She was just Çeviri İspanyolca
9,236 parallel translation
She was just yelling her head off in the street, and... next thing I know, she's gone.
Estaba gritando a voz en cuello en la calle, y... - Lo siguiente que sé, ella se fue.
She was just waiting for me to drop my guard.
Solo estaba esperando a que bajase la guardia.
I think she was just looking to give me something to reduce her sentence.
Creo que ella era sólo buscaba darme algo para reducir su sentencia.
She was just about to teach me to Dutch kiss.
Estaba a punto de enseñarme el beso holandés.
She was just using you.
Solo te estaba utilizando.
She was just standing there.
Solo estaba parada ahí.
And she was just a blast.
Ella era muy explosiva
You know, she was just such a fun person to be around.
Ya sabes, no era más que una persona, era tan divertida estar con ella.
We thought she was just hungry, so I...
Pensamos que simplemente tenía hambre, así que...
She was just right here, wasn't she?
Estaba justo ahí, ¿ no?
- She was just using you.
- Ella te ha usado.
She... she was just trying to keep up.
Ella... solo estaba tratando de mantener el ritmo.
I thought she was just born mean.
Creí que simplemente había nacido mala.
She was just using her teenage superpower Of instantly knowing the most horrible thing to say.
Solo estaba utilizando su superpoder de adolescentes de saber al instante la cosa más horrible que se puede decir.
Carrie just got cold feet, and she, uh- - and it was a literal thing.
Carrie se quiso echar atrás, y ella, em... es algo literal.
When... Maria was reported missing, I'd hoped that she'd just gone back to her country, but...
Cuando María fue denunciada como desaparecida, esperaba que ella solo hubiera vuelto a su país, pero he estado alrededor de demasiados policías durante demasiados años
ELIZABETH : Let's just say she was a bit underwhelmed.
Digamos que no estaba demasiado impresionada.
You just said she was here.
Acaba de decir que estaba aquí.
Stein, his aunt just informed us She saw him hitting his sister a few days ago, Said their shit was getting out of hand,
Stein, su tía nos acaba de informar de que vio cómo él pegaba a su hermana hace unos días, dijo que todo aquello se les estaba yendo de las manos, dijo que ella tenía miedo de él.
When she was here, just before she left, that's what she said about her story.
Cuando estuvo aquí, justo antes de irse, eso es lo que dijo sobre su artículo.
She just called me ; she was in trouble.
Me acababa de llamar ; estaba en problemas.
He was supposed to be home two hours ago, and I just got call from Mrs. Lopez that she saw James and the Gilroy boys in the schoolyard drinking beer. Can you believe it?
Tenía que haber venido a casa hace dos horas y me acaba de llamar la Sra. López diciendo que ha visto a James y a los chicos Gilroy en el patio del colegio bebiendo cerveza. ¿ Te lo puedes creer?
She got her first assignment when she was seventeen, killed an arms dealer from the Middle East, blew up his car, just as he was about to close a deal.
Tuvo su primera asignación cuando tenía diecisiete años, Asesino a un traficante de armas del Medio Oriente, hizo estallar su auto, justo cuando estaba a punto de cerrar un trato.
Was she just threatening me?
¿ Acaba de amenazarme?
Once I confronted Charles at the grocery store, I felt that I had done what Caroline wanted, and I felt, at that point, she was free to just kind of move on.
Una vez que confronté a Charles en la tienda de abarrotes, sentí que había hecho lo que Caroline quería, y sentí que ella era libre para de alguna forma continuar.
She was looking for someone else who was just trying to help.
Estaba buscando a alguien más que estaba intentando ayudar.
Just yesterday she was with child herself.
Ayer mismo ella estaba encinta.
She influenced us, you know, with that, and helped me develop who I was, you know, just by being her friend.
Ella nos influyó, ya sabes, con eso, y me ayudó a desarrollar lo que yo era, ya sabes, sólo por ser su amiga.
She was standing at your window, just like you said she was.
Ella estaba de pie en la ventana, al igual que dijiste que era.
And she was staring at me. Black eyes just staring straight at me.
Y ella me miraba esos Ojos Negros mirando directamente hacia mi.
She moved through the house as if she was taking photographs with her eyes and just kind of making observations.
Se movía por la casa como si ella estuviera tomando fotografías con los ojos haciendo sólo un poco de observaciones.
The woman who just got in the car, she was down here on the dock.
La mujer que acaba de entrar en el coche, estaba aquí abajo en el muelle.
I just always assumed it was because she was genetically incapable of it.
Siempre he asumido que es porque es genéticamente incapaz de hacerlo.
Oh, and if you happen to overhear me mentioning something about being an airline pilot, that's just because she didn't believe I was a doctor, okay?
Y si me oyes mencionar algo sobre ser piloto, eso es porque no se creyó que era médico, ¿ de acuerdo?
She was a... She was a good Christian woman, very nice lady, but I just said, " You know, that's...
Era... una buena mujer cristiana, muy amable, pero dije : " Eso...
I just always wondered what she was thinking.
Siempre me preguntaba qué estaba pensando.
I always figured when the time was right, someone would throw water on her, and she'd just melt away.
Siempre me imaginé que cuando fuese el momento correcto, alguien le lanzaría agua, y ella solo se derretiría.
When she started working here, she was warm, friendly, just like us.
Cuando ella comenzó a trabajar aquí, era cálida, amistosa, así como nosotras.
Thanks, but I was just trying to get the ball rolling'cause she was dying up there.
Gracias, pero solo quería iniciar el proceso porque se estaba muriendo ahí arriba. Comeremos Italiano.
If it was just us, she would've been making fun of it, too.
Si fuera sólo nosotros, ella habría estado burlando de él, también.
And then, when she started to slip away, I was just gripping and...
Luego, cuando ella comenzó a deteriorarse, yo apenas comenzaba...
I just wanted to ask why she did that, and what her motive was...
Solo iba a preguntarle por qué se te acercó y se pegó a tu alrededor.
If he would just tell us where she was. I know he knows!
Si solo nos dijera donde esta ella. ¡ Yo sé que él lo sabe!
There's a private moment that's my favorite moment, which is the day she called me to say that she had been promoted, and we were both just crying on the phone, because there it was.
Hay un momento privado que es mi momento favorito, que es el día donde me llamó para decirme que había sido promovida, y ambas estábamos simplemente llorando por teléfono porque ahí estaba.
When she entered the stage, and it just seemed like collectively, we all kind of leaned forward, and it was just the sense of pride and joy to just see this talented, strong, graceful, amazing woman grace the stage.
Cuando apareció en el escenario, y parecía como si colectivamente, todos nos inclináramos hacia adelante... Y era simplemente el sentido de orgullo y alegría de simplemente ver a una talentosa, fuerte, elegante e increíble mujer con una asombrosa gracia en escena.
I remember my girlfriend, she would lay out, you know, 5 Vicodin, 3 Somas, 2 Viagras, 2 Cialis, you know, all my vitamins and minerals, and it was just...
Recuerdo que mi novia las ordenaba, cinco VICODIN, tres SOMA, dos VIAGRA, dos CIALIS, todas las vitaminas y minerales.
I just had a sense that something may be wrong, and so I answered it, and it was his girlfriend and she couldn't talk.
Tuve el presentimiento de que algo andaba mal, así que contesté. Era su novia y ella estaba... No podía ni hablar.
and then she was very, you know, very, very upset, hysterical, and then, so I was just trying to calm her down and get a sense of what the hell was going on, and she said that she was outside his apartment,
Estaba muy alterada e histérica. Yo sólo intentaba calmarla y comprender qué estaba ocurriendo.
But she was very close to mavis, and... And the murder just absolutely just freaked her out. Yeah.
Pero estaba muy unida a Mavis, y... el asesinato la había asustado.
Like, there was things that she just wanted to hold private.
Como si hubiera cosas que quería mantener en privado.
And, of course, once Internal Affairs starts asking how I also helped her close a case that she just admitted was a cover-up...
Y, por supuesto, Asuntos Internos está preguntando cómo le ayudé a cerrar un caso que ha admitido que fue todo un montaje...
she was just here 45
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61