And how was it Çeviri Fransızca
2,018 parallel translation
And how was it? Did you go all the way?
Vous êtes passés à l'acte?
And how was it seeing her?
Comment ça s'est passé?
and how everything turned out differently and that it was a good life but...
Elle n'a pas pu, mais elle a eu une belle vie quand même. C'est pas qu'elle était malheureuse. C'est-à-dire que je pense...
I told her how hot you thought she was, and then if she slept with you, it wouldn't be the worst thing for her career.
Je lui ai dit que tu la trouvais belle, que si elle couchait avec toi, ce ne serait pas une erreur pour sa carrière.
When I was a boy... my father... told me stories... stories of dragons... rising up... from the sea... how amazing it would be... if a dragon... were to arise... from a shallow stream... and if this dragon were to grow... and fly away... and fly... fly... fly fly free.
Lorsque j'étais enfant, mon père me racontait des fables, des histoires de dragons qui émergeaient de l'océan.
I was just saying how much you really liked Robbie and it just came out.
je lui disais que tu n'aimes que Robbie ; le truc de l'élastique m'a échappé.
Of course it was amazing'cause you're a girl and you know how to do that.
C'était génial, vraiment formidable... surtout que t'es une fille. Je veux faire ça aussi.
He got popped - I don't know how. I mean, the papers listed the names of the inmates, and he was in there when it went down.
Les journaux ont donné les noms des prisonniers et il y était quand c'est arrivé.
The second was how easily she could cut it off... and feel nothing.
La seconde était combien il lui était facile de la couper... et ne rien ressentir.
Who and how many was it?
Qui et combien?
And it was always said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well.
Et il a toujours était dit de lui qu'il savait fêter Noël.
I'm interested to know how and when, exactly, was it that Li Cunxin arrived at this decision?
J'aimerais savoir où et quand exactement Li Cunxin a pris cette décision?
And we can't survive without them. Look how easy it was to get bioweapons into this country.
Voyez comme il fut facile d'amener des armes biologiques dans ce pays.
If we don't find these people, one day they will launch another attack, and I don't see how I can live with myself knowing that there was something I could have done to stop it.
Si on ne trouve pas ces gens, ils attaqueront de nouveau, et je ne me pardonnerai jamais de ne pas avoir saisi ma chance de les arrêter.
So when you and Rudolph were laughing it up back at the crib about how easy all this was gonna be, were you guys like,
Quand Rudolph et toi rigoliez, à la maison, sur le fait que ça allait être facile, vous vouliez dire :
You kept saying how sick the wedding was and getting all crazy about it.
Vous disiez à quel point c'était génial. Vous étiez très excités.
I want to know how they did it and who it was.
Quelqu'un est entré. Je veux savoir qui et comment il a fait.
Look, I'd be lying if I said I thought this was how it was gonna go down but the bottom line is the President wants this I want this and the country will be safer with this.
Écoutez, je mentirais si je disais avoir prévu ce dénouement, mais c'est ce que le président veut, et moi aussi, et le pays sera plus en sécurité de cette façon.
If I was drunk, I'd be saying how amazing you look and how crazy it is that you're standing here on your own.
Si j'étais soûl, je vous dirais à quel point vous êtes belle et à quel point c'est fou que vous soyez ici, seule.
It's supposed to lighten your skin, you know, how like michael jackson did when he was black, and then he turned almost white.
- J'ai une bouteille. Une caisse doit traîner derrière.
You know how I told you I was wild back in the days, how I ran through all those women, bangin'chicks left and right? It was all bullshit, all right?
Quand je t'ai dit qu'avant, j'étais fou-fou, que je courais après tout ce qui bougeait et baisais à tout-va, c'était du mytho.
I slaved and I stayed with your father and you know how hard it was for me...
J'ai travaillé comme une esclave. Je suis restée avec ton père pour toi.
How did she know it was me and then you talking?
Comment sait-elle que j'ai parlé avant vous?
I remember wishing that my mother and daddy was there so they could see how beautiful they had made it.
J'aurais voulu que mon père et ma mère soient là pour voir ça.
Is that how it was with you and Sharon?
C'était comme ça pour vous et Sharon?
I loved your postmodern take on the whole thing and it was creative how you acknowledged how definitive it was.
J'ai aimé ce parti pris post-moderne. Et vous avez mis en valeur ce manque d'originalité.
My father started it sixty years ago, and the show was actually a seminar to teach the people buying the products how to use the products.
Mon père l'a commencé il y a soixante ans, et le salon était en fait un séminaire où l'on enseignait aux acheteurs comment utiliser les produits.
And I remember thinking how strange it was That it showed up in all three of the men.
Et je me souviens avoir trouvé étrange sa présence chez les trois hommes.
Honestly, Dean you have no idea how bad it really was and what you really did for us.
Franchement, Dean, tu ne réalises pas la gravité de la situation. Tu nous as énormément aidés.
Well, I ask him how he thinks it ought to be done. And then we get down to it and we talk about it for 20 minutes. And then we decide that I was right.
Je lui demande ce qu'il ferait, on en discute pendant 20 minutes, et on décide que j'avais raison.
I thought it was very sweet how well you and Jake were getting along.
C'est bien de voir que Jake et toi vous entendez bien. - Oui.
I had the TV on in my house. I was in the kitchen and I heard a voice pontificating about predatory lending and how we have to put an end to it.
Un jour, j'étais chez moi et j'entends à la télé un type qui pontifiait sur la voracité des prêteurs immobiliers.
" and how it was the final act in my journey towards a magnificent redemption,
" et comment était le clou du spectacle dans le magnifique spectacle de ma rédemption,
How was it possible to feel electricity for one person and butterflies for another?
Comment était-il possible de ressentir de l'électricité pour une personne et des papillons pour une autre?
I was nervous how Carol was going to react since I knew how much rich ladies love their tiny dogs, so I explained to her all about my list and how I was going to make it right.
Je craignais la réaction de Carol puisque les femmes aisées sont folles de leurs mini-toutous. Alors, je lui ai parlé de ma liste et de mon intention de me racheter.
And then he would have to explain how he was resurrected and how it was a miracle.
Et il aurait dû expliquer sa résurrection. Et le miracle.
"and how weird is it that you texted me while I was in the bath?"
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } "c'est dingue que tu m'envoies un texto quand je suis dans mon bain."
You apply this to a jury, and it increases your understanding of how a particular outcome was reached.
Appliqué à un jury, cela augmente la compréhension du raisonnement.
Well, I noticed you put a lot of stuff in my room, and I was wondering how long it was gonna stay there.
- Tu as stocké des choses dans ma chambre et je voudrais savoir combien de temps elles y resteront.
It was less than 10 minutes later that the neighbors began arriving, each determined to get a look at the various paramedics and policemen who were all frantically trying to figure out exactly how to bring the body down.
Il fallut moins de dix minutes pour que les voisins arrivent, bien décidés à observer les ambulanciers et les policiers qui se demandaient désespérément comment faire descendre le corps.
And it didn't take her long to decide how she was going to get it back.
Elle ne mit pas longtemps à trouver la solution pour récupérer son dû.
So I was going to take these and sell them to try to pay for it, and, yes, now that I'm saying it out loud, I hear how stupid that sounds.
Je voulais les prendre et les vendre pour avoir l'argent. Dit à haute voix, c'est complètement idiot.
And if it was happening now, how the fuck did you know?
mais si cela se produisait maintenant, Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
I was at London at the time, where Stelios Haji-loannou, you know, uh, he created the EZ jet, and I was fascinated with basically how he did it.
C'est tout. J'étais à Londres quand Stelios a créé easyJet. J'ai toujours été fasciné par sa technique.
And I was just lying in bed this morning... thinking about how... nasty-hot Nancy Grace is... and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all'cause it's not like there's anyone here to fantasize about.
Et je suis resté au lit ce matin en pensant à la belle Nancy Grace... et en me tâtant pour savoir si je venais ici parce que ce n'est pas comme si... - on peut y fantasmer sur quelqu'un.
We were just in the neighbourhood and, uh... we noticed how early it was getting. We were hoping...
On était dans le coin et on a vu qu'il allait faire jour.
And how did they know it was me?
Et comment savaient-ils que c'était moi?
We were watching you when we saw how at Hit you rebuffed Nikki Stevens even though she could have helped your career, and it was just so incredible.
On t'observait quand on a vu comment tu as rejeté Nikki Stevens au Hit même si elle aurait pu t'aider avec ta carrière, et c'était vraiment si incroyable.
And calculated how much time I'd be away and it was all gonna work, but Mr. Lahey fucked it up!
"J'ai compté exactement dans combien de temps je revenais. C'était tout organisé, puis là, M. Lahaie a fucké le set-up."
I was wrong about the worm and how it was transferred.
J'avais tort à propos du ver et de comment il a été transféré.
But how'd it go? How was it, seeing her and everything?
Elle m'a dit ce matin qu'elle ne garderait pas le bébé.
and how old are you 36
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how is that 29
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how is that 29
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how do we do that 48
how was it 649
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
how was it 649
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219