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On his Çeviri İspanyolca

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And just dump all this shit on some youngster with a chip on his shoulder?
¿ Y dejarle toda esta mierda a alguien más joven que tenga una placa en el hombro?
It just, it just says Frank on his phone, so...
Sólo pone Frank en su teléfono, así que...
Must be down on his luck.
Debe estar sin suerte.
He's on his way.
Está en camino.
He has a red birthmark on his right arm, just below the elbow.
Tiene una marca de nacimiento roja en el brazo derecho, justo bajo el codo.
I changed his diaper, put on his socks.
Le cambié el pañal y le puse medias.
But the look on his face didn't say that at all.
Pero su mirada no decía eso en absoluto.
But that look you saw on his face, that's not going away any time soon.
Pero esa mirada que viste en su rostro no va a desaparecer pronto.
Because I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with a man who gave up on his dreams.
Porque no quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida con un hombre que renunció a sus sueños.
I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a man who gave up on his dreams, and I know that you don't want to be that man either.
No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida con un hombre que renunció a sus sueños y sé que tú tampoco quieres ser ese hombre.
Therefore, we will convene for as long as it takes before ruling on his application.
Por lo tanto, debatiremos cuanto sea necesario antes de tomar una decisión en este caso.
You make him feel warm, and he'll take it off on his own.
Haz que sienta calor y se lo quitará él mismo.
I know that, but he got the judge on his side, and he's gonna try and do the same thing with the jury, and my own client barely trusts me.
Lo sé, pero él tiene al juez de su lado, y tratará de hacer lo mismo con el jurado, y mi propio cliente apenas confía en mí.
I think, God has bigger things on his plate these days.
Creo que Dios tiene mayores problemas estos días.
If Boyd still feels safe anywhere, it's on his Falcon, his flying cocoon.
Boyd se siente seguro es en su avión su refugio con alas.
How many reports does one man need on his performance?
¿ Cuántos informes de rendimiento se necesitan?
I think the Almas has his initials tattooed on his wrist.
Creo que el Almas tiene sus iniciales tatuadas en la muñeca.
Count Olaf has a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle.
Olaf tiene tatuado un ojo en el tobillo izquierdo.
I-I was supposed to take pictures of this guy cheating on his wife, but then I found him dead next to my gun.
Se supone que debo tomar fotos de este tipo engañando a su esposa, pero entonces lo encontré muerto junto a mi arma.
That he was trying to catch the councilman cheating on his wife?
¿ Que estaba tratando de atrapar a un Consejero que engaña a su esposa?
He wanted to get revenge on his brother for ratting him out.
El quería vengarse de su hermano por delatarlo.
This morning, Edward escaped from prison and is on his way here to seek revenge.
Esta mañana Edward escapó de la prisión y está camino aquí para buscar venganza.
The lead character, Michael... He's a tough Boston dockworker, lost his wife, raising four kids on his own.
El protagonista principal, Michael... es un duro estibador de los muelles de Boston, que ha perdido a su mujer y que está criando solo a sus cuatro hijos.
Practically got on his hands and knees and begged me to work for him.
Prácticamente me rogó que trabajara con él.
Bit him twice on his arm, left a mark.
Lo mordió dos veces en el brazo, dejó una marca.
Yeah, but he's put an offer in on his bachelor pad.
Sí, pero él hizo una oferta por su departamento de soltero.
James is going in on his own.
James se dirige allá solo.
I... just wouldn't want anyone to infer a personal investment on his part that isn't useful to the campaign.
No quiero que nadie infiera que tiene motivaciones personales y que eso perjudique la campaña.
God has turned his back on me and I don't know why.
Dios me dio la espalda y no sé por qué.
Sherwood was a target Paul was making decent headway on before his death - - you've met him,
Sherwood era un objetivo con el que Paul estaba haciendo un gran progreso... - antes de su muerte... tú lo conociste,
Then in the name of God and His servants here on Earth, the accused are hereby found guilty.
Entonces, en nombre de Dios y de sus siervos en la Tierra se declara culpable a la acusada.
Validate his car. But starr, from here on out, we do the testing.
Pero, Starr, de ahora en adelante mandamos nosotros.
Palmer figured out what's going on with Seidel and Mike would rather pull his deal than drop the case.
Palmer averiguó qué pasaba con Seidel y Mike prefirió retirar su trato en vez del caso.
What I understand is you were on board with bringing Alex over, and then you tried to poach his client.
Lo que entiendo es que estuviste de acuerdo con traer a Alex y después quisiste - robarle el cliente. - No es así.
The woman I first met over there said they couldn't let people like Harry and his wife get away with lying on their application because they wouldn't have a business anymore.
La mujer que conocí allí dijo que no podían dejar que Harry y su esposa se salieran con la suya mintiendo en su solicitud porque no tendrían - más trabajo.
His dad died working on a pipeline up north.
Su papá murió cuando trabajaba en un gasoducto en el norte.
End of business day, or we pull the plug on Frost and sell his life's work piece by piece.
A última hora del día, o cortamos la relación con Frost y vendemos el trabajo de su vida pieza por pieza.
No wonder God has turned His back on us.
No es de extrañar que Dios nos haya dado la espalda.
That man ended up on the wrong end of a noose... Yeah. ... but not before he got a fuck of a lot of his own hanging done first.
Ese hombre terminará con una soga al cuello pero no sin antes dejar un montón de ahorcados en su camino.
Anyway, this car comes zooming'up, runs over his arm and just landed right on him.
En fin, vino un auto a toda velocidad, le aplastó el brazo y se detuvo justo sobre él.
Viewers will recall that following the fire, the Baudelaires were sent to live with Count Olaf, a villainous actor and an active villain who has vowed repeatedly that he will stop at nothing to get his hands on the enormous fortune
Como saben, tras el incendio, los niños fueron a vivir con el Conde Olaf, actor malvado y malvado actor, quien ha jurado en repetidas ocasiones que no se detendrá ante nada para apoderarse de la cuantiosa fortuna
Well, I'm planning on filing for divorce, but with his influential connections, he'll be able to leave me with nothing.
Bueno, estoy planeando la presentación del divorcio, pero con sus conexiones influyentes, él podría dejarme sin nada.
His fingerprints are on the gun, his hair, fibers from his clothes, his footprints, his saliva, two eyelashes, and a drop of semen were all found at the scene.
Sus huellas dactilares están en la pistola, su cabello, fibras de su ropa, sus huellas, su saliva, dos pestañas y una gota de semen fueron encontrados en la escena.
Edward's on the move, and the minute he kills his brother, he's gonna disappear.
Edward está en camino y en minutos matará a su hermano y a desaparecer.
If Washington's so cool, why his he on the $ 1 bill and Franklin's on the $ 100 bill?
Si Washington es tan guay, ¿ por qué está en los billetes de un dólar y Franklin en los de 100?
And thanks to his EMP, every weapon on this ship has been rendered useless.
Y gracias a su PEM, todas las armas de la nave se han vuelto inútiles.
Yes, you can his crest on their shields.
Sí, tiene su blasón en su escudo.
And when I got there, Lillian was tidying his room like he'd been away on a business trip.
Y cuando llegué, Lillian estaba recogiendo su habitación, como si hubiera estado en un viaje de negocios.
We know that Rick's pinned his whole sense of self-worth on Peter Thompson.
Sabemos que Rick ha fijado toda su autoestima en Peter Thompson.
The world's end, an infinite hell on Earth, are by his design.
"el Testigo". El fin del mundo, un infierno infinito sobre la Tierra, fue diseñado por él.
Toby had his eye on Lord Utteridge's son.
Toby tenía su mirada puesta en el hijo de Lord Utteridge.

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