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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It happens to everybody

It happens to everybody Çeviri İspanyolca

59 parallel translation
It happens to everybody that eats bread pudding and looks at a mast.
Les pasa a quienes comen pudín de pan y miran el mástil.
It happens to everybody, male and female.
Le pasa a todo el mundo, hombres y mujeres.
Well, it happens to everybody once, they say.
Bien, a todos les llega, dicen.
It happens to everybody first time!
Les pasa a todos la primera vez.
It happens to everybody.
Nos pasa a todos.
It happens to everybody.
Le pasa a todo el mundo.
It happens to everybody.
Le pasa a cualquiera.
It happens to everybody, one person at a time.
Una vez a cada uno... llega a todos.
Something also that happened, it happens to everybody, I suppose.
También me sucedió algo que le sucede a todos.
It happens to everybody.
A mí no.
Look, it happens to everybody.
Mira, sucede a todo el mundo.
You know, it happens to everybody.
Le pasa a todo el mundo.
It happens to everybody. You know?
Le pasa a todo el mundo.
It happens to everybody.
Esto le pasa a todos.
It happens to everybody.
Le ocurre a todo el mundo.
It's OK'cause it happens to everybody.
No pasa nada. Le pasa a todos.
It happens at different times for different people but it happens to everybody.
Pasa en momentos diferentes y con gente distinta pero siempre pasa.
Listen, it happens to everybody the first time. Here.
Escucha, así es la primera vez para todos.
- It happens to everybody. - Claudette says you're moody, distracted.
Para Claudette, eres temperamental y distraído.
- Hey, look, it happens to everybody.
- Mira, eso les pasa a todos.
It happens to everybody.
Les pasa a todos.
It happens to everybody.
Le pasa a todos.
- It happens to everybody, you know?
- Le pasa a todo el mundo, ¿ sabes?
It happens to everybody.
A todos les pasa.
It happens to everybody.
A todos nos pasa.
It happens to everybody, even me.
Le pasa a todo el mundo, incluso a mí.
It happens to everybody sometimes. "
Les ocurre a todos alguna vez ".
- It happens to everybody.
- Le pasa a todos.
What I'm saying... is... that... death's okay as long as it happens to everybody else.
[Para la música] Lo que digo... es... que... La muerte no nos molesta mientras jode a otro.
I mean, yeah, you could have aimed a little better, but whatever. It happens to everybody.
Es decir, usted podría tratarlo un poco mejor, pero le pasa a todo el mundo.
I mean, it happens to everybody, not because you're gay.
Quiero decir, ya saben, le pasa a todo mundo no es porque sean gay.
Hey, it happens to everybody. Because even as I said those words, they did not feel like a real thing.
Porque aún cuando decía esas palabras, no sonaban como algo real.
It happens to everybody.
Eso le pasa a todo el mundo.
It happens to everybody.
¿ Y qué? A todos nos pasa.
Something good happens to me and everybody else has to take it in the keister.
Cuando algo bueno me sucede, alguien entra en las estadísticas.
It happens to everybody.
Sexualmente nos sucede a todo el mundo.
Alexis, one of the things that happens when you merge is it's the first time everybody's together, all at once, gives you the opportunity to start assessing skills.
Alexis, una de las cosas que sucede... en la fusión es que es la primera vez que todos están juntos... dándote la oportunidad de comenzar a valorar habilidades.
I mean, you get to pay for everything and hire everybody. And you get to make sure that everything happens exactly like it looks up here.
Quiere decir que vas pagar todo y contratar a todos y asegurarte que todo ocurra exactamente como se ve aquí.
That's why so many people are hiding it. That's why everybody goes through this denial and hiding it every day because they don't want it to affect what happens in their church or their standing in their church or their standing in the community or whatever.
Es por eso que hay tanta gente escondiéndolo y que lo niega porque no quieren afectar lo que pasa en su Iglesia o su prestigio en su Iglesia y en su comunidad.
The point is, everybody here knows you're too smart to shoot a cop for no good reason and that nothing happens on that street without you knowing about it.
El tema es, todo el mundo aquí sabe que eres demasiado listo... para disparar a un policia sin una buena razón, y que nada pasa en esa calle sin que tú lo sepas.
that it's really their baby Sylvester. And since children's stories have happy endings, something else happens, and it turns him back to Sylvester, and everybody's happy.
Y como los cuentos para niños tienen finales felices, sucede otra cosa y Silvestre se convierte en asno otra vez y todos son felices.
Everybody knows they did it, and there's a whole Congressional investigation, they're gonna owe millions of dollars in fines, and then suddenly out of nowhere, Senator Munger, who happens to chair this committee, kills it.
Todos saben que lo hicieron, y hay una gran investigación de Congreso, deberán millones de dólares en multas, y de repente, de la nada, el Senador Munger, que sucede que tiene su silla en el comité, lo desaparece.
It was just incredible, like going to see the Beatles or something - - everybody was crazy, and there was spontaneous applause at a physics seminar, which never happens, you know?
Era simplemente increíble, como ir a ver a los Beatles o algo así - todo el mundo estaba loco, y hubo un aplauso espontáneo en un seminario de física, lo que nunca sucede, ¿ sabes?
No, the only thing that makes me nervous is that the thing that everybody wants to happen never happens because everybody's too afraid to make it happen.
No, la única cosa que me pone nerviosa es que aquello que todos quieren que pase nunca suceda porque todo mundo tiene miedo a hacerlo que suceda
It's a shame not everybody'll be there to see it, but... shit happens.
Es una pena que no todo el mundo estará aquí para verlo, pero... toca aguantarse.
This happens to everybody. This happens to everybody, it's normal.
Les pasa a todos, es normal.

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