And how is that Çeviri Fransızca
2,957 parallel translation
And how is that?
Et comment ça?
Oh, right. And how is that going for you so far?
Comment ça se passe jusqu'ici?
Oh? And how is that, Miss O'Brien?
Pourquoi ça Miss O'Brien?
And how is that less plausible than your sleigh?
- C'est aussi possible que le traîneau.
And we now know that the New Orleans Police Department is responsible, just like they're responsible in the death of Henry Glover, and those people shot on the Danziger Bridge, and Raymond Robair and Danny Brumfield and who knows how many more.
Et nous savons maintenant que la police de la Nouvelle Orleans est responsable, tout commme elle est responsable de la mort de Henry Glover et de ces gens abbatus sur le pont Danziger. et Raymond Robair, Danny Brumfield et qui sait, encore plein d'autres.
My Torah portion is Exodus, and I wrote a whole nice speech about how it's a metaphor for the immigrant experience, but I'm not gonna read that.
Mon extrait de la Torah est Exodus, et j'ai écris tout un beau discours sur le fait que c'est une métaphore sur l'expérience de l'immigration, mais.. euh.. Je ne vais pas lire çà.
And that is how I believe the victim contracted the virus.
Et c'est comme ça que je crois que la victime a contracté le virus.
All you can do is give him some structure and be patient, no matter how hard that is for you.
Tout ce que tu peux faire c'est lui donner du temps et attendre, peu importe combien c'est dur pour toi.
And we have to admit there's at least a possibility that Little D is telling the truth, and given that, how do we not make the effort to find out what really happened?
Et on doit admettre qu'il y a une possibilité que Little D disent la vérité, compte-tu de ces données, comment ne peut-on pas faire l'effort de trouver ce qui est vraiment arrivé?
But they'd done it before. That's how they got their lipsticks and nylons by taking that risk. That's who he is.
Mais c'est en prenant ces risques qu'elles trouvent leurs rouges à lèvres.
Pull the trigger and find out just how true that is.
Appuyer sur la gâchette et découvrez à quel point cela est vrai.
And that is definitely not how I talk to patient.
Et ce n'est vraiment pas comme ça que je parle à un patient.
Do you know how unusual it is to see someone doing something that's so open and honest and weird and you're not making fun of them in your mind?
Tu sais à quel point c'est peu fréquent de voir quelqu'un faire quelque chose de tellement ouvert et honnête et bizarre et de ne pas se moquer d'eux intérieurement?
And, you know, to remind you how bad you are at your job, I am going to be sleeping here in the den or the living room or whatever you call this until you get fed up enough to do something that is really going to help me.
Et pour vous rappeler combien vous êtes mauvaise dans votre travail, je vais dormir ici, dans la piaule ou le salon peu importe comment vous l'appelez jusqu'à ce que vous en ayez assez pour faire quelque chose qui va vraiment m'aider.
The only person other than you that knew this place existed and how to navigate it, is Donald.
À part toi, une seule personne connaissait son existence et son fonctionnement. Donald.
How is it that Henry sleeps with Adrian and you end up not being friends with me?
Comment ça se fait qu'Henry à couché avec Adrianna et que finnisent par ne pas être ami avec moi?
But there are times when you're sure to be discovered, and all that's left is how and when.
Mais il y a des fois où vous êtes surs d'être découvert, reste à savoir comment et quand.
I need to know who this body is, and how long it's been in that grave.
J'ai besoins de savoir qui est ce cadavre, et depuis quand il est dans ce trou.
This is how the tabloid world works and that magazine turns a profit in a competitive market.
- Les tabloïds tournent comme ça. On est bénéficiaires malgré la concurrence.
Is there? So can you tell me how you became involved in the hit-and-run incident that Ms Laverty reported?
Alors, dites-moi comment vous vous êtes retrouvé dans l'accident-délit de fuite que Mme Laverty a signalé?
How is it that Henry sleeps with Adrian and you end up not being friends with me?
Comment se fait-il qu'Henry couche avec Adrian et que tu finisses par ne plus être amis avec moi?
How do you explain the fact that Maddox, the killer we're searching for and the man who shot you last year, is the one lying there dead?
Comment expliquez-vous le fait que Maddox, le tueur que nous cherchons et l'homme qui vous a tiré dessus l'an dernier, est là gisant, mort?
( Amplified voice ) This is a song that my mom wrote, and my dad's the one who taught me how to play guitar one million years ago, so if I suck, it's their fault.
C'est une chanson que ma mère a écrite, Et c'est mon père qui m'a appris à la jouée à la guitare il y a de ça 1 millions d'années, alors si je suis nul, c'est de leur faute.
But if we may beg some silk samples from the Great Hall, you could feel for yourselves how taffeta is so stiff it almost stands up on its own and chiffon so soft that it runs over your skin like water.
Mais si nous demandions quelques échantillons de soie à la grande salle vous pourriez sentir par vous-mêmes comment le taffetas est si rigide qu'il tient presque debout tout seul et la mousseline si douce qu'elle vous glisse sur la peau comme de l'eau.
If Mecca is this barren, infertile place, how is it that, in the Qur'an, the opponents of the Prophet are described as keeping cattle and growing olives and vines?
Si La Mecque est ce lieu stérile, infertile, comment se fait-il que, dans le Coran, les adversaires du prophète sont décrits comme gardant du bétail et cultivant des olives et des vignes?
"this is what I see", and bring out why this is different from how Muslims see themselves, that, I think, is a very honest effort, and is a good effort.
"voici ce que je vois", et faites ressortir pourquoi c'est différent de la façon dont les musulmans se voient, ça, je pense, c'est un effort très honnête, et c'est un bon effort.
Yeah, well, I was thinking about what Finn said about last chances,... And how everyone's joining all these clubs because they don't want to miss out, and the truth is, is that ever since Santana left, you're the only person that makes me smile.
J'ai pensé à ce que disait Finn sur les dernières chances, et les autres rejoignent des clubs pour ne rien rater, et franchement, depuis le départ de Santana,
Giving the people who knew Juan an opportunity to express how important he was to them, and then letting those people know that even though Juan is gone, he will live in their hearts forever.
Donner aux personnes qui connaissaient Juan une opportunité d'exprimer à quel point il était important pour eux, et laisser ces gens savoir que même si Juan est parti, il vivra dans leur coeur pour toujours.
You're gonna know that your patient is a murderer, and it's gonna color how you feel about him.
Tu sauras que ton patient est un meurtrier, et cela colorera ton jugement.
You paid all the bills, I don't know how to do laundry, folding is confusing and hard, and how did you make our bed look like that every morning?
Tu payais toutes les factures, et je ne sais pas faire une machine Devoir continuer est troublant et dur, Et comment faisait tu ressembler notre lit à ça tous les matins?
And lastly, because she likes to just sit in her room and read... that is, when we aren't taking turns giving her hugs... one of the hardest things for us to figure out was how to get her to exercise more.
Et comme elle aime bien lire dans sa chambre quand on a fini de lui faire des câlins, on a dû trouver un moyen pour qu'elle fasse plus d'exercice.
- I don't. And it may take me days to go through them all, but that is how committed I am to the truth.
Et ça pourrait me prendre des jours pour toutes les regarder, mais c'est à ce point là que je suis lié à la vérité.
How is it that you're getting more and more drunk?
Comment ça se fait que tu sois de plus en plus ivre?
How is it that you find "smelting" to be so funny and "frelting" to be absolutely horrifying?
Comment est-ce que la "fusion" peut être si drôle et le "feutrage" est absolument horrible?
And, uh, how is that, my curious friend?
Et comment cela, mon petit?
I mean, how is it that you can commit to these women you barely know and you can't commit to me?
Je veux dire, comment tu peux t'engager avec ces femmes que tu connais à peine alors que tu ne peux t'engager avec moi?
I need you to stay focused on how strong you are and how your baby is feeding off of that strength.
J'ai besoin que vous restiez concentrée sur le fait d'être forte et sur comment votre bébé va se nourrir de cette force.
Just, look, you know how difficult she is, and the last thing I need is for her to figure out that you and I were ever...
Juste, écoute, tu sais comme elle est et la dernière chose dont j'ai besoin est qu'elle sache que toi et moi étions...
And not to mention, she is a Mets fan, so... I don't know how they're gonna deal with that.
Et pour ne pas mentionner, elle est une fan des Mets, donc... je ne sais pas comment ils vont être d'accord avec ça.
That's almost exactly how far it is to Long Island City and back.
Soit à peu près l'aller-retour jusqu'à Long Island.
that is how long it took between the Navy knocking on our front door and the phone ringing and your voice being on the other line.
c'est le temps qu'il faut entre la Marine frappant à notre porte d'entrée et le téléphone qui sonne avec ta voix à l'autre bout de la ligne.
Anyway, just get yourself over here. I've got the tree, the decorations, and the know-how from Lethal Weapon 2 to pop that shoulder right back into place. Yep, there is not one reason to leave this apartment for even a second tonight.
bref, viens juste à la maison j'ai le sapin, les décorations et le guide du Lethal Weapon 2 pour remettre une épaule à sa place il n'y a aucune raison de quitter cet appartement même pour une seconde ce soir
And Han knows how frustrating that is,'cause he's been waiting to be serviced for years.
Et Han sait à quel point c'est frustrant, parce-qu'il attend qu'on s'occupe de lui depuis des années.
Powerless and incompetent! Are you saying that is how I should live?
je me vois forcé de le reconnaître.
At one of the baseball matches, he heard that whoever hit a home run would receive a great reward ; and this is the reason for him holding onto baseball. I was once a baseball machine who only knew how to play baseball.
il a entendu parler de la récompense offerte à celui qui ferait un home run et c'est la raison pour laquelle il s'accroche au baseball. j'étais une machine qui ne savait rien faire d'autre que de jouer au baseball. un imbécile. j'ai pensé que ma vie était fichue. ça m'a pris pas mal de temps pour le comprendre.
A person that has a good character and is smart, to be Princess's study helper, how about it?
Vous pouvez choisir l'une des filles de vos courtisans. Une demoiselle vertueuse et de grande intelligence. Que pensez-vous d'une telle compagne?
Is that why you water down your alcohol? How come no matter how much I drink and drink, I don't get drunk?
Est-ce pour cela que vous coupez vos liqueurs avec de l'eau? je n'arrive pas à me soûler.
To think how many hours he spent, with only meerkats for company. How much loneliness taken on him. All I know is that eventually he died, and the island digested him, leaving behind only his teeth.
En pensant au nombre d'heures qu'il a passées avec les suricates pour seule compagnie, à la solitude qu'il a dû ressentir, j'imagine qu'il est mort, et que l'île l'a digéré,
But how could accept that it is critical and? women, let's miraculous one creations you? our world?
Mais comment peut-il accepter que les femmes, miracles suprêmes d'un monde supérieur, en fassent autant?
I'm trying to win her back. And God knows I am losing. But I will continue to fight, because that is how we survive.
J'essaye de la récupérer, et Dieu sait que je m'y prends mal, mais je vais continuer à me battre, parce que c'est la seule façon de survivre.
That is the possibility of addressing and answering big questions about nature, the universe, why, when, how, and when I finished high school,
La possibilité de s'intéresser et de répondre à de grandes questions au sujet de la nature, de l'univers : Pourquoi? Quand?
and how old are you 36
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how do we do that 48
how is that 199
how is that possible 543
how is that even possible 164
how is that relevant 30
how is that fair 41
how is that good news 21
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
how is that 199
how is that possible 543
how is that even possible 164
how is that relevant 30
how is that fair 41
how is that good news 21
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that all of it 17
is that him 366
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that her 187
is that true 1272
is that all of it 17
is that him 366