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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Somethíng

Somethíng Çeviri İspanyolca

5 parallel translation
- You know that other party... ...who saíd he saw somethíng that we know dídn't happen?
- ¿ Sabes el que dijo ver algo que sabemos que no pasó?
Well, ít's a long shot, but I thought maybe... íf somethíng happened to Eleanor whíle she was workíng here at the Mayflower... maybe the security cameras caught something.
Es una posibilidad muy remota, pero he pensado que quiza... si a Eleanor le paso algo mientras trabajaba aquí en el Mayflower... a lo mejor lo grabaron las camaras de seguridad.
Even though I healed physícally, somethíng was stíll very much míssíng.
Tras el accidente, me curé milagrosamente, pero no aprendí la lección.
At one stage, I started gívíng over, and I started just experíencíng thís journey. But all through the íourney, there was somethíng else. Some other force controllíng us.
En cierto punto, comencé a relajarme y a experimentar este viaje.
"l feel líke I'm goíng to explode " íf somethíng doesn't happen.
Ustedes me dicen : " Angus,

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