They didn't care Çeviri İspanyolca
342 parallel translation
You didn't care if they starved to death.
No te importó que se murieran de hambre.
- I don't care what you call them. Didn't they hang those Yankee murderers that killed father? The men that killed father weren't Yankees.
No eran yanquis quienes le mataron sino renegados con uniforme.
We didn't invite them to our country but we can take care of them once they're here.
No los invitamos a nuestro país, pero podemos encargarnos de ellos una vez que están aquí.
Nobody else would do a thing! They didn't care.
Los demás no querían hacer nada, no les importaba. ¡ A mí sí!
Her lease is up, he's got a big hangover and her feet are killing her, but there they are up there, floating through the air as if they didn't have a care in the world.
A ella le vence el alquiler y los pies la están matando, él tiene resaca, pero ahí están, flotando en el aire como si nada en el mundo les importara.
They just didn't care who they got as long as they got me.
Les tiene sin cuidado... con tal de cogerme.
We didn't care what happened to others as long as they didn't bother any of us.
No nos importaba lo que les pasaba a los demás mientras no nos molestaran.
We didn't care about getting a free bath, sir... but look what they did to our skipper Mr. Cassidy.
No nos importó la ducha, señor... pero mire lo que le hicieron al Sr. Cassidy.
Maybe they didn't care about my threats.
¿ Se reían acaso de mis amenazas?
evidently, they didn't have enough furnaces to take care of all of us.
No tenían suficientes hornos para encargarse de todos nosotros.
Yeah, but I'm thinking that they just didn't care if they were.
¿ Será que se arriesgarían a ser vistos?
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Al principio no se llevaban muy bien. Ella pensaba que él lo había hecho por el dinero. A él parecía que le daba igual una cosa u otra.
They didn't care about me.
Yo no importo.
They didn't care that you saw them?
¿ No les importaba que los viera?
If that fancy training of yours didn't cover the care in handling of millionaires... what is it they were teaching you, then?
Si su gran preparación no incluye tratar con millonarios, ¿ qué le han estado enseñando entonces?
I said I didn't care as long as they didn't call me Piggy.
Te dije que no quería que me llamasen Cerdito.
They didn't care.
No les importó.
They didn't care!
¡ No les importa!
And I didn't care what they'd do because I'd come to the end of me.
Y no me importó lo que me hicieran porque había llegado al límite.
They didn't care.
Les daba igual.
They were just sitting... like they didn't care. About whatever was happening.
Estaban allí sentados como si no pasara nada.
You didn't care if they had been there a thousand years.
Ni os importó que llevaran viviendo allí mil años.
My folks, they didn't care too much.
A la familia no le importó mucho.
Sorry I didn't make my move any quicker... but I had to be sure they Was in no mood to care.
Perdón por no moverme más rápido... pero tenía que asegurarme de que no Ies importara.
They didn't care about the Father.
No les importaba el cura.
As for what would become of England, they didn't give a care.
En cuanto a lo que sería de Inglaterra, no le dieron importancia.
They could do what they wanted with it. I didn't care.
Ellos podían hacer lo que quisieran, no me interesa.
They didn't care much about what would happen to us.
No les interesaba mucho lo que pudiera pasarnos.
I knew I was making them sick and that they didn't care about me.
Sabía que les desagradaba y que a ellos yo no le importaba nada.
They didn't care about my copy.
Eso ya no interesaba tanto...
They didn't care that you were here with nothing to eat and that you kept fainting.
No se preocupaban por que tu no tuvieras nada que comer o te desmayases.
They thought they'd just browse around the world and see if the folks didn't really care about you and Christmas.
- ¿ Dónde están? . - Fueron a ver si aun hay espiritu navideño y...
I even lied to them, but they didn't seem to care.
Hasta mentí, pero pareció no importarles.
They didn't care.
No les importaba.
They hate that because if you really care and you appear to have ambition and to try to stretch yourself and do things you see nowhere else then you are as attacked for trying as you would be if you didn't bother.
Ellos odian eso... porque si realmente te importa... y se ve que tienes ambiciones y tratas de esforzarte... y haces cosas que no ves en ningún lado... entonces te atacan por intentarlo como te atacarían por no intentarlo.
I didn't care if they'd kill me. Most people spend their lives worrying about dying.
Durante mucho tiempo, no me importaba que me matasen.
You didn't care how flammable or unsafe they were :
No les importaba cuán inflamables o inseguras eran :
He may have a job somewheres, but how he survives is off his friends his old friends, the ones that like having him around because he reminds them of when they were irresponsible and didn't care if they made an ass out of themselves because they didn't have anything to lose.
Debe trabajar en algún lugar, pero sobrevive por sus amigos los que les gusta estar con él porque les recuerda sus épocas de rebeldes cuando se comportaban como idiotas porque no tenían nada qué perder.
They didn't care about the music.
Ellos no se preocupan por la música.
My girls, sir they didn't care for the Overlook at first.
A mis niñas tampoco les gustaba el hotel al principio.
They didn't know, see. They don't care.
No les interesa.
They didn't care I hadn't slept and would be late!
No les importó si yo no había dormido y llegaría tarde
And what's more they didn't take good care of it.
Y además... no cuidaron bien de mí.
But they belonged to people I didn't care about, so I never noticed.
Pero pertenecían a gente que no me importaba... así que no me di cuenta.
I didn't want to, but I didn't care if they did so I watched.
Yo no quería. Pero me daba igual que ellos lo hicieran, así que miré.
And... they didn't much care for anything else... because all they wanted to do was be with each other.
No sentían ninguna preocupación. Sólo querían estar juntos.
They didn't care for my behaviour.
No les importaba para mi comportamiento.
I didn't care who they were... but when those guys left the Hatteras...
No me importaba quiénes eran... pero cuando ellos salieron de Hatteras...
Dead is dead. Like they didn't care for her when she was alive... and - [Chuckles] They care even less now.
Una vez muerto... si no les importó cuando estaba viva... ahora les importa aún menos.
By october, they didn't care if you wore pants.
¡ En octubre vas hasta en calzoncillos!
They said they didn't need the money, just take care of it.
Dijeron que el dinero ya no les importaba, pero que me encargara de todo.
they didn't 372
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't make it 32
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't make it 32
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't do anything 22
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32