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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Nothing's going on

Nothing's going on Çeviri İspanyolca

1,200 parallel translation
Look, honey, nothing's going on.
Mira, cariño, no está pasando nada.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
- ¿ Qué está pasando?
What's going on is that when you love somebody, nothing else matters.
Lo que está sucediendo es que cuando amas a alguien, nada más importa.
What the hell is going on? Don't tell me that it's nothing.
Bien, Andie, ¿ qué está pasando?
- So there's nothing else going on?
- ¿ No hay nada más?
There's nothing going on between me and Carter.
No hay nada entre Carter y yo.
There's nothing going on between you and Chandler?
¿ Dices que no hay nada entre tú y Chandler?
Deacon, what is going on? Nothing's going on.
Deacon, ¿ qué sucede?
I mean, nothing's been going on between you two, has there?
Quiero decir, no ha pasado nada entres ustedes, ¿ o sí?
But taken in context of the marine world, there's really nothing unusual going on.
Dentro del contexto del mundo marino, no es nada inusual.
There's nothing going on here.
Nada esta pasando aqui.
Donna, you're supposed to say that there's nothing going on... that Michael loves me, and we're together, and that's all that matters.
Donna, se supone que tu digas que no esta pasando nada... y que Michael me ama, y estaremos juntos, y eso es todo lo que importa.
There's nothing bad going on here.
Aquí no hay nada malo.
Nothing's going on.
No pasa nada.
What's going on, alex? Nothing's going on.
- ¿ Qué está pasando, Alex?
At least you have your life. There's nothing sinister going on here.
Por lo menos Ud sigue con vida.
Nothing's going on?
¿ A poco de veras nada de nada?
Hey, what's going on? Nothing.
Oigan, ¿ qué sucede?
There's nothing going on between us.
No pasa nada entre nosotros.
I assure you, there's nothing funny going on.
Te aseguro que nada extraño ha sucedido.
Hey, what's going on? Nothing.
¿ Qué sucede?
There's nothing going on with me in the office.
No tengo nada con nadie de la oficina.
There's nothing going on between me and Courtney.
No hay nada ente Courtney y yo.
What's going on? Nothing.
I said, "I was in the office, and nothing's going on."
Lo negué. Dije que salía de la Oficina Oval y que nada pasaba.
- Nothing's going on.
- No pasa nada.
There's nothing going on.
No pasa nada
Nothing's going on in here.
Yo no administro esa clase de lugar. No pasa nada.
- Nothing's going on.
- Nada esta pasando.
- There's nothing going on.
- No hay nada entre nosotros.
Nothing's going on.
No me pasa nada.
Nothing's going on.
There's nothing going on between me and Cordelia.
no hay nada entre Cordelia y yo.
In the past 20 years the value of silver's gone to nothing and a commodity broker's going to charge you a storage fee per troy ounce and there's only one thing worse than losing seven to eight percent on silver a year
- Porque era listo. En 20 años, el valor de la plata se ha desplomado y un intermediario financiero te cobrará por almacenarla. Hay algo peor que perder un 7 u 8 por ciento al año con la plata y es perder casi un 10 por una tarifa de almacenaje.
Yeah, now look, you guys you two may have subconsciouses but let me tell you there's nothing going on inmyhead!
Ustedes dos, tal vez tengan un inconsciente, pero déjenme decirles, ¡ nada sucede con mi cabeza!
- Nothing, nothing. What's going on?
- Nada ¿ Qué cuentas?
Tell these people that there's nothing going on between us.
¡ Dile a esta gente que entre tú y yo no pasa nada!
- What's going on? - There's nothing going on.
¿ Qué sucede?
Felicity, there's nothing going on. Oh, my God.
- Felicity, no sucede nada.
So, what's going on with Ben? Nothing.
- Qué pasa con Ben?
Because what's going on has nothing to do with how I feel about you.
Lo que hay con ella no se relaciona con lo que siento por ti.
You tell me nothing's going on... then nothing's going on.
Si me dices que todo acabó entonces todo acabó.
- Nothing. What's going on there?
- Nada. ¿ Qué pasa por ahí?
No, I wasn't. Yes, you were. Now you're going on Santa's list and you're getting nothing!
¡ Ahora estás en la lista de Santa y no recibirás nada!
What's going on? Nothing.
- ¿ Qué hay de nuevo?
There's nothing going on around here.
Aquí no va a pasar nada.
There's nothing going on.
Parece que no, pero vamos avanzando.
Are you trying to tell me there's nothing going on?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme no sucede nada?
Nothing's going on, I swear.
No ocurre nada, lo juro.
Nothing's going on.
"What's going on?" Nothing's going on.
No esta pasando nada.

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