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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / That sounds cool

That sounds cool Çeviri İspanyolca

188 parallel translation
That sounds cool.
Eso suena muy bien.
That sounds cool.
No suena mal.
That sounds cool.
eso suena "Cool".
Yeah, that sounds cool.
Sí, suena bien.
- Yeah. That sounds cool.
Sí, suena muy bien.
That sounds cool to me. Bricks, you down?
Eso suena bien. ¿ Vienes, Ladrillos?
That sounds cool!
Parece buena idea.
That sounds cool.
Eso suena genial.
- That sounds cool.
- Suena genial.
Ooh, that sounds cool.
Me suena bien.
- That sounds cool.
- Parece chulo.
That sounds cool, but I'm gonna be in the hospital that night.
- Sí, eso suena genial. Pero estaré en el hospital esa noche.
Oh mate, that sounds cool.
Ah, ¡ qué bueno!
And I was like : Dude, that sounds cool! So I came down, checked it out and I was like :
Y le dije : amigo que bien, asi que vine a mirarlo y pense que si.
That sounds cool, but the label doesn't like the band to compete against themselves, you know?
Eso siena genial, pero la discográfica no quiere que la banda compita contra ellos mismos, ¿ sabes?
- Wow, that sounds cool.
- ¡ Guau! eso suena bien.
yeh, that sounds cool i'll see you then
- Si. Suena genial - Te veo allí.
Okay, that sounds cool.
De acuerdo, suena bien.
Oh, that sounds cool.
Oh, eso suena genial.
That sounds cool.
- Como familia...
Oh, that sounds cool.
Oh, eso suena encantador...
Ooh, listen to my voice, that sounds cool.
Escuchen mi voz, suena tan bien.
Yeah, that sounds cool.
Sí, suena divertido.
That sounds cool.
Eso suena bien.
Yeah, that sounds cool.
sí, suena bien.
The sounds of the countryside floated into my cell with the cool night air, that smelled of earth, and salt, and fanned my cheeks.
Los sonidos del campo flotaban en mi celda con el aire fresco de la noche, oliendo a tierra, a sal, y acariciando mis mejillas.
That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?
Eso parece chulo, ¿ no?
That sounds kind of cool.
Suena interesante.
- Actually, that sounds kind of cool. - You think we could all sneak in?
- Suena genial. ¿ Podemos colarnos?
That sounds like a pretty cool place to be from.
- Hola.
That sounds pretty cool.
Buena banda.
- Eso suena genial.
That actually sounds kinda cool.
eso realmente suena genial.
Yeah, that sounds really cool.
- Sí... suena realmente genial.
That sounds so cool. I never had a mantle before.
Nunca había tenido una chimenea.
That's what I love about China. Everybody's job description sounds so damn cool.
Es lo que me encanta de China, todos los empleos suenan geniales.
Yeah, I mean, well, you know, I got to ask the rest of the band, but... that sounds pretty cool.
Sí, bueno, ya sabes, tengo que preguntarle a las chicas... pero me parece genial.
Oh. Actually, that sounds kind of cool.
Suena realmente bien.
Wow, that... - That sounds really cool, man.
Vaya, eso es... suena genial.
Yeah, th-that all sounds very cool.
Vale, e-eso suena muy guay.
Plus she sounds really cool, and I'm not that close with my mom so... I just think it'd be great if I hit it off with yours.
Además, parece ser macanuda y no me llevo muy bien con mi madre así que sería genial que congeniara con la tuya.
Man, that sounds really cool.
Hombre, eso suena genial.
That sounds cool.
- ¡ Suena fantástico!
That sounds kind of cool, man.
Eso suena bien, colega.
That sounds so cool.
Suena genial.
Okay. That part sounds pretty cool.
- Bien, esa parte suena muy cool.
That sounds kind of cool actually. No.
De hecho, éso no suena nada mal.
"That sounds pretty cool."
"Suena genial"
That sounds really cool.
Eso suena realmente bueno...
That sounds really cool.
Suena en serio genial.
I named it that,'cause it sounds cool. Now everybody names it that.
Yo le puse ese nombre porque suena genial, y ahora todos le dicen así.

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