los rosales y la coliflor.
Definitely not getting out that way. Looks like it's gonna be up and over. - Ew, it's dirty up here!
Definitivamente no salgo de este camino.
Yeah, well, it's an emergency over here, too.
Sí, bueno, aquí también tengo una emergencia.
- Where's the car? - Uh, it's just over here.
- ¿ Dónde está el auto?
It's over here.
Está por aquí.
It's like amateur hour over here.
Es como la hora del aficionado por aquí.
If it makes its way over here, it'll bring an epidemic that's worse than the crack craze of the'80s.
Si llegase hasta aquí, sería una gran epidemia que sería peor que la del crack en los'80.
Well, I think it's safe to say that I'm in really over my head here.
Bueno, creo que es seguro decir que me estoy volviendo loco aquí.
Taub and Foreman are here because they've got no other viable choices, and Thirteen is desperate to make her life matter before it's over.
Taub y Foreman están aquí porque no tienen otras elecciones viables y Trece está desesperada por hacer que su vida tenga sentido antes de que se termine.
Or it means it's late, i'm tired, i know you're here to advance some paranoid theory based on a single egg white omelet, and i'd like to get it over with so we can both go to sleep.
O significa que es tarde, estoy cansada, y se que estás aqui para proponer alguna teoría paranoica basada en una tortilla de un solo huevo, y me gustaría que la superaramos para que asi podamos ir a dormir.
No. Fax it on over here. There's gotta be some mistake.
No, no, mándalo por fax, debe haber un error.
He said there's not a soul here in Gatlin over the age of 19 who isn't wallowing in sin, loving it, even as they drown like pigs in a mire.
Dijo que no hay ni un alma aquí en Gatlin mayor de 19 años que no se revuelca en el pecado, apasionados, incluso se ahogan...

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