And all the while Çeviri Fransızca
945 parallel translation
And all the while, they're thinking of someone else some fellow who's gone to France, perhaps!
Et on pense à quelqu'un d'autre... Quelqu'un en France, probablement!
And all the while there's a great shining destiny opening up.
Pendant ce temps, il y a toute une destinée qui s'ouvre.
And all the while the night was haunted by her smile.
"Mon sommeil a été hanté toute la nuit par son sourire..."
And all the while the truth was lurking in the shadows.
Et la vérité était tapie dans l'ombre.
And all the while she was carrying on with him like some Jezebel.
Et pendant ce temps, elle était avec lui, la Jézabel.
And all the while you've been my friend.
Et tout ce temps, vous étiez mon ami.
And all the while, her heart's aching, torn with loneliness and uncertainty. Not knowing whether you're dead or alive.
Tu veux penser que ça va aller mais son cœur souffre, déchiré par la solitude et l'incertitude, sans savoir si tu es vivant ou mort.
And all the while, you got her.
Et vous étiez avec elle!
" Dawn follows Dawn, and Nights grow old and all the while this curious cat
"Passent les jours, meurent les nuits. " Sur les soies de Chine, hiératique, Repose un chat mystérieux
And all the while you suspected she was a British agent.
Et pendant ce temps là vous la suspectiez d'être un agent anglais.
All the while, Cortes's captains are pacing up and down, getting more and more nervous.
Durant ce temps, les capitaines de Cortes arpentent la salle de haut en bas, devenant de plus en plus nerveux.
While the cops caught me for drunk driving, she was on the phone, and then... it all happened so quickly. Go Eun! - Go Eun!
27 ) } THE FRENCH 51 ) } Siwonnies
- Yes, but the trouble is you can't enforce it. It was put over on the American people while our boys were over there and all our girls were over here.
Mais l'ennui, c'est qu'il a été imposé au peuple américain... tandis que nos hommes étaient là-bas et nos filles ici.
But she played a one-night stand on me and beat it down here... while I was following a chump steer... all the way up to Memphis and back for the last month.
Mais elle m'a posé un lapin et a poussé jusqu'ici pendant que je suivais un leurre jusqu'à Memphis. J'ai mis un mois pour la retrouver.
♪ While all the men are dancing and tenderly romancing, ♪ ♪ I've got to throw her body around. ♪
Alors que d'autres dansent tendrement, je dois la faire danser.
I get to stay here with an old housewife while you go out and have all the fun.
Je me farcis la "Frau" collet monté et vous allez vous amuser!
But after a while all the fat fell off my brains and I...
Après un certain temps, mon cerveau s'est allumé et...
As long as we have each other and the children to love perhaps in a little while we'll all be happy again.
Tant que nous nous aimerons, dans quelque temps, peut-être, nous retrouverons le bonheur.
You found him. All you have to do is go and talk to those men in the front... while I let Baby out the back.
Bavardez avec les camionneurs, pendant que je fais sortir Bébé.
It's been my idea to make a few thousands early in the game and then quit for as long as it lasts and try to find out who I am and what goes on now, while I'm young and feel good all the time.
J'avais envie de gagner quelques milliers d'entrée de jeu, puis de m'arrêter tant qu'ils dureraient pour découvrir qui je suis et le but de la vie, maintenant, tant que je suis jeune et en bonne santé.
Today, while the earth shakes beneath the heels of marching troops while a great portion of the world trembles before the threats of acquisitive, power-mad men we of America have little time to remember an astounding era in our own recent history an era which will grow more and more incredible with each passing generation until someday people will say it never could've happened at all.
La terre résonne du pas des troupes en marche. Des hommes ivres de pouvoir menacent le monde. On a peine à se souvenir d'une époque aux USA.
Will you all leave while Dr. Burgher and I make out the death certificates?
Voulez-vous nous laisser faire le certificat de décès?
But not everybody hits the jackpot while they is young and all.
La chute n'est jamais loin, mais tout le monde ne touche pas le jackpot - dans sa prime jeunesse.
While all this is going on... the Sheriff and his men are holding conferences.
"Le shérif" "délibère avec ses hommes."
We went out for a drink, sat and chewed the fat for a while, and then came home. Now, you know all the rest.
Nous avons discuté en buvant un verre, puis nous sommes rentrés.
And once in a while his arm reaches for the ceiling for no reason at all. Just likes to stretch, I guess.
Parfois, il lève les bras au ciel sans raison, pour le plaisir.
During the earlier years of this period while bangs and bustles were having their way with women there were seen men of all ages to whom a hat meant only that rigid tall silk thing known to impudents as a stovepipe.
En ce temps où les femmes portaient le corset, les messieurs, quel que soit leur âge, avaient adopté ce chapeau de soie, strict et élancé, que les effrontés appelaient "tuyau de poêle".
And while we're on the subject you don't look well at all in that halo you have been wearing.
A ce propos, l'auréole que vous portez ne vous va pas du tout.
When you got your whole future tied up in it... you gotta grab it by the horn and hit it while it's hot. Something new all the time.
Dans mon cas, il ne faut pas rester immobile.
What're we supposed to do then? Sit and twiddle our thumbs while the Jerries walk all over us?
On va quand même pas rester là à rien faire!
Oh, I guess it really wasn't much but after a while he put his head back on my shoulder and looked at all the men waiting their turns and said :
Oh, ce n'était pas grand-chose... mais il a posé sa tête sur mon épaule... et il a regardé les gens qui attendaient et a dit :
Besides, if anything did happen, you've got all that government insurance, that'll take care of you and the baby for a long while.
Si quoi que ce soit arrivait, tu toucherais une pension qui vous mettra, le bébé et toi, à l'abri du besoin pendant un moment.
And I have to dance every afternoon, every night, while cooing in Spanish into the ears of tiresome tourist ladies from all over the world who came to see the Eiffel Town or Napoleon's Tomb.
Et je dois danser tous les après-midi, toutes les nuits en roucoulant de l'espagnol avec des quinquagénaires venues de tous les coins du monde pour visiter la Tour Eiffel ou le tombeau de Napoléon.
"While the Harvey system neither demands nor expects... "... the impossible from any employee, it does insist upon honest... "... excellent, hygienic, cleanly, prompt and cheerful service at all times. "
"Fred Harvey n'exige pas l'impossible de ses employés, mais un service honnête, parfait, propre, rapide et aimable, à toute heure"!
And instead of enjoying themselves while working to get what they want they go around being miserable all the time.
Au lieu de s'amuser en travaillant à obtenir ce qu'ils veulent, ils restent malheureux.
But the house is called the House of Everlasting Felicity... and I would rather be with you even for a - for a little while... and even if you only pretended... than to have all the rest of my miracle or anything.
- Mais... Mais la maison s'appelle la Demeure de la Félicité Eternelle. Et je préfèrerais être avec vous, même pour... pour un petit moment.
You know, while she was talking, all I could think of was a little girl in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Tandis qu'elle parlait, je revoyais une petite fille... qui portait des nattes et se bagarrait avec les garçons.
Jeannie, you're gonna be a good girl, aren't you and take care of all the strays while I'm gone, hmm?
Jeannie, tu vas bien te comporter, hein, t'occuper des bêtes égarés quand je serai loin?
Stands and bleachers and boxes are packed solid and the infield is jammed while the coolest men in all this excitement are the drivers themselves.
Les gradins et les loges sont pleins, tout comme le milieu de la piste, alors que parmi cette excitation, les pilotes gardent leur calme.
Looks like this old river got tired of all the running and jumping and decided to rest for a while.
La rivière semble fatiguée, par sa course et elle a décidée de s'accorder, un instant de répit.
The'Sheba Queen'is still free to burn and pillage English ships while all we have from you is the unlikely story that Captain Providence is a woman.
Le Sheba Queen est toujours à même de piller nos navires. Et vous affabulez au sujet de Providence : Ce serait une femme!
Let us rejoice in the time of our youth while all our hearts still are beating strong And the bright, shining future is ours
Réjouissons-nous de notre jeunesse tandis que nos coeurs battent encore fort et que nôtre avenir sera prometteur et brillant.
After a while, you get it through your skull that all this Party line is a lot of con, and, sort of in self-defense, you give the bug juice a whirl.
Tôt ou tard, on réalise que le parti est une arnaque, et pour oublier qu'on s'est fait avoir, on se met à boire.
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, ingratitude, more strong than traitors'arms, quite vanquished him, then burst his mighty heart, and, in his mantle muffling up his face, even at the base of Pompey's statue, which all the while ran blood,
Quand le noble César se vit frappé par lui, l'ingratitude, plus forte que le bras des traîtres, le vainquit, son grand coeur éclata, et, cachant son visage sous sa toge, au pied de la statue de Pompée ruisselante de sang,
For a while, I thought the German Luftwaffe had shot him down, reindeer, sleigh and all. But no, sir.
Seulement, je pensais que la Luftwaffe l'avait tout bonnement abattu!
And then, for a while, I forgot all about the trailer -
Et puis, pendant un moment, j'oub? iai comp? ètement?
It is interesting to note that while the story has been given front-page space... in newspapers in the United States and all other parts of the free world... Pravda, the official mouthpiece of the Soviet Union... has, as yet, failed to take note on it.
Alors que cette histoire fait la une des journaux du monde libre, la Pravda, l'organe officiel de l'U.R.S.S., n'en a pas fait mention.
While you're settling the details, is it all right if I go out and buy the lady a ring?
Pendant ce temps, puis-je aller lui acheter une alliance?
I got a bunk, pretty nurse and all the trimmings while you ride in the bucket seats.
Le grand luxe. - Vous, vous serez en deuxième.
I guess it was just a coincidence that the mission was open and empty all night while everybody suddenly took off on an all-night crusade.
Etait-ce une coïncidence que la mission... soit restée ouverte et vide toute la nuit... et que tout le monde soit parti en croisade nocturne?
And my father, he kept screaming he'd sooner die than be a cripple all his life... While they kept digging the bullets out of his legs.
Mon père hurlait qu'il préférait mourir que vivre une vie d'invalide pendant qu'on lui extrayait les balles.
and all the time 27
and all 124
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all 124
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all that stuff 21
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all this 26
all the while 44
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
all the while 44
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and as you can see 106
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as you can see 106
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32