Since always Çeviri İspanyolca
1,282 parallel translation
Since always.
Desde siempre.
- Since always.
- Desde siempre.
Since, when I was little, I was always there in front watching those inlays, one day she said :
Os explico. Cuando era pequeña siempre estaba delante mirando aquellas formas, y un día dijo : "Cuando seas grande, esto será tuyo".
I have always had these feelings ever since I was a little kid.
Siempre tuve estos sentimientos, desde que era niño.
Mom's always saying that since Grandpa was a natural-born salesman...
Mamá siempre dice que como el abuelo era vendedor nato...
Yeah, ever since I got out of the Navy l've always wanted to see the world.
Sí, siempre quise conocer el mundo desde que salí de la marina.
Of course, since then, I always wear a helmet.
Por supuesto, ahora siempre llevo casco.
And since he never did control his temper, it was always a prelude to a slap round the back of the head.
Y como nunca lograba controlar su temperamento, siempre era el preludio de un golpe en la nuca.
Since the times of my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, it has always been a place of honest people. And here, right in this house... I won't forget it.
Desde el tiempo de mis abuelos y bisabuelos... ha sido siempre un lugar de gente honrada... y aqui, en aquella casa, no lo olvido... durmió, en sagrada hospitalidad el Padre Dante... cuando lo expulsaron de Florencia.
A worker who has always been reasonable,... Monts... a veteran Whose family works in the mine since the first stroke of pickaxe.
Un obrero que siempre se ha mostrado razonable, un veterano de Montsou cuya familia trabaja en la mina desde le primer golpe de pico.
And always, since then, I get revenge.
Y siempre, desde entonces, me estoy vengando.
Well, President's Day is coming up, and since we always go somewhere, I told Donna and David we'd go skiing with them in St. Moritz for the weekend.
Se acerca el día de los presidentes, y como siempre vamos a algún lado le dije a Donna y a David que iríamos a esquiar con ellos en Saint Moritz el fin de semana.
We've been covering Superman ever since he arrived in Metropolis. And he's always conducted himself with absolute integrity... decency and honesty.
Hemos cubierto los actos de Supermán desde que llegó y siempre se ha comportado con total integridad decencia y honradez.
Three, since you always must be on official business you must have this in your car at all times.
Tres, ya que siempre debes estar en servicio Debes tener esto en tu coche en todo momento.
Since the victims are unrelated and we cannot predict who will be next, we must use the fact that a killer won't always succeed in finding a victim.
Ya que las víctimas no están relacionadas y no podemos predecir quién será la siguiente, aprovechemos el hecho de que un asesino no siempre consigue encontrar una víctima.
You've always been so self-righteous, ever since we were 10. It's unbearable.
¡ Siempre has sido injusto conmigo desde los 1O años, es insoportable!
Ever since we were kids you'd always be tagging along behind me.
¡ Desde que éramos chicos, siempre te burlabas a mis espaldas!
Since then, our numbers have dwindled... but we're always on the lookout for new members.
Desde entonces, nuestros miembros han disminuido... pero estamos siempre buscando nuevos miembros.
She put out the lights, as she always does, not an hour since.
Apagó las luces, como siempre, hace menos de una hora.
You do know I've always had a thing for you- - since the first day I saw you.
Siempre sentí algo por ti... desde el primer día que te vi.
That's your problem. You've always been bossy, since we were little.
Tu problema es que siempre has sido una mandona.
Ever since the first day I saw you, I've always kinda liked you.
Desde la primera vez que te vi me ca`iste simpático.
It must be point out that, since 1978... when savings accounts were created... the availability of funds deposited has always been guaranteed.
Es bueno recordar que desde 1968... cuando fueron criadas, las cuentas de ahorros nunca dejaron... de garantizar el dinero en ellas depositado.
Ever since we met... Actually ever since I took the time to listen something about you always made sense to me.
En realidad, desde que nos conocimos desde que me tomé el tiempo de oír algo de ti, siempre tuvo sentido para mí.
Yeah, and since he doesn't brush, he can always mine his teeth for food.
Y como no se cepilla, busca comida en sus dientes.
Ever since I was a little girl, she's always pushing me to get married.
Desde que era niña... me está empujando hacia el matrimonio.
You've always been a troublemaker ever since you could walk. I've never seen such a willful child.
Has montado líos desde que empezaste a andar. ¡ Qué obstinación!
Thank you, sir, and since we are speaking candidly, may I say, sir, that I have not always been particularly partial to your methods either.
- Gracias, comandante. Ya que estamos siendo francos, yo no he estado siempre de acuerdo con sus métodos.
I was just wondering why she's always alone. she hasn't had any friends since she started here in the seventh grade.
Me estaba preguntando por qué ella siempre está sola. Ahora que lo mencionas, no ha hecho ningún amigo desde que llegó a esta escuela en primer año.
Yet you have always made me feel so wonderfully at ease, such a friend, since my very arrival... that it not longer seems honorable to keep them from you.
Aún cuando me he sentido muy bien, como una amiga, desde mi llegada... no me parece honroso esconderme de ti.
- Since before and always.
- Desde antes y siempre.
It was always you and Niles ever since you were kids.
Siempre fueron ustedes así desde que éran niños.
I hesitate to call her Marian because I'm surprised you're using that name... since you've always known I was gonna use Marian when I had a child.
Titubeo en llamarla Marian porque me sorprende que usaras ese nombre sabiendo que yo iba a usar Marian cuando tuviera una hija.
Ever since I've shifted to delhi, I'm always busy with my work.
Desde que me mudé a Delhi, Siempre estoy ocupado con mi trabajo. No encuentro tiempo.
Well, I've always had it, ever since before I can remember.
Pues siempre lo he tenido, desde que me acuerdo.
The summer vanishes all at once and it always amazes me, maybe because since I've come here it's always been like a holiday.
El verano parece terminar de golpe. Todos los años, me sorprende. Será porque, desde que llegué, me he sentido como de vacaciones.
She's always wanted this since we were kids.
Siempre quiso esto desde que éramos crías.
Since I was 1 3 to 1 4 years old I've always been herding animals.
Desde que tenía 13 ó 14 años siempre he estado vigilando animales.
Since our school days, Loyen has always wanted to be recognized as the best in the world, not just in Denmark, but in the universe.
Desde sus días escolares, Loyen ha querido ser reconocido... como el mejor del mundo, no sólo en Dinamarca, sino en el universo.
I changed my name because ever since I was little, I always wanted to change my name to something I would enjoy, I would like, something more befitting my character.
Cambié mi nombre porque siempre desde que era pequeño, siempre quise cambiarlo por alguno que me entusiasmara, que me gustara,
Always, since I began to remember things.
Siempre, lo recuerdo así desde que era pequeño.
One of the things that annoys me most... you know, since Jimi died... and people around his estate prior to this... always made out Jimi to be some kind of tragic character... and sort of gloomy, mystical and all the rest of it.
Siempre me irritó que... desde que Jimi murió... la gente se reunía frente a su casa a adorarlo. Siempre le otorgaban un carácter trágico. Algo melancólico, místico, y todo eso.
I've always dreamed of building a cyborg ever since I was little, so I amassed a collection of dead bodies and tinkered around with them.
Siempre soñé con construir un robot, desde que era pequeño... Entonces armé una colección de cadáveres y los arreglé entre ellos.
And since everyone's always picking on him, you might as well know he was there the night Emily Simpson died too.
Y ya que siempre se meten con él... le gustará saber que estaba ahí la noche que murió Emily Simpson.
August, ever since I've known you, you've always been so together- - what?
Desde que te conozco has sido tan centrada...
I like to start work early, always have done, ever since I was in the erm...
Me gusta trabajar temprano, siempre lo hice.
Since then, I've always maintained total control.
Desde entonces siempre he mantenido el control por completo.
You know, ever since you were a little girl you were always much more like your father than you were like me.
Sabes, desde que eras pequeña te pareciste mucho más a tu padre que a mí.
All my life, I've lived and worked in the big city, which, now that I think of it, is kind of a problem, since I always feel uncomfortable around crowds.
Toda mi vida, he vivido y trabajado en la gran ciudad, Por lo cual, ahora que lo pienso, es un problema, Siempre me he sentido incomodo entre multitudes.
We'd always thought the deadline for going public was the publication of the budget, since we've spent more money than we can hide.
El plazo para hacerlo público era la publicación del presupuesto. Hemos gastado más de lo que podemos ocultar.
Ever since I was a boy I've looked up to him, but I always felt kind of a hunger inside... to live up to his legend.
Desde que era niño, le admiraba mucho, Pero interiormente, me inquietaba vivir a través de su leyenda.
always 2079
always and forever 43
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always busy 18
always late 21
always will 39
always and forever 43
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always busy 18
always late 21
always will 39
always have been 78
always has 35
always remember that 22
always be prepared 16
always will be 73
always good to see you 24
always does 17
always have 97
always do 44
always the same 85
always has 35
always remember that 22
always be prepared 16
always will be 73
always good to see you 24
always does 17
always have 97
always do 44
always the same 85
always blue 29
always is 40
always was 40
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
always is 40
always was 40
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since i met you 22
since the beginning 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since you brought it up 26
since that day 27
since i was 65
since last night 34
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since you brought it up 26
since that day 27
since i was 65
since last night 34