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Was he not Çeviri İspanyolca

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But in your case, if I was to tell you that you're one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen, that would not be flattery.
Pero en tu caso, si te dijera... que eres la mujer mas hermosa que he visto, eso no sería halago.
He did not look good. He was sick.
Estaba enfermo.
I don't know if it's you, but he did mention to me that he was not happy to hear that you were... messing around with some call girl.
No sé si eres tú, pero me mencionó que no le gustó enterarse de que estabas... tonteando con una chica de compañía.
- Yup. - Well, but not even him because that was inappropriate and he knows better.
- Bueno, pero ni siquiera él porque eso sería inapropiado y lo sabe mejor.
Once I did that, he told me everything I needed to know, specifically, that he was not crazy.
Cuando hice eso, me dio todo lo que necesitaba saber, concretamente, que no estaba loco.
The fight skill he's given you... that was learned on a field of battle, not barley.
La destreza que posee de la lucha... se aprende en el campo de batalla, no con la cebada.
I was quite certain that he was not Gawain the punisher.
Estaba completamente seguro que no era Gawain el verdugo.
He was not under my orders or anyone else's within the Byth Encil.
No recibía órdenes mías o de nadie de dentro del Byth Encil.
Not even my dad could stop me, and he was having none of it.
Ni siquiera mi padre, y él no estaba para nada de acuerdo con ello.
I was always a screw-up, but, um... now I'm the first Haas to not make agent since hoover.
He sido siempre un fracasado, pero... ahora seré el primer Haas que no será agente desde Hoover.
He was asphyxiated but not strangled, so we thought maybe a plastic bag over his head.
Él fue asfixiado, pero no estrangulado, así que pensamos que tal vez una bolsa de plástico en la cabeza.
You're not the one he was calling in the middle of the night.
Ni eras a quien llamaba en medio de la noche.
But he's not the same person he was when he got sober the first time.
Pero él no es la misma persona que era cuando llegó sobria primera vez.
I always thought Elaine was luckier than me, but I've realised it's not true.
Siempre pensé que Elaine fue más afortunada que yo, Pero me he dado cuenta de que no es verdad.
He's not the man he was!
Ya no es el hombre que era.
Father, was not the men, that he pretended to be.
Padre no era el hombre que fingía ser.
He insists he was on his own the whole time, and we've no reason not to believe him.
Insiste en que estuvo solo todo el tiempo, y no hay razón para no creerle.
Are you telling me you're not starting to have doubts about what he was doing those last few months, who he really was?
¿ Me estás diciendo que no empiezas a tener dudas... sobre lo que hacía esos últimos meses, sobre quién era realmente?
Not until after he was dead.
Recién después de su muerte.
He was not religiös - but he always came agree with the Bible.
No era religioso... pero siempre vivía de acuerdo con la Biblia.
On her deathbed, she told him that the father he had fought and hated all his life, was not his real father.
En su lecho de muerte, le dijo que el padre con el que había peleado... y odiado toda su vida, no era su verdadero padre.
Arthur had an active captain's license. He lied on his application, and they issued him one last year, so he was Manning a boat - - just not his boat.
Él mintió en su solicitud, y le emitieron uno el año pasado, por lo que fue manejando un barco... pero no su barco.
And that's not even the worst of it. Coulson told him he was coming.
Coulson me ha dicho que venía.
It means he's saying they checked his trades enough to decide it was okay with the risk but not enough to put it in writing.
Significa que controlan los negocios lo suficiente para decidir si vale la pena el riesgo pero no lo suficiente para ponerlo por escrito.
And having reviewed the evidence, the D.A.'s office is convinced that Mr. Song could not have committed the murder for which he was indicted.
Y tras haber examinado la evidencia, la oficina del fiscal está convencido de que el Sr. Song no pudo haber cometido el asesinato por el que fue acusado.
He was the monster, not me.
Él era el monstruo, no yo.
He told me not to do this when I was a girl.
Me dijo que no hiciera esto cuando era una niña.
Certainly not as nerve racking as it was when he was performing though, right?
Bueno. Al menos no tantos nervios como cuando era quien tocaba, ¿ no?
It appears he was not only turned by Howe, but literally transformed, sent out to kill his fellows.
Parece que no solo fue convertido por Howe, sino literalmente transformado, enviado para matar a sus compañeros.
Seth did not say who it was, but if he can fix it which took transporten - - So maybe we can smoke them out on the road.
Seth no dijo quién era, pero si él puede solucionar lo del transporte... tal vez nosotros podamos hacerlo.
Yeah, but he's not even the doppelganger of the Dr. Wells that we knew because that Dr. Wells'body had been taken over by the Reverse Flash, who was really Eobard Thawne and Eddie's distant relative from the future.
Sí, pero ni siquiera es el doble del Dr. Wells que conocimos porque ese cuerpo del Dr. Wells había sido tomado por el Flash Reverso, que en realidad era Eobard Thawne y era el familiar lejano del futuro de Eddie.
I believe it was the first time he experienced the ability to compel, and when he understood what he did, he did not come and undo it.
Creo que fue la primera vez que experimentó la habilidad de obligar, y cuando entendió lo que hizo, no vino a deshácerlo.
It was he who arrested 10 years ago following a settling of drug-related. You not know?
¿ No lo sabes?
It was so funny how he never knew whether or not he did that.
Era gracioso que nunca supiera si había "hecho eso".
That night, Lawton told me that my brother was not collateral damage in a hit gone bad ; that he was the target.
Esa noche, Lawton me dijo que mi hermano no fue el daño colateral de un golpe que salió mal, que él era el objetivo.
Yes, he was an assistant at this department but not anymore.
Sí, era asistente en este departamento, pero ya no trabaja con nosotros.
No. No, and even if he was, it's not like he's the boss of me.
No, no, e incluso si lo era, no es que él es el jefe de mí.
He always gave a gift with a not-so-hidden message, like this watch or the time he bought me free weights because he said I was too skinny.
Él siempre daba regalos sin mensaje oculto, como este reloj o la vez que me compró pesas porque dijo que estaba demasiado flaco.
When Francine came back, my Dad told me not to trust her and he was right.
Cuando Francine regresó, mi papá me dijo que no confiara en ella, y tenía razón.
He was shot and killed by Mardon, not me.
Mardon le disparó y lo mató, no yo.
He has the watch on the arm, so he was apparently not robbed.
Tiene un reloj en el brazo, por lo que claramente no fue un robo.
No, he was not more suspicious than someone else.
No, él no era más sospechoso que nadie.
You know, it's not lost on me that the book's author, Gaston Leroux, he was once an investigative journalist, too, who... who exposed important truths to a society that needed to face them.
No se me ha escapado el hecho de que el autor del libro, Gaston Leroux, fue una vez un periodista de investigación también, que reveló verdades importantes a una sociedad que necesitaba enfrentarse a ellas.
And he hasn't... not since he was about 9 years old.
Y no lo ha hecho... no desde que tenía nueve años.
Not the most bracing interrogation I've experienced, but I thought their technique was adequate. You?
No es el interrogatorio más duro que he experimentado, pero pienso que su técnica fue adecuada. ¿ Y tú?
My point is that if Antonov did do it, it might not be because he grew to hate his ex-wife, but because he was still in love with her work.
Lo que quiero decir es que si Antonov lo hizo, puede que no fuera porque acabara odiando a su exmujer, sino porque aún amaba su trabajo.
He was so angry if you did not as he said, especially if he was high.
Él se enojaría mucho si no lo hacía, sobre todo cuando estaba drogado.
He was not angry.
No estaba enfadado.
- The man you knew was not. - Unless you're going to tell me how many sugars he took in his tea, or how he liked to be fucked. - The...
El hombre que conociste no lo era.
I mean, I'm just honest, but... I mean, I maybe was a little controlling, but I'm not. I mean, I used to be.
Solo soy sincera, pero... bueno, quizás he sido un poco controladora, pero no lo soy, bueno, lo era.
He was also insistent you did not grieve formally beyond the date of his burial.
También insistió en que no se entristezcan formalmente más allá de la fecha de su entierro.

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