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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They don't want me

They don't want me Çeviri İspanyolca

1,014 parallel translation
I don't know what they told you, but if you want to make me a hero, forget it.
Si quieres convertirme en un héroe, olvídalo.
Guess they don't want me there.
Supongo que no me quieren allí.
I don't want my family to scratch their hands when they caress me do you know jean boitel?
Mi familia se arañará las manos cuando me acaricien. - ¿ Conoces a Jean Boiteil?
They don't want me.
No me quieren aquí.
If they don't want me, they don't want me.
Si no me quieren, no me quieren.
Fine. I don't want to sound unpatriotic but I'm glad they called that dance off...
No quiero parecer antipatriótico pero me alegra que suspendieran el baile...
Don't you realise, if I'm caught, they'll want to know where I got the car and stuff.
Si me atrapan querrán saber dónde conseguí el automóvil.
Why don't they want to believe me?
¿ Por qué no quieren creerme?
Why don't they understand that all I want is to be treated like everybody else?
¿ Por qué no pueden entender que sólo quiero que me traten como a cualquiera?
They figure you don't want me around, you don't wanna see me and if I go away for a while, maybe I'll get all this out of my mind.
Creen que no me quieres cerca tuyo, que no me quieres ver... y que si me voy por un tiempo, tal vez olvide todo esto.
They want to look at me but if you don't let them but if you don't let them not even let them blink.
ellos me quieren mirar pero si tú no los dejas pero si tú no los dejas ni siquiera parpadear.
They ain't here yet. They don't want me along.
Y ellos no quieren nada con un vejestorio como yo.
What I don't want is that others get me, that they interrogate... that they judge me, that they treat me like scum, even if it's true.
Lo que no quiero es que me detengan, que me interroguen, que me juzguen y se burlen de mí. Que me llamen traidor.
- They don't want me.
- No quieren que juegue con ellos.
- They don't want me.
- No me quieren.
They... - They don't want me to talk to you.
No quieren que hable contigo.
First they don't want to know anything, then they decide to come.
- A mí me asusta. Primero no quería saber nada y luego decide venir.
They don't want me in 2333.
Ellos no quieren la 2333.
I don't want people to like me. Nothing pleases me more than when they don't like me. It means I don't belong.
Odiaría sentir que pertenezco a este lugar.
They don't want me to have the Indian knife my uncle gave to me.
No me dejan jugar con el cuchillo indio que me regaló mi tío.
- Gary, they don't want me in the picture.
- Gary, no me quieren en la foto.
No wonder they don't want no-one muscling in.
No me extraña que no aceptaran a nadie.
If they don't want me to go home, tell her to come to the Church, tomorrow morning at 4.
Si se niega a dejarme entrar en casa, dígale que vaya a la iglesia a las 4 de la mañana.
Tell them if they want me disbarred why don't they file charges with the bar association.
Dígales que si quieren que me prohíban ejercer que presenten el caso en el Colegio de Abogados.
They're tricking me... but I don't want her!
¡ Se ha "encelado" conmigo, pero yo no la quiero!
They've told me that you don't want to talk either. But people like us will certainly come to an understanding.
Tampoco usted quiere hablar pero la gente como nosotros acaba siempre por entenderse.
The nuns hate me, they don't want to feed me!
Las monjas me odian ; no me quieren dar de comer.
If they... don't want to hang me now... I'll have time to figure out at the County Farm.
Si no quieren colgarme ahora,... tendré tiempo de resolverlas en la granja.
Everyone does as I want, even if they don't like me.
Todos hacen lo que quiero, aunque yo no les guste.
Then why do they want me? They don't want you.
Entonces, ¿ por qué me quieren?
If they shoot in my direction, I don't want you hit.
No la quiero conmigo por si me disparan.
Hold on to my job by just stringing along, afraid to look to the left or to the right... because I might see something they don't want me to see?
¿ Quedarme y esperar, con miedo a mirar a los lados... por si veo algo que no quieren que vea?
I'm tired of trying to give people something they don't seem to want anyway.
Me harté de darle a la gente algo que realmente no quiere.
It's because..... of PaoIo that they don't want to see me anymore!
Di la verdad, es por Paolo por lo que no quieren verme más.
But they don't want to believe me.
¡ Lo juro! Pero no quieren creerme.
This morning other women came... together with the Casu widow... to tell me that they don't want... their kids in the Parish anymore.
Esta mañana han venido las otras mujeres junto con la viuda Casu, a decirme que tampoco ellas van a traer más a sus hijos a la parroquia.
But they don't want me to sing.
Pero no es para cantar.
Must be that I'm odious. they don't want me inside.
Tal vez soy antipático odioso, por eso no me quieres.
I can't stay here. They don't want me.
No puedo quedarme aquí.
If they don't want me to...
Si ellos no quieren...
Maybe they don't want to hire me on account of me being in the stir.
Quizá no quieren contratarme porque he estado en prisión.
"You don't know how eager I am sometimes to go there,... " but not because they don't want me here but because I miss you a lot. "
No sabe las ganas que me entran a veces de irme para allá, pero no porque aquí no me quieran sino porque los extraño mucho.
It's the only thing I know, languages, but turns out they don't want me either.
Lo único que sé, son lenguas, pero tampoco me quieren en aviación.
I'd go if I could, but they don't want me.
Yo iría con mucho gusto, pero no me aceptan.
Some rat blew the whistle. They don't want me to win there I gotta tell you that? Look, now, why have I gotta fight in a foreign city where I ain't got no friends?
allí publicaron todo. ¿ Cómo voy a pelear en una ciudad donde no tengo amigos?
If I don't bring what they want, they'll send me on a journey.
Si no les doy lo que quieren, me mandarán de viaje.
No wonder they don't want him on no cow drive.
No me extraña que no quisieran que fuera con ellos.
They don't want me to go. lf l say the word, they'll kill you.
ellos no quieren que me vaya. Si doy Ia orden, te matarán.
Because I married you against everybody's advice. I don't want to look like a fool and show them they were right.
Porque me casé en contra de lo que opinaban todos y no quiero ahora demostrarles que tenían razón.
They don't want me looking at things yet.
Sólo que tengo que vivir a oscuras.
They've been taken by the Germans. And I don't want to be seen talking to you.
Han sido detenidos por los alemanes y no quiero que me vean hablando con usted.

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