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It took you Çeviri İspanyolca

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It took you a step beyond alone.
Te llevó un paso más allá.
- It took you that long to think of that?
- ¿ Tardaste mucho en pensar eso?
Well, if it makes you feel any better, it took you a whole hour longer to decide than I thought it would.
Bueno, si te hace sentirse mejor, que le tomó toda una hora más tiempo para decidir de lo que pensé que lo haría.
It took us three years to find you.
Nos tomó tres años para encontrarte.
No, you took the deal off the table before we could properly discuss it, so...
No, usted tomó el acuerdo de la mesa antes de que pudiéramos discutir adecuadamente, así que...
I didn't know how you took it, but there's cream and sugar in the bag.
No sé cómo lo tomas, pero hay crema y azúcar en la bolsa.
Are you sure it was Ali who attacked you and took the computer?
¿ Estás segura de que fue Ali quien te atacó y te robó la computadora?
Do you know why it took so long for him to break me?
¿ Sabéis por qué le llevó tanto tiempo el doblegarme?
You took it.
La tomaste.
You took my tactic, and you gave it to him.
Tomaste mi táctica y se la diste a él.
You... you forcibly took it, right?
Tú... tú tomaste la fuerza, ¿ no?
- I don't care why you took it.
- No me importa por qué lo tomaste.
You said you took care of it.
Usted dijo que se encargó de ello.
You just took it.
Usted acaba de tomar la misma.
I'd never taken it before, but I-I knew what it could do if you took too much.
Nunca he tomado antes, pero yo-yo sabía qué podía hacer si tomabas demasiado.
I'd never taken it before, but I-I knew what it could do if you took too much.
Nunca lo he tomado, pero sabía lo que podía hacer si tomabas demasiado.
I took it because I figured Mooney had called you somehow.
La tomé porque imaginé que Mooney lo había llamado de alguna manera.
And it only took a serial killer to get you to say that.
Y solo se necesitó un asesino en serie para hacer que lo dijeras.
We took their potential and contained it, Inhibited it like you do.
Nos tomamos su potencial y contenido, inhibido es como lo haces.
- You took it, didn't you?
- ¿ Lo cogiste tú, no?
Look, if he took it, it's probably still here, and if not, you just ask around.
Mira, si él la cogió, es probable que siga aquí, y si no, pregunta por ahí.
For starters, you signed legal papers and took money to leave it alone.
Primero, porque has firmado unos papeles y has aceptado dinero por no hacerlo.
You're telling me that my brother took a bunch of pills in your hospital, under your care, and you didn't even notice until it was too late?
¿ Me está diciendo que mi hermano tomó un montón de pastillas en su hospital, bajo su cuidado, y usted ni siquiera se dio cuenta hasta que era demasiado tarde?
It took four years, but you're here.
Tomo cuatro años, pero ya están aquí.
I think, you know, when we started that company we were at zero and we took it somewhere amazing and now we're not at zero.
Creo que cuando empezamos con la empresa, lo emprendimos desde cero y lo llevamos hasta un punto increíble y ahora no estamos en el cero.
It's just, I never really liked you, so I had a shot, and I took it, you know?
Es que, nunca me has caído bien, tenía una oportunidad, y la aproveché, ¿ Sabes?
You lost in one day what it took me 15 years to build.
Has perdido en un día lo que me costó 15 años construir.
I'm sorry it took me all day to get back to you.
Perdona que tardé todo el día en contestarte.
'Cause I saw the people you killed for Foster, and it took me 10 years to understand why.
Porque he visto a la gente que has matado por Foster, y me ha llevado diez años entender por qué.
I was having a moment, and... I took it out on you, and I am really so sorry.
Estaba teniendo un momento, y... me las agarré contigo, y lo siento muchísimo.
I was drunk and pissed off and... I took it out on you.
Estaba borracho y cabreado y... la tomé contigo.
I mean, it's initially what you wanted and it took me a second to get there, but it makes sense.
Quiero decir, es lo que inicialmente querías... y me llevó un segundo venir aquí, pero tiene sentido.
It took too long to find you.
Me ha llevado mucho encontrarte.
You took those pills to get attention, - and you just made it worse.
Tomaste esas píldoras para lograr su atención y solo lo empeoraste.
It's the least I can do after you all took me into your cheerleading family, especially you, Lyle.
Es lo menos que puedo hacer después que todos ustedes me aceptaron en su familia porrista, especialmente tú, Lyle.
It took me a while to realize, you gotta be your own analyst.
Me ha llevado un tiempo entender que tienes que ser tu propio analista.
I mean, you saw a nice piece of business, you took advantage of it- - not bad.
Viste un buen negocio y lo aprovechaste. Nada mal.
Did Tino tell you who took the jewelry box or where it is?
¿ Tino te dijo quién tenía el joyero o dónde está? - No.
You and that band of idiots, took you 10 minutes to tear it down.
Usted y esa banda de idiotas, que tomó 10 minutos para derribarlo.
You hid what you stoled on my property, and you wonder why I took it?
¿ Tú has escondido... lo robado en mi propiedad y te preguntas por qué lo he tomado?
- I know I butchered my people, and I know the army went in and took back the memories before I was discharged. That was you, wasn't it?
- Sé que masacré a mi gente, y sé que el ejército me quitó mis recuerdos antes de darme de baja. ¿ Fuiste tú, no?
You took out your scissors and you just cut it up.
Tomaste las tijeras y lo cortaste.
The slip of paper we found on her with the list of dosages on it... you took it to the hospital where she worked?
El trozo de papel que encontramos en su cadáver con la lista de dosis... ¿ la llevaste al hospital en el que trabajaba?
"We always knew you two would tie the knot, " even if it took Nick so long to propose. "
Nosotros siempre supimos que acabaríais casados, incluso cuando le tomó tanto tiempo a Nick proponerse.
I took a look at your story after you left and, come to think of it, reading your writing reminded me of editing... His work.
Le eché un vistazo a tu historia cuando te fuiste y ahora que lo pienso leyendo tu escrito me vino a la mente editar... su trabajo.
I mean, if you still believe that he took Jangles, which you do, then it's not over for him, is it? Is it?
Si aún crees que él fue... y estoy segura sí... entonces no ha terminado par él. ¿ o sí?
You said yourself that it took him several tries to break the glass.
Tú mismo dijiste... que le llevó varios intentos romper el vidrio.
What it took for you to survive this, your resolve...
Lo que tuviste que hacer para sobrevivir a esto, tu determinación...
If you took the time to think about it...
Si pensaseis en ello...
That's not Empire. Now, this is the music business, and it may take hookers and blow to try and reclaim some of the artists that took off after you went prancing about with your little freak flag.
A ver, esto es el negocio de la música, y puede que se necesiten putas y coca para conservar a algunos artistas que se piraron después de verte pavoneándote con tu banderita de friki.
You remember Adam and Crosby used to play with it all the time, so I took it, and I put it in a shoe box, and I hid it up in the rafters in the old barn.
¿ Te acuerdas de que Adam y Crosby solían jugar con ella siempre? , pues la cogí y la puse en una caja de zapatos y la escondí en el techo del viejo granero.

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