Lucky for him Çeviri İspanyolca
200 parallel translation
Then the ring wasn't so lucky for him after all, was it?
Se supone que quien Io lleva debe tener una vida estupenda.
Lucky for him he got away when he did.
Por suerte, escapó justo a tiempo. Uno sigue pataleando.
Lucky for him.
Lucky para él.
Mejor para él.
Lucky for him, then. If you love him, the two of you must marry
Él es afortunado, sí tu le amas, los dos deben casarse.
Lucky for him, we were so close to them bloodhounds.
Tuvo suerte de que estuviéramos por allí cerca.
Lucky for him.
Hombre afortunado.
It lucky for him I was called in time.
Tu amo está muy enfermo.
He was hit by a Quark, lucky for him its power levels were low.
Le disparó un Quark. Por suerte para él, sus niveles de energía eran bajos.
Well, lucky for him.
Bueno, por suerte para él.
Lucky for him. Along comes this cow... sees him, and feels sorry for him.
Por suerte para él, llega una vaca y siente pena por él.
One man's dice may be lucky for him, but not for his friend.
Los dados de un hombre pueden traerle suerte a él pero no a un amigo.
And lucky for him, you didn't have your umbrella.
Y por suerte para él, usted no tenía su paraguas.
I'm lucky for him.
Le traigo suerte.
It's lucky for him no one looks at his face.
Tiene suerte de que nadie Ie mire a Ia cara.
- Lucky for him.
- Por suerte para él.
Lucky for him that you was holdin'me.
Qué suerte tuvo de que estuvieras sujetándome.
- Lucky for him you like black.
- Afortunadamente te gusta el negro. - Sí.
Lucky for him that he didn't have to fight me
Ha tenido suerte de no pelear conmigo.
Lucky for him he went to New Zealand or he'd get the back of my hand now.
Tuvo suerte de irse a Nueva Zelanda o recibiría mis golpes ahora.
Lucky for him, some of these Sharks still have teeth left in their head.
Por suerte para él, algunos Sharks aún tienen dientes en la boca.
Lucky for him.
Suerte para él.
Its a lucky thing for him that you are here.
Les digo que ha sido una suerte para él que estuviera Vd. aquí.
It's a lucky thing for him you're not selling pianos.
Qué suerte para él que no vendas pianos.
"As for her husband, no matter how far out in the country he may be, " he set my leg better than any New York specialist could do it. "So I'll just make this his lucky day and pay him 50 dollars!"
Y en cuanto a su marido, no importa que viva en el campo, me curo la pierna mejor que un medico de New York, así que este será su día de suerte.
It's for us to speak, to tell him that we farmers thank our lucky stars every day in the year for what he's done for us. If anybody's gonna have corn in his crib, or hay in his barn, it'll all be due to our good friend and neighbor, Daniel Webster... who stood right up in Congress to protect us from loan sharks by a new law.
Los granjeros tenemos que decirle... que cada día agradecemos a nuestra buena estrella por todo lo que... él ha hecho por nosotros, porque si tenemos comida en la alacena... o el depósito, se lo debemos a nuestro buen amigo y vecino...
When he wakes up, you can tell him for me, I think he's a pretty lucky guy.
Estoy lista, Fred. Cuando despierte, dile que creo que es un tipo muy afortunado.
Ah, it's lucky for Clay,'cause I'll give him no part ofthe Furies.
Suerte para Clay, porque no le daré ninguna parte de Las Furias.
Lucky for you, too, sir, if you want to take any liberties with him.
Y es una suerte para usted si piensa molestarle.
What a guy, you make a date for 11, you're lucky if you see him at 12.
¡ Vaya un tipo! Quedas con él a las once, y tienes suerte si le ves a las doce.
No, lucky dog, war is over for him
¿ Está muerto? Perro con suerte.
Lucky for us that people don't listen to him.
Tenemos suerte de que la gente no le lleva el apunte.
You're lucky to get him for a patron.
Tienes suerte de tenerle como protector.
They don't call him "Lucky" Ned Pepper for nothing.
No en balde le llaman Ned Pepper el "Afortunado".
Lucky for him you were here when it happened.
- Qué suerte que estuviera Ud.
If he's lucky, it will take a few extra days for him to, start walking again.
Si tiene suerte, tardará unos días más... para poder caminar.
Lucky him for the civilised people who flush...
Gracias a la gente civilizada que tira de la cadena...
This is our lucky day. Friend of yours has got some money for ya... and we got to get on back down to the park now and meet him.
Ese amigo tuyo tiene dinero para ti... y debemos ir al parque a verlo.
Wellman is a very lucky man. He's lucky to have you working for him.
Wellman tiene mucha suerte por tenerle a usted trabajando para él.
My father gave control of this territory to Lucky Luciano but not because he got fed up with family business. It was because the search for the Gold of Babylon entranced him.
Mi padre se jubiló delegando su esfera de influencia a Lucky Luciano no sólo porque estuviera harto de disputas y luchas mafiosas sino porque fue cautivado por la búsqueda del Oro de Babilonia.
He's lucky I haven't started looking for him yet. Did you get that?
El que no tendrá suerte cuando lo encuentre será el que lo ha hecho.
Lucky for you, you got him in both of his what we loosely call "hearts".
Tuviste suerte de darle en los dos corazones, como los llamamos.
No, I can't think anyone's lucky having an illness like that, even so. But it's less bad luck for him than it would be for some people... because he can so much live in his head.
No, no puedo pensar en nadie con tanta suerte con una enfermedad así, pero es menos malo para él que para otras personas, ¿ sabes?
"A million poets working for a million years..." You're so lucky. When are you going to meet him?
"Un millón de poetas trabajando un millón de años- -" Qué afortunada eres.
I see a lost little boy... who's lucky to have a father who knows what's best for him.
Que tiene suerte de tener un padre que sabe que es lo mejor para él.
If I remember rightly, she told him to sod off. And lucky for Lydia that she did.
Si mal no recuerdo ella lo mandó al carajo afortunadamente para Lydia.
For those of us lucky enough to know him... he was also a friend.
Para aquellos de nosotros que tuvimos la fortuna de conocerlo... también era un amigo.
Lucky wants me to take him for a walk.
Lucky quiere que lo lleve a dar un paseo.
"Now Greg is very lucky," to have a friend like you to cover for him
Greg tiene suerte de tener un amigo que lo cubra.
8 is my lucky number it will be good for him.
Le traerá suerte.
But lucky for Guido, he is just a poor demented boy, and the Police will soon take him out of the picture.
Pero por suerte para Guido, es sólo un pobre chico retrasado que la Policía pronto lo pondrá fuera de la escena
lucky for you 336
lucky for her 16
lucky for us 117
lucky for me 105
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
lucky for her 16
lucky for us 117
lucky for me 105
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
lucky 618
lucky day 17
lucky me 225
lucky guy 43
lucky man 42
lucky girl 52
lucky bastard 47
him or me 60
him who 26
lucky 618
lucky day 17
lucky me 225
lucky guy 43
lucky man 42
lucky girl 52
lucky bastard 47
lucky you 322
lucky there's a family guy 44
lucky guess 90
lucky shot 32
lucky them 19
lucky him 24
lucky us 39
lucky her 23
lucky there's a family guy 44
lucky guess 90
lucky shot 32
lucky them 19
lucky him 24
lucky us 39
lucky her 23