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That sounds terrible Çeviri İspanyolca

157 parallel translation
Oh, that sounds terrible.
Eso suena terrible.
Brought them all the way from texas, and they're beauties, and they're thoroughbreds, just like - well, that sounds terrible, but i don't mean to compare you, ma'am, to a -
Venimos desde Texas. Son bellos y de pura sangre, como usted. Eso ha sonado mal.
That sounds terrible
Suena fatal.
I know that sounds terrible, but it's true.
Sé que suena fatal, pero es verdad.
Nicky, that sounds terrible.
Nicky, eso suena terrible.
- That sounds terrible.
- Suena terrible.
That sounds terrible.
Suena terrible.
- That sounds terrible.
- Eso suena fatal.
That sounds terrible, Father.
Esto suena terrible padre,.
Gee, that sounds terrible.
Suena fatal.
That sounds terrible!
Suena terrible.
Oh, that sounds terrible. Yeah.
Suena fatal.
That sounds terrible.
Eso suena terrible.
- Okay, that sounds terrible.
- Eso suena terrible.
That sounds terrible. Why do they call it that?
Suena terrible, ¿ por qué lo llaman así?
Oh, that sounds terrible.
Oh, eso suena terrible.
- That sounds terrible.
- Eso suena terrible.
- That sounds terrible.
- Sí, es verdad!
That sounds terrible.
Suena fatal.
That sounds terrible.
Esto suena fatal.
I'm sorry, Grandma, that sounds terrible.
Lo siento abuela, eso suena terrible.
- that sounds terrible.
-... suena terrible.
That sounds terrible, but don't you ever think I wanted to leave you.
Suena horrible, pero nunca pienses que quise dejarte.
That sounds pretty terrible as you put it.
Así suena horrible.
Don't talk like that. It sounds terrible.
Ay hija, no hables así que huele muy mal.
That sounds terrific.
Eso suena terrible.
That sounds dreadful.
Esto es terrible.
I know this sounds terrible to say, but the truth is that sometimes she frightens me.
Sé que esto suena terrible, pero la verdad es... que a veces me asusta.
That sounds like an awful lot of children, but...
Eso suena como una terrible cantidad de hijos, pero...
I know this sounds terrible to say, but the truth is that sometimes she frightens me.
Sé que suena horrible, pero la verdad es que a veces me da miedo.
- That sounds terrible.
- No.
That sounds like a terrible oversight!
¡ Qué terrible descuido!
That sounds like a terrible way to spend the summer.
Pésima forma de pasar el verano.
Oh, gosh, that sounds horrible.
Cielos, suena terrible.
Well, that sounds like a terrible accident.
Fue un accidente horrible.
I know that sounds bad, but we have rescue teams on the site and the people who have Jack have been completely surrounded.
Sé que parece terrible, pero mandamos equipos de rescate y los que atraparon a Jack están totalmente rodeados.
- That sounds dreadful.
- Eso suena terrible.
That sounds dreadful.
Eso suena terrible.
Well, that sounds awful.
Eso suena terrible.
What's frightening is how great that offer sounds.
Lo terrible es lo bien que suena esa oferta.
I know it sounds terrible, but I hoped that she had just run away.
Por más tonto que parezca tenía la ilusión de que había decidido escaparse de casa.
And that sounds like a terrible dream, sweetie.
Y eso suena como un terrible sueño, cariño.
That sounds awful.
Cantas terrible.
Well, I know that this sounds terrible, but let's hope he cut her to the bone.
Bueno, se que esto suena terrible, pero esperemos que la haya cortado hasta el hueso.
That sounds like a terrible ordeal.
Suena como algo terrible.
That sounds like a terrible idea.
Es una pésima idea.
Wow, that sounds, uh, awful.
Vaya, eso suena terrible.
But of course, that sounds awful when you just start telling the audience what's going on.
Pero suena terrible cuando le cuentas al público qué está pasando.
That sounds terrible. I mean...
Quería decir que podíamos ir juntos.
If fact it sounds like youthink laroche tried to exploit that terrible timefor his personal gain, and he tried to drag the restof those survivors down into the mess he had madefor himself.
De hecho, parecería que usted cree que Laroche intentó explotar aquella terrible experiencia para su beneficio personal e intentó arrastrar al resto de esos sobrevivientes al desastre que él mismo había creado.
That sounds terrible.
Eso parece horrible

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