Take me to them Çeviri İspanyolca
1,350 parallel translation
Take me to them.
Llévame con ellos.
Take me to them.
Lléveme con ellos.
Take me to them. Okay, fine, just let me go!
Está bien. ¡ Suéltame!
It might take me another day to find them. But I will find them. Don't worry.
Quizá me lleve un día más encontrarlos, pero los encontraré.
And I'll tell you, that happens again, I'll ruin you. And it's going to take a lifetime to clear your name...'cause I'll tell them that you were in it with me from the beginning.
Te diré, si eso vuelve a pasar te arruinaré, y te costará la vida limpiar tu nombre porque diré que estabas en esto.
How can I tell him not to take drugs if he sees me take them?
¿ Con qué cara le digo que no se drogue cuando ve que el padre se da con todo?
Well, they did all these tests'n'experiments'n'stuff on me, then I overheard them talking about their plan to take over the earth.
Entonces... hicieron todas estas pruebas y experimentos conmigo... Los oí hablando sobre su plan para apoderarse de la Tierra.
I'll take them to the Grand and fuck them in front of the whole hotel... and I'll send you the bill.
Me los llevará al Grand y me los follaré delante de todo el hotel... y te mandaré la factura.
Sabina, ask them to come with me to a hotel room to take a photo.
Sabina, preguntales si vienen conmigo al cuarto del hotel A tomar una foto.
I figured that you put them in... so you'd know best how to take them out.
Me imaginé que ponerlos pulg.. de modo que usted sabe mejor la forma de llevar a cabo.
You charge me again to take them out and then...
Usted me cargo de nuevo a sacarlos y luego...
And if similar issues arise in the future I suggest you take them up with Dr. Benton directly before you come crying to me.
Y si surge un problema similar en el futuro le sugiero que lo trate directamente con el Dr. Benton antes de venir a llorarme a mí.
But Reverend Murrey said he'd take me back to them.
Pero el reverendo dijo Murrey que me llevaría de nuevo a ellos.
I'd like to have a colleague of mine take a look at them.
Me gustaría que una colega los viera.
It'll take major orthopaedic surgery to put them back, but, rest assured, that won't stop me from rescuing the Princess Bonjella.
Voy a necesitar cirugía ortopédica para volverlos a colocar en su sitio, pero, tenga la seguridad, de que eso no me impedirá rescatar a la Princesa Bonjella.
And I had 150 lives waiting for me to take them to somewhere safe.
Y tenía 150 vidas esperando que los llevara a algún lugar seguro.
Take this. I'll go around, try to draw their fire. You should be able to catch them off guard when they come after me.
Intentaré distraerles y podrá pillarles desprevenidos.
I did go to the surface, or, rather, I will go there, and the people aboard the ship, they're going to rescue me from the Kazon and take me with them.
Fui a la superficie. Bueno, iré. La gente a bordo de esa nave me rescatará de los kazon.
I could not take them to my next onderduikadres.
No me era posible llevarlas a mi próximo escondite.
You want me to take them off, it's another 50.
Si quieres que me desnude son otros 50.
So, I take the letters that you send to me here from Mr. Corrigan... put them in that compartment, close it, and they...
Así que, tomo las cartas que me envías aquí para el Sr. Corrigan... las pongo en el compartimiento, lo cierro, y luego?
It'll take a while for me to get my notes together so that you can understand them.
De acuerdo. Tardaré en organizar los apuntes para que los entienda.
I decide to get them out, take them to country, want to be with them in the sun, 162 00 : 11 : 17,735 - - 00 : 11 : 19,594 and you tell me that you don't like it? Fine!
Yo decido sacarlos, llevarlos al campo, quiero estar con ellos al sol,
I'll take care of them later. Get on the net. Change that ticket my dad got me to New York and book two seats to Cabo San Lucas.
Luego me encargo de ellos, ahora quiero que entres a internet y cambies el boleto que me dio mi padre para Nueva-York y los cambies para 2 boletos a Cabo San Lucas.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to take off my pants for other people and let them fondle me
Si no fuera por ti, Yo no tendría que bajarme los pantalones para otra gente y déjarles acariciarme.
I was really afraid the people were going to be hostile... that they were going to be accusing me of coming back... to take something away from them.
Tenía miedo de que la gente fuera hostil conmigo... que me acusaran de regresar... para tomar algo algo de ellos.
Just one chance to stand in front of my fellow countrymen and tell them that you may take my life but you will never take my freedom!
¡ ¡ Por una sola ocasión de erguirme ante mis queridos convecinos y explicaros que podéis quitarme la vida, pero jamás me quitaréis mi libeeeerrrtaddddd!
I'm never going to take them off.
Nunca me los voy a quitar.
We've had a series of major misunderstandings this evening and I'd like to take a minute to clear a few of them up.
Esta noche hemos tenido varios graves malentendidos. Me gustaría dedicar un momento a aclarar algunos.
If they nabbed you... it would take three seconds for you to give them me.
Y si te pillaran no tardarías ni 3 segundos en delatarme a mí.
The family of the deceased, Chief Yardley, asked me to take charge of those items and transport them here.
La familia de la difunta, jefe Yardley me pidió que me ocupara de sus artículos y los llevara a la base.
Sunhill, remind me to call General Campbell and suggest that I take charge of those items and transport them here?
Sunhill, llama al general Campbell y sugiere que yo recoja las cosas y las transporte a la base.
Take them off and bring them to me.
Quítatelos y traemelos.
But should I take them up, I'm forbidden to move in the matter.
Pero se me prohibe proceder en el tema.
I was an advisor to the British Army. Wha! I advised them not to take him but they wouldn't listen.
Les aconsejé que no lo admitieran pero no me escucharon.
You owe me 3 lunch boxes, I want to take them back now.
Me debes 3 cajas de almuerzo, las quiero ahora.
For God's sake, Granny, ask them to take me with them.
diles que me lleven con ellas.
If I were to take any one of the facilities... and attempt to conduct a gas execution in them today, and the facilities haven't changed at all since 1942 or 194 1, then what, in effect, I'd do is, I'd kill myself and everybody helping me do the execution.
Si tuviera que elegir una de las instalaciones e intentara realizar una ejecución con gas hoy, - y las instalaciones no han cambiado desde 1942 ó 41 -, lo que realmente haría es matarme a mí mismo y a el resto de la gente que colaborara en la ejecución.
Before going to sleep at dawn, for one hour, I told them : Please, wake me up when you take off in the train, but they forgot.
Les dije que me despertaran cuando fuera a salir el tren.
And I would have been happy to just take one of them but when I checked, my premed schedule didn't leave room for anything.
Y habría sido feliz sólo tomando una, pero cuando revisé, mi horario de pre-med no me dejaba espacio para nada.
He told me to take the photos and leak them to the Triumvirate... to start establishing a pattern for your alibi.
Me pidió que tomara las fotos y las filtrara al Triunvirato... para empezar a establecer pautas para tu coartada.
You can pay them. As for me, after I was recycled I decided instead of running away from the idea of a life alone I'd better sit down and take that fear to lunch.
Una vez en camino para ser reciclada decidí que en lugar de huirle a la idea de una vida a solas mejor me la llevaría a almorzar.
Well, Yzma just tossed me this knife and asked me to, you know, take them out.
Bueno, Yzma me acaba de pasar este cuchillo y me pidio, tu sabes, que los acabe.
So you should have me take man-animals with equipment, out to a remote area better that you don't know where, and try and train them.
Si me deja tomar los hombres animales de la revuelta con equipos, en un área remota mejor, donde usted no supiera, y entrenándolos.
I can take care of them, because I suppose you wouldn't want your wife to see it.
Yo me puedo encargar de desaparecerlas, porque supongo que Ud. no desea que su Sra. esposa las vea.
They wanted me to take the blame and be destroyed... but I'm alive and I can accuse them.
Pretendían hacerme pasar por el culpable y luego aniquilarme. Pero sigo vivo y puedo acusarles.
Don't take my word for it, go down there and talk to them.
Si no me creéis, id a hablar con ellos.
I grow baby eggs and at the end of my cycle they take them out and give them to infertile couples.
Produzco óvulos, al final del ciclo me los quitan... y se los dan a parejas estériles.
Take them off and give them to me.
Llévatelos y dámelos.
right now i'm cooking something to eat because i'm tired of taking my shit i keep telling them, they don't have to take it just ask me for it
Justo ahora le estoy cocinando algo, porque estoy harto de que ande en mis cosas. Siempre les digo que no tienen que robarlo, que sólo tienen que pedirlo.
You owe me 3 lunch boxes, I want to take them back now.
¿ Se te quedó algo o no?
take me away 98
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
to them 177
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to her 22
to them 177
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take them off 138
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take them off 138