Two things Çeviri İspanyolca
6,129 parallel translation
No matter what the sequence, do those two things.
No importa cuál sea la secuencia, haz esas dos cosas.
And those are two things Crash has never done.
Y esas son dos cosas que Crash nunca ha hecho.
We do only two things in here.
Solo hacemos dos cosas aquí.
I don't know how much time we have, so I need you to do two things for me when you get back...
No sé cuánto tiempo tenemos, así que necesito que hagas dos cosas por mí cuando vuelvas...
Two things.
Dos cosas.
There are two things that gay men simply will not tolerate...
Hay dos cosas que los gay hombres simplemente no van a tolerar...
One of two things is gonna happen here.
Una de las dos cosas va a pasar.
- Two things I won't be doing in this life...
- Dos cosas que no haré en esta vida
- Two things.
- dos cosas.
Look, Toby, there's only two things for sale here :
Mira, Toby, solo hay dos cosas en venta aquí :
So, two things.
Así, dos cosas.
I think after you see these pictures, I'll be getting two things back... my parking space and the dignity of my butt.
Creo que después de que veas estas fotos recuperaré dos cosas mi lugar para estacionar y la dignidad de mi trasero.
The big deal is that you cannot like two things which are diametrically opposed.
La gran cosa es que usted no puede, como dos cosas que se oponen diametralmente.
Multiple murderers prey on the vulnerable and require two things - access and opportunity.
Los asesinos múltiples se aprovechan de los vulnerables... y requieren dos cosas, acceso y oportunidad.
Uh, those are two things that are not permitted in my household.
Esas son dos cosas que no están permitidas en mi casa.
Only two things I ever loved in this life :
Solo he querido a dos cosas en esta vida :
I think that when someone is in mourning, they need two things.
Creo que cuando uno está sufriendo, necesitan dos cosas.
But I do know two things- - the first is that... whoever I am, I am someone that will do whatever--whatever- - it takes to save my sister.
Pero sé dos cosas... la primera es que, sea quien sea, soy alguien que hará cualquier cosa... cualquier cosa que sea necesaria para salvar a mi hermana.
I don't think the two things are connected.
No creo que las dos cosas estén conectadas.
Okay, fine, but let's two things straight.
Bueno, está bien, pero vamos y apos ; s dos cosas rectas.
Pete, two things.
Pete, dos cosas.
I do have two things I could hold onto... through it all, I've stayed sober, and...
Tengo dos cosas a las que puedo aferrarme... durante este tiempo, he estado sobria
Right now I got two things to say.
Ahora mismo tengo dos cosas que decir :
Together we could be whatever those two things add up to.
Juntos podemos ser lo que sea que esas dos cosas sumen.
Now it's becoming, like, okay, this is a major leak, and after today, when we post the two things that we're gonna post, it's gonna be, " What the fuck is this leak,
Se transformará en : "Bien, esta es una filtración importante". Y cuando publiquemos las dos cosas que vamos a publicar dirán : "¿ Qué mierda es esta filtración y quién lo hizo?".
Actually, I.D.'ing and locating users are two things we just can't do.
En realidad, no podemos identificarlos ni localizarlos.
I have two things left to give, and they're both Caf-POWs!
Yo tengo dos cosas para dales, ¡ y ambas tienen cafeína a raudales!
Well, have you ever had to choose between two things you like, but you don't know which one is right for you?
Bueno, ¿ has tenido que elegir entre dos cosas que te gustan, pero no sabes cual es la correcta para ti?
Stuff can be two things.
Las cosas tienen doble utilidad.
I mean, after all, stuff can do two things, right? Hey!
Después de todo, las cosas pueden tener una doble utilidad, ¿ no?
" the two best things in life
" los dos mejores cosas de la vida
They're two different things.
Son dos cosas diferentes.
Yeah, well, saying it and doing it are two different things.
Sí, bueno, decirlo y hacerlo son dos cosas diferentes.
When the universe wants to make something happen, whether it be giving a young man lighting speed or putting two people together, it has a way of figuring those things out.
Cuando el universo quiere que algo suceda, ya sea darle la velocidad de un rayo a un joven o poner a dos personas juntas, tiene una manera de averiguar las cosas.
I completely understand that, but once he calms down, maybe there's a chance that you two can work through things together,
Entiendo completamente que, pero una vez que se calme, quizás allí y apos ; sa posibilidad de que ustedes dos pueden trabajar a través de las cosas juntos,
So, things were good between you two?
¿ Así que todo iba bien entre ustedes?
It's two different things.
Son dos cosas diferentes.
Well, what you saw and I know are two different things.
Lo que viste y lo que sé son dos cosas diferentes.
You only invited me because things are so weird between you two.
Solo me has invitado porque las cosas están muy raras entre vosotras.
Mimicking him and defeating him are two very different things.
Imitarlo y derrotarlo son dos cosas muy diferentes.
Do you think those two things are connected?
Putting food in your mouth and eating are two very different things.
El poner comida en la boca y comer son dos cosas muy diferentes.
I thought things were getting better between the two of us.
Pensaba que las cosas estaban mejorando entre nosotros.
- You wouldn't know this because you've been M.I.A. for most of the last two years, but when things got really bad, this is where we came.
- No lo sabes porque has estado desaparecida la mayor parte de los últimos dos años, pero cuando todo iba muy mal, veníamos aquí.
Two worst things in a boyfriend - being a coward and a virgin.
Las dos cosas peores de un novio... ser cobarde y virgen.
You know, if things were getting better between you two before, maybe they can again.
Si solucionaron las cosas antes, podrían hacerlo de nuevo.
Well, then the law and justice are two different things.
Bueno, entonces la ley y la justicia son dos cosas diferentes.
You two are a combination of sugar and spice and things not so nice.
Son una combinación de azúcar y picante... y las cosas que no van estupendamente.
If you two put a fraction of your narcissistic energy into solving the issues currently plaguing our society, perhaps rising sea levels, autism, and the rabidly dwindling bee population would be things of the past.
Si ustedes dos pusieran una fracción de su energía narcisista en resolver los problemas que asolan nuestra sociedad y las abejas en peligro de extinción, serían cosas del pasado.
Two different worlds, different ways of doing things, treating people.
Dos mundos distintos... formas diferentes de hacer las cosas... de tratar a la gente.
She must have given it to you before things went south between the two of you.
Ella te lo debió dar antes que las cosas fuesen mal entre ustedes dos.
things 422
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things are looking up 44
things to do 42
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things would be different 16
things like this 16
things are great 27
things are good 60
things like that 163
things to do 42
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things would be different 16
things like this 16
things are great 27
things are good 60
things like that 163