Listen to your father Çeviri İspanyolca
255 parallel translation
It would be better if you would listen to your father.
Sería bueno que le hicieras caso a tu padre.
I don't want to go yet! Why don't you listen to your father?
Déjame, no quiero irme.
- Listen to your father.
- que me habléis de ella.
Johnny, please, son, listen to your father just once on this trip.
Johnny, por favor, Escucha a tu padre, aunque sea en este viaje.
Why don't you listen to your father, Sandy?
¿ Por qué no escuchas a tu padre, Sandy?
Will you listen to your father, Jamie. After 35 years of marriage...
Mira a tu padre, tras treinta y cinco años de matrimonio.
Bernard, listen to your father.
Bernard, escucha a tu padre.
Listen to your father!
¡ Escucha a tu padre!
Don't listen to your father.
No hagas caso a tu padre.
- You listen to your father, and not to me?
- ¿ Te crees lo que dice él?
If you listen to your father, our wives will become widows.
Si escuchas a tu padre, nuestras esposas se convertirán en viudas.
Listen to your father, you animal!
¡ Escucha a tu padre, animal!
Listen to your father!
Llama a tu papi.
Listen to your father.
Escucha a tu padre.
Listen to your father, Mike.
Escucha a tu padre, Mike. Sabes que tiene razón.
- Listen to your father, son.
- Escucha a tu padre, hijo.
Before you decide listen to your father.
Antes de que decidas... escucha a tu padre.
Listen to your father when he's talking to you.
Escucha lo que tu padre te ha dicho.
Father of the gods, listen to your priest and servant
Padre de los dioses, escucha a tu sacerdote y servidor
I'm not throwing it in your face or trying to be unkind, but I can't sit here and listen to both you and your son continually belittling my father.
No estoy echándoselo en cara, ni pretendo ser hiriente... pero no puedo quedarme callada oyendo como usted y su hijo... continuamente menosprecian a mi padre.
Listen, your father don't mean for you to... Shh.
Tu padre no quiere decirte que...
February is a long way away, and your father will simply have to listen...
Falta mucho para febrero y tu padre tendrá que escucharnos...
What would your father say if he could listen in to the awful thoughts you're entertaining.
¿ Qué diría tu padre si pudiese oír?
We tried to convince your father, but he wouldn't listen.
Intentamos convencer a tu padre. Pero no nos hizo caso.
Listen to your dead father.
¡ Haz caso a tu padre muerto!
Listen to me, Nadia Fedoroff. Or you again see your father in the conditions I just told you, or you'll never see him again.
Escuche, Nadia Fédor, verá a su padre bajo estas condiciones o no lo volverá a ver.
Listen to me, as your adopted father.
Como tu padre adoptivo...
Listen, Allison, i'm going to call your father huh?
Mira, Alison, llamaré a tu padre.
If you want to save your father's like I advise to listen carefully.
Si quieres salvar la vida de tu padre te aconsejo que me escuches atentamente.
If I tell you something and your father does too, who will you listen to first?
Entre lo que tu padre dice y lo que yo digo, ¿ a quién vas a escuchar primero?
Balam, listen to me, as you'd have listened to your father.
Balam, escúchame como habrías escuchado a tu padre.
I'll call your mother and father... and tell them to meet the bus. Listen.
Llamaré a tus padres para decirles que te esperen.
Listen, Father, you don't have to write your name. You could just make a little cross.
No hace falta que firme, con una cruz basta.
Bad teeth. Listen to me, Father. Do not waste your time waiting.
- No pierda el tiempo esperando.
You may think I'm not doing right by your father, but even if it had been my own father, Listen to me. I couldn't just flip out and gun the bastards down
Puedes pensar que no estoy haciendo lo correcto por tu padre, pero incluso aunque hubiera sido mi propio padre, no podría perder la cabeza y matar a esos cabrones.
Your mother, your father, they finally listen to you, man.
La madre, el padre, por fin lo escuchan a uno, amigo.
You've calculated that very well but if a man has no father, the Scriptures say that you will listen to your uncle!
Has acertado pero si un hombre no tiene padre, las Escrituras dicen que ¡ Escucharás a tu tío!
In case you didn't know it yet, your father says nobody has to even listen anymore.
Por si no lo sabías, tu padre dice que nadie te preste atención nunca más.
my father is right your magesty who knows what Skeletor would do to Adora if he sees all your soldiers comming listen to the king Randor
mi padre tiene razón Su Majestad quién sabe lo que Skeletor puede hacerle a Adora si ve a todos sus soldados llegando Escucha al Rey Randor
Billy, your revenge is over now, listen to my father.
Billy! tu vengaza termino! escucha a mi papi!
Listen, Daughter... last night your father and I went to a wise woman... and told of your tragedy.
Escucha, hija anoche tu padre y yo fuimos a ver a una mujer sabia y le contamos sobre tu tragedia.
Listen, I came over to ask your father something.
He venido a preguntarle una cosa a tu padre.
- My dear... - I'm old enough to be your father. Listen to what I'm going to tell you.
Querido... podría ser su padre, así que escuche.
Listen, girls, as your father, I feel it incumbent upon me to set the record straight on the validity of the tale which Uncle Chet shared with us this evening.
Escuchen, chicas... como su padre... siento que es ml obligación aclarar... la validez del relato que compartió con nosotros el tío Chet.
Listen to what your father Vincent Kozinski is saying first... last and always.
Esto es lo que tu padre dijo antes después y antes.
Don't listen to your crazy father, Donna.
No le hagas caso al loco de tu padre. Ponte derecha.
Listen, Brian, boys, listen to me, Let your father win, He needs it,
Chicos, dejen ganar a su padre, Le va a hacer bien,
Listen to me telling you what your father did.
Y yo te estoy diciendo lo que tu padre hizo.
Because I'm your father doesn't mean I have to listen to this crap.
Que sea tu padre no significa que deba escuchar esta basura.
- Now you listen to me, I'm your father!
¡ Escucha! ¡ Soy tu padre!
Then listen, for whom you are so anxious, your Madhu has left you and and gone to her father's place
Entonces escucha, Por quien preguntas se fue. ... Te ha dejado y se ha ido a casa de su padre
listen to me 9369
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to this one 27
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to this one 27
listen to her 124
listen to him 223
listen to them 53
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to you 160
listen to it 46
listen to this 734
listen to us 43
listen to reason 18
listen to that 89
listen to him 223
listen to them 53
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to you 160
listen to it 46
listen to this 734
listen to us 43
listen to reason 18
listen to that 89