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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You told me

You told me Çeviri İspanyolca

52,238 parallel translation
When I was five, I stood out on the street while our house burned down with our mom and dad inside and you told me it didn't hurt because they were already in heaven.
Con cinco años cuando la casa ardía con mamá y papá dentro y dijiste que estaban en el cielo.
You told me it was a dance.
Dijiste que era un baile.
You told me once that the people he holds closest are the most at risk of being consumed by him.
Una vez me dijiste que sus personas más allegadas son las que mayor riesgo corren de ser consumidas por él.
You told me you loved me.
Me dijiste que me querías.
You told me yourself.
Tú mismo me lo has dicho.
You... you told me once or twice of your experiences there.
Me contaste un par de veces tus experiencias allí.
Everything you told me to.
Todo lo que me dijeron.
If you didn't want to talk about it, how come you told me?
Si no querías hablar de ello, ¿ por qué me lo cuentas?
If I told you this was a picture of him and a killer whale, - would you believe me?
¿ Me creerías si te digo que es una foto de él con una orca?
Since you clearly weren't listening the first time I told you,
Obviamente, no me escuchaste la primera vez.
I was told you might have an address for him.
Me dijeron que sabías su dirección.
She told me to tell you that I was who you thought I was and then you'd go away.
Me dijo que si te decía que era quien tú crees que soy, te irías.
What happened is that I went to see Evie and she told me that you fucking called her.
Fui a ver a Evie, y ella me dijo que tú la llamaste.
She told me that you said that I was ill.
Me dijo que le dijiste que yo estaba enfermo.
The last time I told you everything, I woke up handcuffed to a bed and you were gone.
La última vez que me sinceré, me desperté esposado a una cama, y tú ya no estabas.
If I came to your house and John took my handprint and I sat down across from him at the table and I told him that I wanted to talk to my kids, what would you tell him to say to me in his little earpiece?
Si fuese a vuestra casa y John tomase la huella de mi mano y me sentase con él en la mesa y le dijese que quiero hablar con mis hijos, ¿ qué le dirías por ese auricular que me dijese?
You reached across the table, took my hands, and looked at me, and I felt like I could've told you anything.
Y tú te estiraste, me cogiste de las manos y me miraste a los ojos, y sentí que podía contarte cualquier cosa.
- She told me that you asked if I...
Me dijo que tú preguntaste si...
When Matt told me you were gone, I didn't believe him.
Cuando Matt dijo que te fuiste, no le creí.
And I knew that if I told you what happened... that you would never believe me.
Y sabía que si te contaba lo que pasó, nunca me creerías.
- You told him you'd let me go.
- Le dijiste que me dejarías ir.
Billy told me I should worry... that you will be Madi's end.
Billy me dijo que debería preocuparme... de que fueras el fin de Madi.
I'm told it is hidden... buried in a secret place known only to Captain Rackham and the two of you.
Me han dicho que está escondido... enterrado en un lugar secreto conocido solo por el Cap. Rackham y vosotros dos.
Billy told me I should worry that you will be Madi's end.
Billy me dijo que debería preocuparme que tú pudieras ser el fin de Madi.
And I'm told you likely wielded the sword personally.
Y me dijeron que tu empuñaste la espada, en persona.
I told you to stop calling me.
¡ Deja de llamarme!
once told me that you can put up with anything for ten seconds.
me dijo : "Soportas lo que sea diez segundos".
You've told me you loved my father like a brother.
Me has dicho que querías a mi padre como si fuera tu hermano.
It's true you should have told me... but it's also true that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.
Es cierto que deberías habérmelo contado... pero también es cierto que yo no estaría aquí de no ser por ti.
I told you don't lie to me.
Te he dicho que no me mientas.
Someone who I trust... told me you were a stand-up guy.
Alguien en quien confío... me dijo que eres un tío legal.
Rebecca told me you were the one who knew I was innocent.
Rebecca me dijo que eres el que creía en mi inocencia.
- You still haven't told me who you're using for this job.
- Aún no me has contado a quién estás usando para este trabajo.
Eric told me to take care of you, so that's what I'm doing.
Eric me ha dicho que cuide de ti, y eso es lo que hago.
Eric told me to take care of you, so that's what I'm doing.
Eric me dijo que cuidara de ti, eso es lo que hago.
I told them to bring you to me.
Les he dicho que te traigan hasta mí.
Well, I could be more sure if you told exactly what it is I'm looking for.
Bueno, estaría más seguro si me dijeras exactamente qué estoy buscando.
I told myself I was protecting you, but now I...
Me digo a mí mismo que te estaba protegiendo. pero ahora yo...
Yes, Count Olaf told me you were very particular about that.
Sí, el Conde Olaf me contó que son muy exigentes en ese aspecto.
I'm told you removed the one who governed the pirates before you.
Me han dicho que te has librado de quien gobernaba a los piratas antes que tú.
When Mr. Scott... when your father told me that you and your mother had died... it affected me a great deal.
Cuando el Sr. Scott... Cuando tu padre me dijo que tu madre y tú habíais muerto... me afectó muchísimo.
I remember when you first told me, it sounded like a... invention.
Recuerdo que la primera vez que me lo contaste, me pareció una invención.
And what is of some concern to me is that... despite how invested we each are in the future of the other... you just told me that story again.
Y lo que me preocupa es que... a pesar de lo dedicados que estamos mutuamente en el futuro del otro... me acabas de contar la misma historia.
I told you, I'm not interested.
Te dije que no me interesa.
They told me that when you were at college... you...
Me dijeron que cuando fuiste a la universidad...
I told Tom I am so happy that you're gonna be there after what happened last year.
Le dije a Tom lo feliz que me hace que vengas después de todo lo que pasó.
Anyway, she told me about your little rooftop phone call you made yesterday after you Houdini'd out of my zip ties.
De todas formas, me contó lo de la llamadita que hiciste ayer en la azotea después de que te quitaras las bridas a lo Houdini.
Vince, I told you I'd take care of this.
Vince, te dije que me ocuparía de esto.
Wait a second, you didn't tell me Monica told you exactly what happened to Margaret black.
¿ Exactamente lo que le pasó a Margaret Black?
She probably told you that she never mentioned dawn black to me by name.
Ella probablemente te dijo que nunca... me mencionó a Dawn Black por nombre.
- I told you. Keep fit.
Me mantiene en forma.

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