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We're even Çeviri İspanyolca

6,742 parallel translation
We're not even sure he speaks English.
No sabemos si habla nuestro idioma.
Now we're stuck with Whitey, and without the Italians, nobody can rein him in and we can't even pull on his chain because we're in too deep!
Ahora nos quedamos con Whitey y sin los italianos, nadie puede controlarlo y no podemos tirar de su soga porque estamos hasta el cuello.
We're not even east of Halifax, sir.
Ni siquiera estamos al este de Halifax, señor.
We're not even riding with them no more, Jerry.
Ya ni siquiera iran con nosotros.
We're barely even moving.
Apenas nos estamos moviendo.
We're not even engaged yet.
No estamos comprometidos aún.
Yeah, yeah. Okay, so, you know, Vennett mentions the CDOs, but actually, we took a look and they're way worse than even he realizes.
Vennett menciona los CDO, pero los analizamos y son mucho peores de lo que se imagina.
Once you get into that system, we're actually setting you up even more to fail down the line.
Una vez que te metes en ese sistema, en realidad estamos preparándote aún más a fallar en la línea.
We're not even pretending to do this right.
Ni siquiera estamos pretender para hacer esto bien.
Jack, nobody even knows we're here.
Jack, nadie siquiera sabe que estamos aquí.
Most of the time, they don't even realize what we're doing.
La mayoría de las veces, ni siquiera se dan cuenta de lo que estamos haciendo.
We don't even know what we're talking about.
Ni siquiera sabemos lo que estamos hablando.
And we don't even know if they're alive?
¿ Y ni siquiera sabemos si están vivos?
It wouldn't, because we're about five million shy of there even being a wormhole.
No lo hará, porque hay casi 5 millones en ese agujero de gusano.
Even though this is a full-blooded Macintosh, we're targeting it for the number-one use the consumers tell us they want a computer for.
Aunque es una Macintosh en todos los aspectos, está optimizada para lo que más nos piden los consumidores en una computadora.
We got to get out of here. Before we're not even shape and color
Tenemos que salir de aquí antes de que perdamos hasta la forma y el color
We're even.
Estamos a mano.
We're gonna find my mom... you're gonna show everybody the super-chip and be a big hero... and even Captain Smek will have to- -
Vamos a encontrar a mi mamá... Vas a mostrarles a todos la súper-nave y serás un gran héroe... incluso el capitán Smek tendrá que...
We're gonna do even more.
Nosotros vamos a hacer aún más.
We don't even know what we're watching for.
¿ Qué tenemos que vigilar?
- We're even.
¡ Estamos a mano!
- We're even. - No.
- Estamos a mano.
We're busted before we even get into the vault, and I wind up in a Moroccan jail, playing mummies and daddies with Ahmad the Strangler.
Nos descubren antes de llegar a la bóveda y acabo en una cárcel jugando a mami y papi con Ahmad el Estrangulador.
So what you're saying is there is no ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists.
Entonces el registro no existe ósea que no tenemos pruebas de que el Sindicato exista.
Oh, we haven't even arrived, and you're already trying to get rid of me?
¿ Aún no llegamos y ya quieres deshacerte de mí?
I'm sure of that, even when we're old on a porch together with nine grandchildren and our teeth falling out.
Estoy segura de eso, incluso cuando seamos viejos en un porche juntos con nueve nietos y nuestros dientes cayéndose.
You don't even understand what we're gonna do to- -
Ni siquiera entiendes qué haremos para...
We're not even friends!
Ni siquiera somos amigos!
Oh my god, now we're even bigger assholes.
Oh, Dios mío, ahora estamos pendejos aún mayores.
We're so far behind, it's not even funny, And it's disappointing and it's frustrating And it pisses me off, and it stresses me out.
Estamos tan atrasados, que ya no es chistoso, es decepcionante y frustrante y me molesta y me estresa.
I'm like, " Well, I don't even know what we're building.
Yo dije : " Bueno, ni siquiera se que estamos construyendo.
It didn't even get made and we're talking about it.
No se realizó y estamos hablando de ella.
Even though we're all here, none of us are wearing green.
Incluso aunque estemos todos aquí. Ninguno de nosotros está usando el verde.
Yeah, whatever. Now we're even, stiff.
- Estamos a mano, Estirada.
I don't know how many students I'm going to be able to recruit or if we're even going to get anywhere.
No sé cuántos estudiantes seré capaz de reclutar o si llegaré a alguna parte con eso.
Technically, we're not even a family.
En teoría, ni siquiera somos familia.
"Even though we're apartbut you're still with me."
"Aunque estamos apartbut todavía estás conmigo".
Come on, even if they're in the water, how are they gonna know we're here?
No hay nada que podamos hacer, excepto esperar. Vamos, incluso si están en el agua, ¿ cómo van a saber que estamos aquí?
We're blaming each other for shit that happened in the past, that doesn't even fucking matter anymore.
Estamos culpándose mutuamente por mierda que ocurrió en el pasado, Eso ni siquiera mierda importa ya.
Now, we're even.
Ahora estamos a mano.
- Now, we're even.
- Ahora estamos a mano.
Guess we're even.
Creo que estamos a mano.
We're so small to her now, maybe she won't even notice us.
Ahora somos tan pequeños para ella, que quizá no nos note.
I mean, we're not even married yet.
Ni siquiera estamos casados aún.
And we're not even talking about it.
Y ni hablamos de eso.
And we didn't even realize, because when we're together it feels like we're the only two people in the world.
Y ni lo notamos, porque al juntarnos nos sentimos como la dos únicas personas en el mundo.
But, even if everybody says yes... we're still going to need more animators.
Bueno, veremos qué pasa. Pero aunque todos digan que sí necesitaremos más animadores.
It's what Kevin would have wanted. We're even.
Estamos a mano.
Mom, we're going to get there too early, nobody's even going to be there.
¡ Vamos a llegar muy temprano! ¡ No va a haber nadie!
Even when it's slow, we're not processing people fast enough.
Hasta cuando es lento, No estamos procesando gente lo suficientemente rápido.

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