Your father died Çeviri İspanyolca
728 parallel translation
Your father is ~ ~ your father died years ago.
Tu padre es tu padre murió hace años.
Your father died with honor when he could no longer live with honor.
Tu padre murió con honor cuando ya no pudo vivir con honor.
Didn't I work all alone after your father died... till you was big enough to help me?
¿ No trabajé sola después de que tu padre murió hasta que tuviste edad para ayudarme?
Your father died?
¿ Eres huérfana?
your father died 12 years ago and your mother, till now, has only lived for the two of you she has a right to be happy once more
Tu padre murió hace 12 años... y tu madre, hasta ahora, sólo ha vivido para vosotras... ella tiene derecho... a ser feliz otra vez.
After your father died you joined up?
¿ Después de la muerte de tu padre te uniste a ellos?
When your father died I had to take care of the house and the two of you.
Cuando tu padre murió, me quedé sola con la casa y ustedes dos.
Have you been in the guesthouse since the night your father died?
¿ Has ido a la casa de invitados tras la muerte de tu padre?
And when your father died, leaving me with a small child... and practically no money, I had to fend for myself.
Y cuando tu padre murió, dejándome con una hija y sin dinero alguno... tuve que valerme por mí misma.
After your father died and I found I had bad lungs, I didn't want to live.
Tras la muerte de tu padre, supe que tenía algo mal en los pulmones.
Ellos tuvieron ofertas, buenas ofertas de otros jefes.
Was Gordon the first one you cared for after your father died?
¿ Fue el primero a quien quiso después de morir su padre?
Mrs. Cunningham... did your mother ever tell you what your father died of?
Sra. Cunningham ¿ le dijo su madre de qué murió su papá?
We've asked you every year since your father died.
Todos los años te hemos invitado desde que murió tu padre.
The first time you're out with a man, you tell him your father died of alcoholism.
¡ Ya le has contado que tenías un padre alcohólico!
You have not been returned since your father died.
No has estado allí desde que murió tu padre.
Since your father died, I've been unlucky
Desde que tu padre murió, he sido muy desgraciada.
When your father died I went back to my people.
Cuando tu padre murió regresé con los míos.
I know that your father died because he wouldn't own a gun.
Sé que tu padre murió porque no tenía una pistola.
So he said "Marty, your father died."
Yo estaba en pijama, ¿ sabes? Y él dijo : "Marty, tu padre ha muerto."
The night before your father died he told me what he did with that money.
La noche antes de morir, tu padre me contó lo que hizo con el dinero.
When your father died I learned how much it was to take care of it and it took me years to learn about the needs of our fields.
Cuando murió tu padre conocí lo mucho que pesa esta finca, y me costó años el llegar a saber las necesidades de nuestros campos.
I figured it was you the night your father died.
Imaginaba que eras tú al morir tu padre.
When your father died...
Cuando tu padre murió...
"Dear Walter Kyne, before your father died, I was working on a... " tie-up with Midwest Television, which could be immensely profitable.
Estimado Sr. Kyne, antes de la muerte de su padre estuve trabajando en un trato con la televisión del Midwest que podría resultar muy provechoso.
You started drinking before your father died.
Empezaste a beber antes de que muriese.
It came to me when your father died.
Yo pasé por esto cuando tu padre falleció.
Your father died, God has forgiven him.
Tu padre murió, Dios le haya perdonado.
But your father died in their prison.
Pero tu padre murió en prisión.
Tell me what happened after your father died.
Cuèntame que sucedió luego de la muerte de tu padre.
- Everyone knows your father died in battle!
¡ Arrestadlo!
Your father died a few minutes ago.
Tu padre ha muerto hace unos minutos.
Yes, yes, we'll make it one day, one day the big miracle will happen, and your father will be Regimental Commander again, because the Czar of Russia hasn't died, he just went into hiding.
Sí, sí... un día ocurrirá el gran milagro.
Now, let us suppose that your father had not died.
Ahora, supongamos que su padre no hubiera muerto.
If your father had not died.
Si su padre no hubiera muerto.
Your father shot himself... and your mother died from the shock and left you a penniless waif.
tu padre se suicidó... tu madre se murió de la impresión y te quedaste en la calle.
She reminds me of your father's cousin, Winifred who died when her second was born.
; e recuerda la prima Winifred, que murió al nacer su segundo hijo.
When your mother died, it broke your father's heart.
Cuando murió tu madre, tu padre quedó deshecho.
Your father died When he was young.
Cayó por Inglaterra Johnny.
Bekanntmachung des oberkommandos. If ever I get out of this mess, if I get back to England... I shall have to tell your friends, young Byrd's mother and father... just how their son died.
Si logro salir de este enredo... y llego a Inglaterra, deberé decirles a sus amigos... la madre y el padre del joven Byrd, cómo murió.
El guardia no sabía que tu padre había muerto, Joe.
- Seems to me it was your business to locate Malcolm Taylor as soon as his father died.
- A mí me parece que su trabajo era localizar a Malcolm en el momento de la muerte de su padre.
Your father's just died.
Mi padre acaba de morir.
I must fulfill a promise I made to your father before he died.
Tengo que cumplir una promesa que le hice a tu padre antes de morir.
Her father died cursing her because of her love for him... The man who destroyed your friends, Who hastened Badavi's death, who plotted with Alagappan,
Su padre murió maldiciéndola por su amor hacia él, el hombre que sacrificó a tus amigos, que aceleró la muerte de Badavi, que conspiró con Alagappan, primero contra ti, luego contra mí.
I was talking to your father about the letter we'd write if we died together.
Hablaba con tu padre sobre la carta que escribiríamos si muriéramos juntos.
When your old man died, I said I'd be a father to you.
Al morir tu viejo, le dije que sería como un padre para ti.
Todo se debe a la muerte de su padre está en su conciencia.
Your father Claudius was the only one who died a natural death.
Tu padre Claudio fue el único que murió por causas naturales.
When your real pa died, you and Selena and Joey had to have a father.
Al morir tu verdadero papá, tú y Selena y Joey necesitabais tener un padre.
Didn't your father tell you anything about me before he died?
¿ Tu padre no te dijo nada sobre mí antes de morir?
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
died 275
died in 24
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
died in 24
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189