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You told him that Çeviri İspanyolca

2,230 parallel translation
You told him that he should have faith, and good things would happen in his life like, oh, I don't know...
Le dijiste que tuviese fe, y le pasarían cosas buenas en la vida como, oh, no se...
And you told him that.
Y tú se lo contaste a él.
You told him that?
Usted le dijo eso?
Because you told him that.
Porque se lo has dicho.
And, edge, as my supervisor, you told him that was absolutely out of the question.
Edge, como mi supervisor, le habrás dicho que nada de eso.
You told him that now.
Usted le dijo ahora.
Coach, um, Vince told me what happened down at TMU, that they're interested in him, and then he told me that you said not to say anything to me about it.
Entrenador, Vince me dijo lo que pasó en TMU, que están interesados en ellos, y entonces me dijo que dijiste que no me lo dijera.
I told him he should try Serena because I assumed you'd be with her, because what other reason could there possibly be that you haven't called or e-mailed me all summer, or making me have this conversation in the doorway.
Le dije que debería intentarlo con Serena porque asumí que estarías con ella. Porque sino, ¿ qué otra posible razón podría haber para que no me hayas llamado o enviado e-mail en todo el verano? O, para que me hagas tener esta conversación en la puerta.
Okay, after I told Nate that I was nervous about you still being in love with Serena, he said that it wasn't true and that you told him you still had feelings for me.
Al decirle a Nate que estaba nerviosa porque siguieras enamorado de Serena dijo que no era verdad y que tú le habías dicho que sentías cosas por mí.
You know,'cause he told me that nobody would ever find out, you know, that I was just supposed to help him deal the drugs, and then I would get a cut after I got rid of the body.
Sabes, porque me dijo que jamás nadie lo averigüaría, sabes, se suponía que yo solamente le ayudaría a negociar las drogas, y después conseguiría una tajada después de llevar el cuerpo.
He told me that you came up to him and said that you wanted to blindside me now because you don't think you can win against me and all this other stuff.
- ¡ Sí! Él me dijo que tú te le acercaste y dijiste que querías expulsarme ahora porque tú no crees que puedas ganar contra mí, y quieras prevenirte.
I told him that you're not involved with anything illegal.
Le dije que no estás involucrado en nada ilegal.
Nick told me that when he was five, you put him up for collateral in a poker game.
Nick me contó que cuando tenia cinco años, lo pusiste como daño colateral en un juego de poker.
That curran told her about the loans, the interest payments, and the threats, and that you told her to get him to macarthur park the night that he disappeared.
Ese Curran le contó acerca de los préstamos, el pago de los intereses, y las amenazas, y que tú le dijiste que lo llevase al Parque MacArthur la noche que el desapareció.
The night of the China meet, after you told me that Carter loved me and I should forgive him, I left him a message saying I wanted him back and to come over but he never showed up and he's been avoiding me ever since.
La noche del encuentro con China, después de que me dijeras que Carter me amaba y que debería perdonarle, le dejé un mensaje diciéndole que le quería de vuelta y que volviéramos pero no apareció y me ha estado evitando desde entonces.
In fact, I told Steve that we wanted his respect, not his money, so you don't have to worry about him or anyone else owning us.
De hecho, le dije a Steve que queríamos su respeto, no su dinero, así que no tienes que preocuparte de él ni de que nadie se quiera adueñar de nosotros.
But you told him to deny that there were any talks.
Pero le dijiste que negara que hubieran conversaciones.
That story you told about your father- - did you really just let him die like that?
La historia que contaste sobre tu padre ¿ en verdad lo dejaste morir así?
We told him that you were interested in his art.
Le dijimos que te interesaban sus obras.
You know, when I told him that I was gonna get rid of the FBI once and for all, he said thank you.
Ya sabes, cuando le dije que me iba a deshacer del FBI de una vez por todas, dijo gracias.
I told him that I didn't think you would take the bait.
Le dije que no creía que tú morderías el anzuelo.
And tell him myself. I told you that he didn't hit me,
¡ Ya te dije que él no me pegó, y tú le debes una disculpa!
Uncle told me to just scare him, you kill that bastard.
El tío me dijo que sólo lo asuste, mata a ese bastardo.
Or maybe dad told you about the case that kept him out all night.
O quizás papá te contó sobre el caso que le dejó fuera toda la noche.
I told him that you're the man with the plan.
Le dije que tú eras el hombre indicado.
You told Curtis that Crystal wanted to talk to him about DeAndre, so he came here.
Le dijiste a Curtis que Crystal quería hablarle sobre DeAndre, asi que él vino aquí.
I-I told him that I had to, you know, wait and think about it.
Le.. le dije que tenía que, tu sabes, esperar y pensar sobre ello.
Lux, he ran into a burning building because I told him that you were in there.
Lux, entró a un edificio en llamas porque le dije que tú estabas allí.
Uh, no. You are the one that told him to ask me out.
Uh, no, tu fuiste quien le dijo que me invitara a salir.
So not only did you make a liar out of me, you told him and his attorney that there was no real grounds for investigating him in the first place.
Así que no sólo me hiciste quedar como un mentiroso, le dijiste a él ya su abogada que no había motivos reales para investigarle a él.
Think about... all the things that you've told Christina and Christina's told him.
Piensa... en todo lo que le has contado a Christina y Christina le contó.
According to Vance's report, you yourself told the Russian that Vance was sent there to kill him?
De acuerdo al reporte de Vance, ¿ tú le dijiste a los rusos que Vance fué enviado a matarlo?
From Joe, you know, you learn these little tricks of the trade, like to put fish bones or shrimp shells in, to season that stock, to flavor that stock, and when I told him that that was my plan,
De Joe, sabes, a aprender estos pequeños trucos del oficio, gustaría poner los huesos de pescado o conchas de camarón en, a la temporada de esta población, para dar sabor a esa población, y cuando le dije que ese era mi plan,
Well, I told him you got there after I did, and that we both arrived too late to do anything, so you're off the hook. So you covered for me?
Bueno, le he dicho que llegaste allí después que yo, y que los dos llegamos demasiado tarde para hacer nada, así que has salido del atolladero.
Have you told him about that, by the way?
¿ Se lo has contado, por cierto?
Mickey, I told him what a fabulous kisser I think that you are,
Mickey, le dije lo fabuloso besador que Creo que eres,
I told him to leave because I treasure what it is that I've discovered with you, and he took that as a challenge, and so, yeah, whatever.
Le dije que se fuera, porque atesoro lo que he descubierto contigo, y tomé eso como un reto, y así, sí, lo que sea.
You told him. The class was paying activity fees that day. Right?
Tú le dijiste que se pagaban cuotas para actividades aquel día, ¿ no?
Uh, well, have you ever told him that?
Bueno, ¿ alguna vez le dijiste eso?
But you tell him things that you've never told me.
Pero tu le dijistes cosas que nunca me habias dicho a mi.
I just told him that you were acting out because the woman that you're in love with is marrying another man.
yo solo le dije que estabas actuando asi porque la mujer de la que estás enamorado se está casando con otro hombre.
Dr. Wallace is concerned that you told him what you thought he'd want to hear.
- Al Dr. Wallace le preocupa que le hayas dicho lo que quería oír.
You could have told me sooner that the blood work cleared him.
Podrías haberme dicho antes que el análisis de sangre le exculpaba.
Yeah, like it's that easy. How come you haven't told your dad You don't want him doing your taxes anymore?
Sí, como si fuera tan fácil. ¿ Cómo que aún no le has dicho a tu padre qu ya no quieres que se encargue de tus impuestos?
I told him : " First of all, with that face of yours, you're not allowed in the bank.
Le digo : Laucha, primero que a vos con esa cara, no te dejan entrar al banco, te sacan cagando.
Uh, and that's why Pete's here,'cause I told him how they treat you in here and--and how bad you've been feeling.
uh, y por eso Pete esta aquí. Porque le dije como te tratan aquí. y... y... que tan mal te has sentido?
So is it true that King told you him and Lemon were opening a club right down the street only hours before he got killed?
Entonces, ¿ es verdad que King te dijo que Lemon y él abrirían un club en esa misma calle horas antes de ser asesinado?
It was the voices inside your head that told you to kill him.
Las voces que oyes en tu cabeza y no te dejan vivir.
I told him, " You knew that I was being abused.
Y la negación de aquella historia se mantuvo por décadas.
that would have been in the file regarding the 1973 and 1976 issues, and that, I think, should have told him that there was, you know, not just a one-shot deal, but there was at least two prior situations
Sí. ¿ Por qué los medios no lo lograron? ¿ Por qué la BBC no lo logró?
We never told him that... you did.
No le dijimos eso, fuiste tú.

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