Where'd you find that Çeviri İspanyolca
145 parallel translation
Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Dónde encontraste eso?
Not that i would have been throwed out. Where'd they find you guys?
Aunque me habrían echado.
¿ De dónde has sacado esa fiera?
You see, they told me that this was where I'd find. ... real, honest-to-goodness fearless men.
Me dijeron que aquí había hombres realmente valientes.
Say, I bet that's why you left that scrap of Hotel Coronet stationery... so i'd know where to find you too.
Apuesto a que eso es por lo que dejó la nota con la dirección del Hotel Coronet. Así sabría cómo encontrarla, ¿ no?
Where'd you find that hooligan? Jump-In Junior High?
¿ De dónde le habéis sacado, del instituto?
Where'd you find that out?
- ¿ Cómo lo has sabido?
You arranged every time that I'd know just where to find you.
Y se las arreglaba para que supiese dónde estaba.
Where'd you find out about that?
¿ Dónde se enteró de eso?
But after that, if i'd fancy to visit you, where do i find you?
Pero después de eso,... si me apetece hacerte una visita...
Where'd you find all that?
- ¿ Dónde ha encontrado todo esto?
Where'd you find that rookie?
¿ De dónde salió esa merluza?
She left a message that you'd know where to find her.
No, dejó el mensaje de que Ud. Sabría dónde encontrarla.
And suddenly... - Where'd you find that scarf?
Y de repente, - ¿ Dónde ha encontrado ese pañuelo?
But if it means that much to you, that you'd lie... find an excuse to get me away where I'll be safe...
Pero si significo tanto para ti, como para tratar... de encuentrar un pretexto para sacarme a un lugar seguro...
- Where'd you find that music?
¿ Dónde halló esta partitura?
And although you'd expect to find it in the weather section, you know, because of the glory business and all that, that's not where they put it.
Y aunque usted esperaría encontrarlo en la sección de meteorología, es decir, por la cuestión de la Gloria y todo eso, no es allí donde está.
Where'd you find that?
Donde has encontrado eso?
Where'd you find that gun?
- ¿ Dónde hallaste el arma?
So, where'd you find that beard?
¿ De dónde ha salido esa barba?
- Where'd you find that article?
- ¿ Dónde has encontrado ese artículo?
Where'd you find that bitch?
- ¿ Tienes hambre? - ¿ Dónde encontraste esa perra?
Where'd you find jeans that size?
¿ Dónde encontraste vaqueros de esa talla?
But that's where you'd find most of the Labors working.
Pero ahí es donde encuentras la mayoría de los Labors trabajando.
That's Moon Man's old gun. Where'd you find that?
Esa es la vieja arma de Moon Man. ¿ Dónde la encontraste?
- Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Dónde la encontraste?
But as you begin to get further and further back towards... what would be the origin point in the conventional real-time picture... you'd find that the nature of time changes... that the imaginary component becomes more and more prominent... until what ought to have been the singular point in the classical theory... gets smoothed away, and you have this beautiful picture... of these bowls where the creation of the universe is pictures... of where we are now, and a smooth bowl of the past... where there's no initial point, just a sort of smooth shape.
Pero a medida que retrocedemos en el tiempo cada vez más, hacia el que sería el "punto de origen", en la visión convencional del tiempo, encontrarías que la naturaleza del tiempo cambia, que el componente imaginario se vuelve cada vez más importante, hasta que lo que sería ese punto singular, en la teoría clásica, se suaviza y tienes esta bella imagen de un cuenco, donde se describe la creación del universo, donde nos encontramos ahora, una taza suave, donde no existe un inicio, sólo una forma redondeada.
Gee, where'd you find time to do that?
iDe dónde has sacado el tiempo de hacer eso?
Where'd you find that?
¿ Dónde la encontraste?
- Charlie, where'd you find that bomb?
- ¿ Dónde estaba esa bomba?
- Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Dónde lo encontraste?
How'd you know where to find the boy in that orchard?
¿ Cómo supiste dónde encontrar al chico en la huerta?
That substitute you hired is amazing. Where'd you find him?
Ese suplente que contrataste es increíble. ¿ Dónde Io encontraste?
Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Dónde has encontrado ese traje?
Where'd you find that girl with that stunning gown?
¿ Dónde encontraste a la chica con ese magnífico vestido?
Where'd you find that girl in that stunning gown?
¿ Dónde encontraste a la chica con ese magnífico vestido?
Where'd you find that?
¿ Dónde has encontrado eso?
That's a solenoid. Where'd you find that?
Es un solenoide. ¿ Dónde estaba?
That is, if you'd bothered to find out where he was.
Si te hubieses molestado en averiguar dónde estaba.
That's where you'd go to find girls- -
Ahí es a donde vas tú a buscar chicas.
Where'd you find that girl Debbie?
¿ Dónde encontraste a Debbie?
Where d'you find that?
¿ De dónde has sacado eso?
- Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Donde lo encontraron?
Where'd you find that boot?
¿ Dónde encontraste esa bota?
In the event that you should maybe happen to come again... if you are not welcome... and I find out that you are not welcome... you will be exactly where Kevin is... and then you'd be defeating your purpose.
En el caso de que usted debe tal vez vuelva a suceder... si usted no es bienvenido... y yo saber que usted no es bienvenido... usted será exactamente donde Kevin es... y entonces sería derrotar a su fin.
Where'd you find that?
- ¿ Dónde lo encontraste?
That'd be great. Do you know where l could find those?
Genial. ¿ Y sabe donde están?
Where'd you find that winner?
¿ Adónde hallaste a ese ganador?
That's where, generally speaking, you'd go to find the bad guy.
Generalmente, eso es lo que se hace si quieres pelear con el lobo.
Where'd you find that though? Really?
- Pero ¿ dónde encontraste eso?
where'd you go 316
where'd you grow up 31
where'd you come from 91
where'd you go to school 22
where'd you get them 31
where'd you learn that 46
where'd you get these 54
where'd you get those 43
where'd you find it 57
where'd you find him 32
where'd you grow up 31
where'd you come from 91
where'd you go to school 22
where'd you get them 31
where'd you learn that 46
where'd you get these 54
where'd you get those 43
where'd you find it 57
where'd you find him 32
where'd you get that from 19
where'd you get this 206
where'd you find this 27
where'd you get it 226
where'd you get that 277
where'd you get that idea 16
where'd you find her 28
where'd you get the money 23
where'd you find them 19
where'd you put it 25
where'd you get this 206
where'd you find this 27
where'd you get it 226
where'd you get that 277
where'd you get that idea 16
where'd you find her 28
where'd you get the money 23
where'd you find them 19
where'd you put it 25
where'd you get the gun 22
where'd you hear that 119
where'd you meet her 16
where'd you meet him 16
you find that funny 16
where 9895
where is he 5231
where are they 1692
where is 140
where is it 2891
where'd you hear that 119
where'd you meet her 16
where'd you meet him 16
you find that funny 16
where 9895
where is he 5231
where are they 1692
where is 140
where is it 2891
where are you going 8373
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827
where's my money 195
where do you live 434
where were you yesterday 44
where is your wife 24
where are they from 41
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827
where's my money 195
where do you live 434
where were you yesterday 44
where is your wife 24
where are they from 41